


"Hey Nick, something smells like it's burning!" AJ hollered, lazily lying on the sofa, watching Jeopardy.

"Thank you for being so observant," Nick replied wryly. He had been cooking all day long to welcome Brian's girlfriend and recruited, to no avail, Kevin's, Howie's and AJ's help. Kevin was upstairs composing, and Howie had gone out shopping. And AJ decided to be a couch potato that evening.

"Don't have a cow, Nick. Everything's gonna be fine. What happened to your carefree attitude?" AJ said smoothly. He honestly wished Nick would loosen up and just have fun.

As if reading AJ's mind, Nick replied, "How can I have fun when you guys leave me with all the worrying to do?"

Suddenly, Nick heard Kevin's footsteps coming down the stairs. "Smells good, Nick." Nick looked at Kevin and smiled tiredly.

"I hope Brian thinks the same," Nick said as Kevin and AJ went into the kitchen to taste the food. It smelled really good, and AJ instinctively reached for the salmon, the saliva churning in his mouth.

"Touch that and your girlfriend will know your darkest secrets!" Nick cried out.

"Chill Nick. Don't be so uptight," AJ laughed as he popped a shrimp in his mouth instead.

"I agree." Kevin went for the broccoli. Nick shot them both icy stares. Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door. AJ immediately ran for it. And when he opened it, before him stood the most sensual, beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Behind her stood Brian and Howie.

"Well, hello there!" AJ exclaimed.

Katie smiled sweetly at a strange guy with curly, blood red hair and big sunglasses. "Hello. Awfully dark for those." She pointed to his sunglasses.

"Oh." AJ removed them. "They're actually to keep a low profile."

"AJ, are we gonna come in or would you rather we soak out here," Brian complained good-naturedly.

"Stop whining, Rok." AJ stepped aside. "So what happened Howie?"

"Nothing, just came back same time they did," Howie explained.

"So I assume you're AJ," Katie said in her sweetest voice.

"That's me!" AJ smiled back.

Kevin walked out to greet Katie. "And I'm Kevin." Katie shook his hands. For a top music band, they seemed mundane, she thought. She wasn't really a fan of theirs. Actually, she had no music appreciation whatsoever. When she met Brian, they were at the mall and things just happened. She knew only what Brian told her about them.

"Where's Nick?" Brian asked nervously.

"Oh, he's in the kitchen making the food look pretty!" AJ laughed.

"Aw, he shouldn't have," Brian responded, but deep down, he was moved by Nick's caring. "Come Katie, let's see what Nick's making."

"I don't know, but it smells yummy already," Katie smiled. Brian sighed in relief. Everything started out well so far. Brian led Katie to the dining table and Katie let out a gasp. The food not only smelled delicious but looked tasty as well.

"Nick did all this?" Brian felt tears of joy welling in his eyes. He'll definitely treat Nick better after today.

Maybe the evening's not so bad, Katie thought hungrily. "Don't start drooling all at once," she heard a voice from inside the kitchen. She looked around to see a cute blond boy-NO a teenager. He couldn't be more than 18 she guessed but she couldn't tell because his back was slightly towards her. He was holding a bowl of soup. She had to admit that she was impressed.

"I assume you're Nick," Katie greeted him. Nick turned around to answer her voice. "And I assume you're Katie," Nick greeted, giving her a bright smile as well. Katie's face paled slightly as she caught a good glimpse of him now. She didn't realize it, but she was staring, not in awe, but from shock.

Nick looked away under her intense gaze and laughed nervously. "The food's that intriguing, huh?" he said nervously, trying to hide his discomfort. Immediately, Katie broke out of her reverie. "Yeah, too intriguing," Katie regained her composure.

"I'm famished," Howie announced, barely noticing the odd exchange. Then all of them jumped for a seat. Brian still noticed Katie gazing at Nick sometimes. He couldn't read her emotions. She masked them well. He made a mental note to ask her about it later and maybe have a little talk with Nick as well.

The rest of the evening was uneventful. Everyone seemed friendly enough and they parted on good terms. Brian and Katie were the first to leave. AJ, Howie and Kevin decided to stay to keep Nick company for the night.

It had stopped raining when Brian drove Katie home. The ride was uncomfortably quiet. "Katie?" Brian managed to finally utter.

"Yeah, Bri?"

"How was the dinner?"

"It was delicious. Nick's a cool cook!" Strangely, she chuckled.

"And wouldn't you say that he was a perfect host-sweet, friendly, not too mention cute?" Brian remarked oddly.

Katie looked in Brian's direction, taken back by his ambiguous comment. Does he suspect something? She thought worriedly. "I sense some jealousy, Bri?"

Realizing that he probably sounded paranoid, Brian backed off. "Sorry, Kate. I was just confused. You were, forgive me for saying this, staring at him most of the night."

Oh great! She didn't realize she was being that obvious. She didn't need any complications at this moment in her life.

But if Nick were really the person she was thinking of, why didn't he show any recognition of her? Then again, he was so young then. Maybe he forgot. Or maybe her memories were so haunting that every blond boy she came across reminded her of her past.

"Katie? . . . Katie?" Brian called when he realize that Katie was suddenly becoming very quiet. Now he definitely knew that something was wrong. The moment he mentioned Nick, she seemed to pull away into another world. How could he not suspect that something was going on? And that something had to do with Nick.

"Yeah Bri? Sorry, I was just dazed. I'm kinda tired tonight. Could we save this conversation for tomorrow?" Brian had finally arrived at Katie's place. He was struck by Katie's unwillingness to talk.

"You know, Katie, talking about it can help. I mean, I would gladly spend time with you," Brian offered.

"Sorry Brian. It's nothing really. There's nothing really going on, especially between me and Nick. He just. . ." Katie was unsure if she should say anything. Feeling a wave of courage, she finished, "reminded m of someone I used to know."

"Was it an unpleasant experience?" Brian asked, glad that she had opened up slightly to him.

"Brian, please. It was nothing, really. I'm just tired. Can we talk tomorrow?"

Brian looked at her, disappointed by her reluctance. "Okay," he agreed. Katie quickly gave him a kiss and got off the car. When Brian saw her get into her home safely, he turned his car around and started heading back to Nick's place. Of all people, why Nick? He had always felt a little insecure with Nick around, but since they were such close friends, he trusted that Nick would keep his hands to himself. He wouldn't steal Brian's girlfriend. . . or would he? Brian was ashamed of these thoughts, but he couldn't shake them out of his head.


