


Sarah scowled at Brian. "How do you know?" she asked angrily.

"I saw you this morning," Brian answered, folding his arms.

Nick came out of his room and started to walk down the stairs. When he heard Brian and Sarah talking, he stopped and listened curiously.

"Saw me where?" Sarah challenged.

"Driving the Prowler into some guy's garage. You told him to re-paint it so Nick wouldn't know it was his. How low can you get, Sarah?".

"Shhh, not so loud! Nick might hear!" Sarah hissed.

I already have, Nick thought, crouching down on the staircase so they couldn't see him.

"I wish Nick would hear you now, so he would discover what a lying, cheating bitch you are!" Brian said angrily. "You used to be such a sweet girl, but not anymore. Wait, was that an act too?".

Sarah didn't answer the question. She just glared at Brian.

"Nick's not stupid, he'll realize that it's his car, even if you do paint it and change the plates. And he'll wonder where you got it,".

Sarah shook her head. "I told him that Jive were giving me one. He'll believe me. He believes every word I say,".

Nick sat on the steps in shock, not believing his ears. Could he be hearing this right? His heart sank, maybe Brian had been right about Sarah after all...

"He'll find out sooner or later. I hate seeing you do this. Nick's been my friend for so long and you ruined our friendship. Was it you that trashed the hotel room?".

"What do you think?" Sarah said, meaning yes. "But it worked- he hates you now,".

"He loves you, Sarah," Brian said. "He'd do anything for you. How could you treat him this way in return? Love is about trust and being honest with each other. Every other word that comes out of your mouth is a lie,".

Sarah went to hit him but he moved out of the way.

Violent too," he noted. "What does Nick see in you? I can't believe he falls for your lies,".

"That's enough, get out my house," Sarah said. "I have things to do, you're delaying me,".

Nick's eyes welled up with tears. "He had finally seen Sarah's true colors. He had done everything for her. He was totally devoted to her. Now he could see that she wasn't like he believed she was.

"OK, I'll go," Brian said. "But I'm coming back later to show Nick where the car is, maybe then he'll believe me,".

"No, I'll just get my friend to move it," Sarah answered.

"One more thing," Brian said, opening the door. "Why are you even dating Nick, you obviously don't love him?".

"Sarah said nothing.

"For your record contact? Just admit it!".

She nodded. "What do you think?" she muttered. "Now leave,".

"Brian, wait!" Nick shouted suddenly, standing up and running to the door.

Brian looked at Nick in shock. "How long have you been down here?" he asked in amazement.

"Long enough," Nick answered.

Sarah wanted the ground to swallow her up. She looked down at the floor.

"Sarah, what have you got to say for yourself?" Nick asked sternly, walking up to her.

"Brian's being mean to me again!" she cried, wrapping her arms around Nick, hoping he'd fall for it.

Nick shook her arms off him. "No, you're the one that was mean to him. And me. I heard everything. Get out Sarah, I don't want to see you again!" Nick pushed her to the door angrily.

"Bye," she said quietly without looking up. She walked out of the door and slammed it hard.

Nick stood in shock for a few moments, then collapsed onto a chair in tears. "I'm so sorry," he sobbed, his head in his hands.

Brian put an arm around Nick. "Why are you sorry? It's her that should be sorry,".

"I was so mean to you, Frick. It was out of order, how I treated you. I'm sorry,".

"You were fooled by her Nick, don't worry. You don't have to apologise to me,". He got a Kleenex box and handed it to Nick.

Nick wiped his eyes and looked at Brian. "Thanks," he whispered.

Brian smiled sympathetically. "Don't you cry, she's not worth it,".

But Nick continued to cry for the rest of the day. Brian cancelled the rest of the day's recording to comfort his friend.

"I have to go now Nick, I promised Leighanne dinner out tonight,".

"OK," Nick answered sadly. He didn't want to be left on his own really.

"I can call over tomorrow if you like," Brian offered.

"Thanks," Nick answered quietly. He walked Brian to the door. "And thanks for everything. You're the best,".

"No problem. Well I'll see ya tomorrow,".

Nick closed the door and went upstairs. It was dinnertime yet he wasn't hungry. He just wanted to go to bed.

Nick shut himself in his bedroom and drew the curtains, plunging the room into darkness. He sat on his bed and stared into space. It wasn't fair. Why did this have to happen to him?

In the darkness, he noticed Sarah's favorite coffee cup sitting on the bedside table. Nick angrily picked it up and threw it at the wall as hard as he could. The cup shattered into a thousand pieces. It's in a thousand pieces, just like my heart, Nick thought, tears flowing from his eyes again.

He crawled into bed and sobbed into the pillow. He just wanted to go to sleep then wake up with everything OK again.

No, I'd rather not wake up at all. I can't go on any more.


Next story in the series: <show.me.the.meaning.of.being.lonely>
