


"You shouldn't have, Nick!" pretty blond-haired Sarah Hunter exclaimed as her boyfriend led her to the cliff top which they had named 'their' spot.

Nick sat down next to his beloved girlfriend, looking out at the Atlantic Ocean that gleamed below them. "But honey, I wanted to spoil you! Now listen up, I've got all your favorites! Chocolate cookies, cold cheese pizza, that Italian pasta that you love...". He pointed out the food he had packed into the picnic basket. He smiled to himself, knowing that Sarah must be delighted at his surprise picnic. He wanted her to be happy, as it was a special day.

"One year, we've been together," Sarah said dreamily, picking up a chocolate cookie and biting into it. "The past year has been the coolest year ever, being with you...". Their eyes met and they smiled at each other.

"It's gone so quick!" Nick pointed out. "But at the same time, I feel like we've known each other forever. We were meant to be together, made for each other,". He looked into Sarah's pale blue eyes and sighed. He thought the world of her.

"I know," agreed Sarah. "From the first time I saw you, I knew you were the one,". She leant towards Nick and they shared a passionate kiss.

"Do you remember when we met?" Nick asked her. He remembered it very well.

Sarah grinned at him. "Of course! When I saw your concert and we got talking and found out how much we had in common. Both loving singing and stuff... then our first date...".

Nick drifted off into a dream, thinking back to that day, one year previous. They had gone to the movies but left halfway through as the movie was boring. They had ended up at that cliff top on the drive home, making out in the moonlight.

"Do you remember that time when I sang to you?" Sarah asked Nick, resting her head on his shoulder.

Nick's smile broadened. "Oh yes! You wanted to show how much you loved me so you sang to me on the beach that night...".

"When I become a famous singer I'm gonna dedicate every concert to you," Sarah said, snuggling up to Nick as the evening breeze whipped past them.

"I'm sure you'll be a huge star one day- singer or actress," Nick told her. He knew how much she loved singing and acting and wanted to help her achieve her dream. "You've got the talent!".

They sat and ate their picnic, looking at the sunset in the sky. Nick couldn't help keep smiling. He always felt happiest when with his girlfriend being near the ocean at night.

"You're looking hot tonight Nick," Sarah complimented, stroking Nick's face. "Well that's no surprise- you always look gorgeous!".

Nick blushed. "Thanks. Anyways you look beautiful yourself," he said, pushing a strand of hair out of his eyes.

They shared the rest of the evening together on the cliff top, talking about the past year. At the end of the evening, Nick got a small box from his pocket.

Sarah was excited. "What's this Nicky?" she asked eagerly. "For me?".

He smiled and nodded. "Yup. A little present for our one year anniversary,". He handed her the elaborately-wrapped box.

Sarah quickly tore off the wrapping and flipped open the box. Her eyes lit up when she saw what was inside. "Oh Nick it's beautiful!" she gasped.

Nick hugged her. "I'm glad you like it, see if it fits.

Sarah slipped on the ring. It was a white gold band with small sapphires set in a cluster.

The ring fit perfectly. Sarah admired it on her finger. "Thankyou baby," she whispered in Nick's ear, before giving him a big kiss.

As they kissed, Nick stroked her glossy blond hair and his heart soared. He loved kissing Sarah, she did it so passionately. He couldn't imagine being with another girl.

They climbed into Nick's car to drive back to his house. On the way they talked about their future plans.

"I'll have to see you a lot before you go back on tour next month," Sarah said.

"I've been thinking," Nick said as he drove down the dark coastal road. "Why don't you move into my house. Then we can see each other every day before I go. You're over all the time anyway so why not?".

"Oh Nick I'd love to!" Sarah squealed, grinning brightly. "Then we'll be together all the time!".

Nick was happy that she had accepted his offer. He couldn't wait for his beloved Sarah to move in with him!


