


Nick and Brian were hanging out, waiting for a photo shoot to start, playing basketball.

Brian bounced the ball up the court, followed by Nick. "You're too slow for me today!" Brian laughed, throwing the ball up into the hoop.

Nick shrugged, catching the ball. "I can't concentrate," he told his friend. "I'm just not in the mood to play,". he sat on the bench at the side of the room, spinning the basketball on his finger.

Brian sat beside him. "Why, what's up? Missing Sarah?".

Nick nodded sadly. "Yeah- she's booked for her recording today, you know- she couldn't come here to Europe with us...".

"Don't worry Frack, you'll see her next week when the promos are over,".

Nick brightened up a little. "I guess so,".

"Give her a call, to say hi," Brian suggested.

Nick got his cell phone out and pressed the memory button for Sarah's phone. "I hope it's not too early back home," he said to Brian.

A few seconds later, Sarah answered. "Nick!" she cried. "Great to hear from you baby! I miss you,".

"I miss you too honey," Nick told her. "I didn't call too early did I?".

"No," Sarah answered. "It's pretty early here but I was already up. I'm too excited about my recording to sleep!".

"Good luck in the studios later," Nick said. They talked for a while, catching up with each others news as they hadn't spoken in almost two days.

"I've gotta go now babe," Nick said eventually. "I'll call you tonight,".

They said their goodbyes then hung up.

"Feeling better now you've spoken to her?" Brian asked.

Nick nodded. "Just hearing her voice cheered me up," Nick said, putting his cell phone back in his pocket.

They were joined by Kevin, who entered the room.

Nick told him that he'd just spoken to Sarah. "She's real excited about her recording," Nick said.

"Great, but be careful," Kevin said seriously. "Don't let her take advantage of you too much,".

Nick frowned. "She's not!" he protested. "I'm trying to help her out, get her started on her dream career. She's not using me or anything!".

"I'm sure she's not," Kevin said. "But it's something that does happen,".

Nick was annoyed that Kevin had even suggested it. he knew Sarah wouldn't use him, that she loved him for the real him, not who he was in the world of music. "Not in Sarah's case!" Nick exclaimed.

Kevin put his hands up. "OK OK! Forget I even said it!".

the guys went into the photo studio for the shoot, for a European magazine. Afterwards, they had an interview for the magazine.

"Nick," the interviewer said. "Have you got a special girl in your life right now?".

Nick paused, the others exchanging glances. "Yes," he said nervously. He hadn't talked about Sarah in interview before, because his past management hadn't allowed it.

"Tell us about her," the interviewer said.

Nick took a deep breath. "I don't want to reveal too much about her. Well, she's a really sweet and pretty girl who loves to sing and act. She's from Tampa like me and we're very happy together,". He stopped there and smiled. There, he had told the world about Sarah.

I love her so much, I don't care who knows it! Nick thought to himself with a private smile. And I know she feels the same way...


Back in Tampa later that day, Sarah drove home from the recording studios with her mother.

"It took a year, but it was worth it," Sarah said, clutching the confirmation letter in her hands. "When they found out about my status with Nick they were ever so keen!".

"Keep hold of him, he's a great catch," Mrs Hunter said to her daughter. "He could get you to really go places!".

"I know!" Sarah cried. "If it wasn't for Nick I'd be nowhere. I'll hang on to him for a while, for sure,".

She grinned triumphantly. Jive had already offered her a trial contract, after one session. That was easier than I thought! She thought with a mischievous smile. Soon I'll be flying high in the charts and I won't need that boring Nick anymore!


