


It was early April and not just any day, it was Sarah's birthday.

"How does it feel to be eighteen?" Nick asked her as they walked hand-in-hand to their spot on the cliff. It was a beautiful warm Florida day and the sun was shining.

"Not much different," Sarah said. "I guess I kinda feel older,".

The couple sat on the grassy clifftop and Sarah tipped out her presents from the bag she was holding.

She held up a large parcel and shook it. "Hmm, what could this be?" she thought out loud. She tore open the package and grinned when she saw what it was.

"Aww Nick, that's nice!" she said, holding the huge box of chocolates. "But you'll have to help me eat them or I'll get fat!".

Nick laughed. "No problem, I don't mind!".

Sarah opened her other presents, smiling with delight. The last one was a medium-sized box, wrapped in gold glittery paper with a huge bow on the top. Sarah opened it curiously.

Inside it was another box. Nick watching with a smile, Sarah tore open the next box. Then there was another box.

Sarah turned to Nick, raising an eyebrow. "What's going on?".

Nick laughed. "You'll see in a moment,".

Three boxes later, Sarah opened the last box. When she opened it, she frowned. "What's this for?" she quizzed. It was a cat collar.

A broad grin swept across Nick's face. Come to the trunk of my car," he said, leading her across the clifftop to where his Prowler was parked. He opened up the trunk to find a cat's basket and a bundle of fluff curled up inside.

"Oh baby thankyou! He's sooo adorable!" Sarah squealed, throwing her arms around Nick. She carefully picked up the fluffy bundle and cradled him in her arms. It was a cute little Persian kitten, just what Sarah wanted as she loved cats.

"He's all yours," Nick told her, stroking the sleepy kitten's head. "You can give him a name,".

Sarah paused, thinking. "Hmmmm, I think I'll call him Nicky because he has bright blue eyes like you,".

Nick blushed. "Aww thanks!".

Nick and Sarah sat back on their clifftop and chatted all afternoon. That evening, they would have a party at a local Tampa club with all their friends so they discussed their plans for the party.

"I guess we'd better get going," Nick said, pushing a lock of hair out of his eyes. "But I have one last present before we head off,". He got an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to his eager girlfriend.

Sarah produced a letter from inside the envelope. She read it, a smile curling on her lips. "Oh Nick... thankyou," she said.

"I said I'd fix it for you, didn't I?".

Sarah gave him a kiss and put the letter in her bag. "It means a lot to me... I knew you'd help me!".

The letter had been a confirmation from the recording studios of recording time booked for Sarah. She was going to have a voice coach with her in the session and it would be taped to send to Jive. Nick had booked it all secretly so he could surprise Sarah.

As the happy couple drove back home to get ready for the party, Sarah couldn't stop talking excitedly about the recording session.

"Jive are gonna love me!" she exclaimed, stroking Nicky the kitten. "Do you think we could start recording an album in the first session? Will it take a long time?".

Nick tried to answer her questions the best he could. "I'd sure they'll love you," he added.

Sarah turned to Nick. "This has been the best birthday I've ever had," she told him sincerely. "You're the best Nick,".

"You're the best too, Sarah," he said truthfully. "Happy birthday honey,".


