Chapter Six
New Friends


Nick stepped out of his car and rushed inside the movie studio before any reporters could bug him. Once inside he locked the doors and went to find Sarah. She had arrived at the studios very early that day to film and Nick had been tired so he had only just arrived.

He saw the director. "Where's Sarah?" he asked him.

"She stepped out for a coffee with Amanda, I gave the cast an hour off,".

Nick sighed and found somewhere to sit and wait. Although he had seen her early that morning, he missed her.

"There's reporters here for you Nick," the assistant director called out.

"Tell them I'm not doing interviews," he answered with a frown. He had already been bugged a lot by reporters who wanted the story on his departure from the band.

Someone threw Nick that morning's newspaper. He groaned when he saw himself on the front page, with the headline Backstreet Boy Quits Group Over Girlfriend. He read on, wondering what they were saying about him.

Twenty year old star Nick Carter quit the group the night before last due to rows with bandmates over his girlfriend, an insider reveals. His girlfriend of two years, Sarah Hunter is currently filming her first movie in which she plays lead role and Nick is rumored to be with her in Hollywood. The remaining four members are said to be 'upset' and 'saddened' over his exit but insist that they will carry on as four. Fans all over the world are shocked by the news...

The article went on to say that the guys had not given reasons for his departure but an insider said how he had fallen out with the guys over Sarah. Nick threw the newspaper away in disgust; he hated the whole world knowing his business.

"Want a soda Nick?".

Nick looked up to see a blond guy about his age. "Yes, thanks,".

The guy disappeared then returned with a can of Coke for Nick. "You'll need it, it's gonna be hot today,".

"Thanks," Nick replied.

"I'm Stuart," the guy said, holding out his hand which Nick shook. "I work on the set,".

"Hi," Nick replied. "Well I don't need to introduce myself cuz you'll know who I am...".

Stuart nodded. "So where's Sarah?".

"I was told she stepped out for a coffee. How has she been? She told me on the phone that she was missing me like crazy,".

Stuart smiled. "Oh I'm sure she missed you too. But she didn't show it much cuz she was having fun. She's made friends with the cast members. She loves being in the movie,". He didn't add that she'd been treating the crew members- especially his sister- like dirt, and been spending all Nick's money. He was trying to become Nick's friend and saying that wouldn't do any good.

"I can't wait to see her, even a few hours apart and I miss her like crazy," Nick said, his eyes on the door waiting for her to return.

"Are you sad about leaving the group?" Stuart asked.

"No," Nick answered bluntly. "I was sick of it and the guys were really getting on my nerves. I'm glad to have quit,". Despite saying this though, he kinda missed the others and felt sorry for the fans who were heartbroken.

"Stuart come shift these boxes with me," someone called out.

"I gotta get back to work," Stuart told Nick. "But if you want someone to play Nintendo with or talk to whatever, I'll be here,".

"Thanks," Nick said gratefully with a smile. He could do with another guy around to keep him company, and Stuart seemed real nice. He knew nobody on the set but Sarah and she would be busy filming.

A couple of minutes later Sarah and her friends came back into the studio laughing noisily. Sarah didn't even notice Nick there.

"Hi babe, I missed you," Nick said as she passed him.

"Hi," she said quickly. "Talk to you later,". She went to get her make up redone for filming.

Nick felt upset over her coldness, he had expected a more enthusiastic response from her. He followed her into her dressing room.

"How about dinner out tonight?" he suggested. "I'll take you to a nice restaurant,".

Sarah nodded. "That would be cool,".

Nick tried to make conversation but Sarah wasn't very talkative to him.

"I gotta go back to filming now," Sarah told him, walking back onto the set. She saw Lucinda and shouted at her. "You girl, get me one of my Evian's from the fridge, make sure it's ice cool!".

Lucinda rushed off to the fridge and got a bottle of water. There was no Evian so she had to get another brand.

"That's not what I wanted!" Sarah yelled, throwing the bottle back at Lucinda. "Go and get me an Evian,".

"But there isn't any," she said quietly, looking down at the floor.

"Well go to a shop and buy me on if you have to!" Sarah said, folding her arms.

"OK Miss Hunter," Lucinda replied politely, walking off slowly making her way to the door.

Unknown to Sarah, Nick had seen her tantrum. He was annoyed at her behaviour but told himself she must have a good reason to act like that. Perhaps she was feeling ill...

"I'll get it Lu," Stuart said to his sister then left to buy the water in the nearest shop.

Lucinda was grateful for her brother's kindness. She walked around the set so she would avoid Sarah and went back to the prop sorting she had been doing. She noticed Nick in the room and blushed, she was too shy to say anything to him. She was nervous as she had always dreamed of meeting him.

Nick walked up to her and kneeled down beside her. "Hey, I'm sorry about Sarah, she didn't mean it,".

"You don't have to apologise, it's OK," she said timidly, not being able to look at him.

"Don't take it personally. She shouts at everyone. Even me,". He smiled weakly.

Lucinda returned the smile. " It doesn't matter, she didn't upset me,".

"What's your name?" Nick asked, picking up some props to help her sort them. he was really bored.

"Lucinda," she told him, pushing a strand of strawberry-blond hair out of her eyes. "But most people call me Lu,".

"Hi Lu, well you know who I am? I'm Nick,".

"I know," she told him.

She's so shy, Nick thought. He helped her carry some boxes of props onto the set just as Stuart returned with Sarah's water.

Sarah took it from him without a word of thanks. "I'm on my break now, want a game of Playstation?" Stuart asked Nick.

Nick smiled. He couldn't refuse that offer! "Sure!". They went off to the room Nick had been given to play.

Lucinda finished her task then went to join them. "Can I play?" she asked nervously.

"Sure sis," Stuart said, winking at her as he handed her the controller. "Nick have you met my sister Lucinda?".

"She's your sister?" Nick said, surprised. He smiled, "Yeah, we talked earlier,".

Lucinda beat Nick at the game easily.

"I should have warned you that she's good!" Stuart said to Nick.

"You are good!" Nick told her. "Not many people beat me!".

The three got on well and spent a long time there, mainly talking.

"So what brings you here to Hollywood?" Nick asked.

"We're working here on our year out," Stuart said. "Both of us are going to college in Fall and I wanted to come here for a bit of acting experience cuz I'm taking Drama. Lu came to keep me company,".

"So did you get any acting parts?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, I had a small role in a movie but filming finished last month. We got backstage jobs here to fill up the rest of spring before we go home,".

"Cool," Nick said. "I would have loved to have gone to college but it's too late now. I would have taken Art or History maybe,".

Lucinda spoke up. "I'm taking Art," she said. "English too,".

"You're lucky," Nick said. He felt sad that he didn't have that chance.

"How old are you guys?" Nick asked.

"I'm almost twenty," Stuart informed him. "And Lu will be nineteen at the end of the year,".

Before Nick could reply, the door flew open and Sarah came in. She had wondered where Nick had been for the last few hours and was checking up in case he was doing something she didn't approve of.

She looked at Stuart and Lucinda, then back at Nick. "Come on honey, let's go out to lunch now," she said, wrapping her arm around him. She secretly glared at Lucinda as if to say he's mine, hands off.

"OK, where do you wanna go hun?".

"The pizza place around the corner,". She pulled him away and led him out of the door.

"Bye guys, later," he said to Stuart and Lucinda as he left.

When Nick had left, Lucinda grinned at her brother. "Wow, he was so nice," she exclaimed. "I know I was really quiet, but I went all shy, typical me,".

"He's a cool guy," Stuart said. "Shame about his choice of girlfriend though. She treats us like shit!".

"She doesn't treat Nick any better," Lucinda told him. "I wish he'd find a girlfriend who actually loved him, he deserves better,".


Sarah and Nick sat in the pizza restaurant eating lunch. They had managed to avoid reporters by sneaking around the back, and were eating in peace.

"Who were they?" Sarah asked, referring to Stuart and Lucinda.

"You should know them," Nick said. "They work backstage in the studios,".

"Why do you hang out with them?" Sarah asked.

"Who else have I got to talk to?" Nick told her. "Besides, they're really friendly and good company while you're busy filming,".

Sarah wasn't worried about them. She thought it was good Nick hung out with them as it stopped him pestering her all the time. They won't do any harm, she thought. The girl's so wet, she's won't get in the way of my plans.

"Can you get me some interviews?" Sarah asked, changing the subject. "I've only done one so far, can you fix me some? I need publicity. She had to ask, as that was the main reason she had begged Nick to come stay with her- to get her publicity.

"I'm sure I can, sweetheart," Nick replied, looking into her eyes. "Now what shall we have for dessert?".

"Thanks baby, I love you,".

"Love you too,".

Nick smiled happily. He had been worried earlier when Sarah had barely noticed him that she was going off him but now he was sure that he'd over reacted.

I know she's pleased to see me, he thought. And I'm pleased to see her too. I'm glad I quit the group to be with her instead.


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