
the revelation

"Oh where is Dr. Conrad already?" exclaims Dylana.

"He'll be here soon, Sweetie." assures Nick.

They along with Mason, Anna, and Tammy are awaiting the removal of her Dylana's bandages.

Dr. Conrad finally enters the room. "Hello everyone. I'm sorry to keep you waiting but I was in a consultation with another doctor." He smiles at Dylana. "So are you ready?"

"What do you think?" she says laughing.

Everyone else laughs too. "Alright then let's get to it." says Dr. Conrad. Dylana sits up in bed and Nick and Tammy each take hold of one of her hands. "You know there will some redness and swelling initially?"

"Yes. I've been through it before."

"This time is different Dylana; once the swelling and redness go away your face will look perfect." insists Dr. Conrad.

Dylana just smiles. She takes a deep breath and lets it out loudly. "Well what are we waiting for?" she asks in a soft voice.

Nick's heart begins to race as Dr. Conrad makes the first cut into the bandages. He watches as they are unwrapped from his beloved's face. He notices something bizarre the more the bandages are pulled away. Then finally all is revealed and he's in complete shock. Tammy looks at him knowing what he's thinking. Mason and Anna stare at their newly beautified daughter in bliss. Dr. Conrad smiles at his job well done. "Well how does it look?" asks Dylana.

"You're absolutely beautiful Honey." beams Anna.

"Just ravishing." claims Mason.

Dylana looks at Tammy and notices she's staring at Nick so she turns to him. He's staring at her and is very ashen. "Nick? Baby what's wrong?" He just keeps staring at her. "Nick?!" She begins to panic.

He starts shaking his head and slowly stands up. "No..... This can't be."

"What? What is it?!"

"Rachel." Nick replies in a low voice. "No!" He suddenly yells. "I gotta get out of here." He runs from the room and Tammy follows him. He's too late to catch the elevator so he begins running down the hall toward the stairs.

"Nick!" Tammy calls running as fast as she can to catch up to him. "Wait, come back."

*At the same time Dylana's room*

"I don't understand! What did Nick mean when he said 'Rachel'?"

"I... I have no idea." persists Anna.

"Honey you look beautiful." contends Mason.

"Dr. Conrad what happened?"

"I have no idea Dylana." he answers. "You can see for yourself." He hands her a mirror.

She looks to see her new face. She is rattled when she sees Rachel's face looking back at her. It's red and swollen but it's definitely Rachel's face. She let's out a spine-chilling scream.


*In the hall*


Tammy stops at the sound of her best friend's scream but Nick just keeps running. He hits the door to the stairs and bolts down to the parking lot.


*Back in the room*


"Dylana what's wrong?!" a horrified Anna asks her daughter.

"I'm sorry but I don't understand." states Dr. Conrad. "The surgery was a success. You have a new face."

"But it's not my face." Dylana insists sobbing.

"What do you mean?"

She looks up at him. "YOU GAVE ME MY FIANCE'S DEAD WIFE'S FACE!"

"Oh my.... I swear I had no idea. I didn't even know Nick was married before."

Dylana just weeps. Her father takes her in his arms.

Tammy reenters the room. Anna goes over to her. "Did you catch up with Nick?"


"You knew didn't you? I mean what Nick was thinking."

Tammy nods. "I saw a picture of Rachel last night." She thinks back to how weirded out Nick appeared over drawing the picture.


*Early evening during a heavy rainstorm*


Jane steps off the elevator and heads toward Dylana's room. She spots Anna in the hall. "Anna?"

"Oh hello Jane."

"Is Nick still here? He's not contacted us to let us know how everything went."

Anna sighs. "Jane I'm not sure how to tell you this."

"Tell me what? What happened? Where's Nick? Oh my goodness, did the surgery not take?"

"Oh it took alright." She grows quiet for a moment. "Come on." she says opening the door to the room.

Jane looks at the sleeping woman in the hospital bed, her hand flies to her mouth and she gasps. "Oh my ga.... Where's Nick?" she asks turning to Anna.

"He ran out. Tammy went after him but she couldn't catch up."

Jane looks at Dylana. "I think I know where he is." She leaves to go find her son.

Jane has trouble seeing the road as she drives to the cemetery. Once there she grabs her umbrella and moves as fast yet carefully as she can because the ground is slippery toward Rachel's grave. There is see her eldest son lying on his deceased wife's tombstone. She stoops down. "Nicky?" she whispers as she as she gently takes hold of his shoulders.

He raises up slowly and looks at her. Even through the rain on his face she can tell he's been crying. "Mommy." he says as tears come to his eyes yet again. He looks at the tombstone. "Rachel..." He looks back at his mother. "Lani..." He doubles over and begins to sob. "Oh god. I don't understand."

Jane wants to tell her son everything will be alright but she doesn't know it will be so she just comforts him best that she can. "Sweetie, let's get you home ok? Why don't you come home with me?"

He thinks for a moment. "No, I wanna go home. But can you stay me?"

"Of course I can." She helps him stand and walk to her car.


