Chapter 2


"What'd the doctor say?" Kevin asked as Brian and Nick stepped on the bus.

Brian took off his hat. "The doctor said that Nick has the flu, and he should be up on his feet in about three days.".

Nick sat down. "Don't worry, Kevin, I'm still gonna' perform."

Kevin walked off. "Well, just take it easy, bud."

"How long until the show starts?" Nick asked.

"Four hours," Brian answered.

Nick secluded himself to his bunk. "Finally, some time to sleep."

"I'll make sure to keep it down."

Nick massaged his throbbing head. "I just wish this pain would go away."

"Headache?" Brian questioned.

"Majorly," the 20-year-old sighed.

"Did you take some medicine?"

He nodded. "Yeah, it's just not kicking in."

Brian grabbed a book. "Perhaps, it's a migraine. If that's the case all you can do is sleep it off."

" True enough," Nick bellowed.

AJ arose from his nap. "What did you find out?"

"He has the flu," Brian replied.

AJ stood. "Tough break." He noticed Nick's solemon expression. "What's wrong?"

"Headache. The pills aren't helping."

"Here, " AJ said tossing him an icepack, "Try this."

"Thanks," the blonde whispered placing the object to his brow.

Brian pulled down the shades. "Maybe the dark'll help 'ya." He motioned to AJ. "Come on, AJ. I'll treat 'ya to McDikey's. Nick needs some rest."

AJ followed him out. "Sounds good to me."

Nick pulled his blankets tighter and let the ice soothe his pain. He shut his eyes and forced himself to sleep.

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