Chapter Eight
Marriage and Murder


Sarah and Andy sat in a Hollywood bar one night two weeks later, enjoying some drinks together.

"So filmings is almost over, babe?" Andy asked, sipping on his beer.

"Yup, just a few weeks left! I'm sure I'll get more leading role offers straight away when the world see my fine acting,". She smiled, dreaming of going to the Oscars and accepting many awards.

"So you're staying in Hollywood?" he quizzed.

She grinned at his and nodded. "Yes, of course. I wouldn't leave you baby!".

"But what about Carter?".

Sarah frowned. "Um... I don't know. I need him to help my career and fund my spending. I guess I'll have to hold on to him and keep our dating secret for a while, until I reach the very top and don't need him any more,".

"Surely you're getting a lot of money for starring in the movie?".

"Yeah, but it's not as much as I'd like,".

Some of Andy's friends joined them. "Hey sugar," one of them said to Sarah. "Looking sexy tonight,".

She gave him a flirty smile. "Thanks!".

"Hey, this is my chick, hands off!" Andy exclaimed jokingly at his friend.

They stayed in the bar until late, drinking a lot and flirting with each other. Sarah enjoyed their company, especially Andy's. He was so exciting and dangerous, just the kind of man she fell for. They had been dating in secret for a few weeks now, only a few of her friends from the movie set knew. Nick had no idea she was cheating on him. He thought she was out with the girls every night. She got away with it because Nick spent every night moping at home alone and never wanted to go to clubs and bars anyways.

It reached two AM so Sarah said she'd better head home. "Nick will wonder where I am," she told Andy.

"I'll drive you," he said, taking her out to his sports car. He had been drinking all night but that didn't put him off. Sarah wasn't bothered either.

They sped off down the street and nearly ran somebody over. Andy laughed maniacally, as if it was funny. Sarah started giggling uncontrollably.

"Sorry Andy, I don't know what's making me laugh so much tonight. Too much drink I guess,".

Andy looked at her and gave her a wicked grin. "Must be that little something I slipped in your drink to make you enjoy yourself more,".

Sarah was puzzled, then she realize he was talking about drugs. So that was why she was high! She knew he had friends who dealt them but didn't know Andy did them himself. "That's cool," she said, still laughing.

Andy stopped outside Sarah and Nick's beach house and let her out. "See you tomorrow honey," Andy said, giving her a goodnight kiss.

"Thanks for the evening, I can't wait to tomorrow,". She waved and went on inside.

Nick was sleeping peacefully as she got to the bedroom. She lay next to him and scowled. She was getting so sick of him. Andy had really opened her eyes to what a good time was; Nick was so dull in comparison. She wanted to finish with him straight away so she could live with Andy, but she knew that would be foolish because Nick had the money and fame she needed.

Sarah got into bed and moaned as her head spun. She felt awful. She jumped out and ran to the bathroom, managing to get there in time before throwing up. She groaned as she went back into bed.

Nick lay still asleep, a sad expression on his face as he slept.


Nick sat playing video games with Stuart on the movie set the next day, trying to forget about his troubles.

"You won again," he said to Stuart as he was beaten.

Sorry man!" Stuart said. He patted Nick on the back. "Cheer up, don't be so sad,".

"I can't help it," he said with a sigh.

Someone was calling Stuart's name so he had to get back to work. "See ya later," he said, putting down the video game controls.


Nick rested his head on the couch and sat watching everything that went on. Everyone was busy with some job to do, except him. Now Stuart had left, he had no-one to talk to.

"Want a drink Nick?".

He turned around and saw Lucinda. "Please, Lu. I'll have a Diet Coke,".

Nick went to his private room and lay down, waiting for his drink. Lucinda came in and gave it to him.

"Thanks," Nick said, holding the ice-cold can to his forehead. It was a hot day.

"You look tired," Lucinda observed, ruffling his spiky hair.

"I am," Nick sighed. "I mean, I get plenty of time to sleep, but I can't rest. I'm too stressed out,".

Lucinda sat beside him. "I'm sorry," she said. "Maybe you should see a doctor, that might help,".

"Maybe," Nick said, staring into space.

"Is Sarah the problem?" Lucinda asked softly.

Nick nodded. "Yeah. Well there are other things too but... I hardly ever see her and I don't think she really cares for me any more. She's always out with her pals and hardly talks to me now. I feel like I'm invisible,".

Lucinda felt so sad for Nick. He was having a rough time and she didn't know how to help. "Maybe you should sit down and talk to her, tell her how you feel," she suggested.

"Yeah, I could do that," Nick said in hope.

"Do you love her?" Lucinda asked nervously.

Nick paused. "She's all I have left," he said, not wanting to answer the question. "I threw away my career, my family, my friends. She's all I have,".

Lucinda didn't know what to say. She glanced at Nick and saw how he was starting to cry. "Come here," she whispered.

Nick let her hug him, feeling comfort in her arms. Sarah used to comfort him, but she hadn't in a long time. He missed that kind of thing.


Sarah and Andy went out again that night, this time to his friend Barry's house.

They sat around his pool drinking. "Enjoy last night?" Barry asked Sarah. "I hear Andy introduced you to our little friend,".

Sarah nodded. "Yeah, it gave me such a high. Got any more?". She knew it was dangerous and could kill her, but stupidly, she thought it was cool.

The guys smiled and handed her a few tablets. Drop it in your drink, it tastes best that way,".

Sarah did as they suggested, not even knowing exactly it was. They sat around in the evening warmth talking for a long time.

"How much money does Nick have exactly?" Andy asked out of interest.

Sarah shrugged. "A few million, I guess," she answered. She laughed. "It's enough to keep me happy!".

"Why haven't you married him yet?" Barry said. "Then if anything happened to him, you'd be entitled to all his money! After all, he wouldn't let his family have any after falling out with them,".

Sarah sat silently, stunned at the idea. Why hadn't she thought of that before?! "So if I married him you think I'd get his millions when he died?".

"Of course!" Barry said with a snort of laughter. "Want us to kill him for you? Then you'd have the money and be free to date Andy properly,".

Sarah giggled, not taking it seriously. "Don't be silly!".

"Hey wait up," Andy said. "That's an awesome suggestion! Nick's always so miserable, so we'll put him out of his misery, you get rich and we can be together! Perfect,".

Sarah sat and thought it over. "I don't know..." she said slowly. "I mean...".

"We've done jobs like that before, haven't we Andy," Barry said with a sly smile. "It'll be easy. All you have to do is get wed to him. Then a couple of months later we'll kill him, but no-one will know it's us. We always get away with it,".

Sarah was speechless. She wanted Nick's money and to date Andy more than anything in the world, apart from her career, but could she have Nick killed for it? She wasn't sure about that...

"I don't know," she said finally. "I'll think about it,".

"You do that then babe," Andy said, putting a strong muscly arm around her.

Sarah loved the feel of him holding her. She wished she could have him all the time, instead of Nick. She cared less and less for Nick every day...


Nick sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee to keep him awake. He had been waiting for hours for Sarah to get home, it was well past midnight. But he wouldn't go to bed without asking her how she felt. Lucinda's words had made sense; he had to found out how she felt.

Finally, Sarah came into the house, nearly falling over as she came through the door. She was smiling and laughing at nothing, still high.

"Welcome home honey," Nick called out, as she hadn't noticed him sitting there.

"Oh hi," she said, starting to walk up the stairs.

"Come back down here," Nick asked her.

She went back down and sat opposite him. "Wuzup?".

Nick looked at her oddly. "Are you alright?".

Sarah wasn't about to tell him that she had been drinking and taking drugs! "I'm fine," she said, trying to act normal. "What's up honey?".

"Do you still love me?" Nick blurted out.

Sarah just looked at him.

"If you don't just tell me and I'll leave. I want to know now,".

If he leaves, I can't get his money! Sarah thought in a panic. "No, don't leave. I love you," she said quickly, taking his hand.

"You do?" he said, his eyes widening.

She nodded. "Marry me Nicky baby. As soon as possible cuz I love you,".

Nick was shocked, he hadn't expected that response.

"Please baby. Marry me!".

Well she says she loves me, plus I have no-one else... He smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'll marry you Sarah," he promised. "We'll arrange a wedding for sometime soon,".

Sarah grinned. Yes! She thought. Then Andy and his friends can kill him and I get his money. "Thankyou Nick, I love you,".

"I love you too," he whispered, giving her a hug.

My life can only get better now! He thought happily.

Poor Nicky doesn't know his days are numbered, Sarah thought wickedly. Not long until I get my money and my freedom!


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