


"I'm glad to have you on tour," Nick told Sarah happily as they got out the tourbus to walk inside the venue that they would play that night.

"Me too," Sarah replied, holding Nick's hand and walking inside. "I love seeing the world as we tour, and of course, seeing you,".

Inside the venue, the band had a meet and great to attend. From the dressing room, the fans shrieks could be heard. Sarah rolled her eyes. "Don't you need earplugs when you meet the fans? I wouldn't want someone screaming in my ear,".

Nick shrugged. "I'm used to it after all these years I guess,". He put his arms around Sarah's waist. "Now you and Leigh chill in here while we do the meet and great, and I'll see you later,". He kissed her on the cheek before leaving to see the fans.

Sarah and Leighanne gossiped and watched TV until the guys came back. "Miss me?" Nick asked her with a smirk as he sat next to her on the couch.

"Yeah," she said, snuggling up by his side. "Now how long have you got before the show? I'm bored sitting around, I wanna go out,".

"Before sound checks and all that, um about and hour and a half. Where do ya wanna go?".

"Shopping," Sarah answered.

"There aren't any shops nearby, I've already asked," Leighanne said, butting in. "But there's a basketball court outside where Bri is going why don't you guys come too?".

Nick and Sarah liked the idea so they snuck out of the back doors and found Brian bouncing his ball. He waved. "Two-on-two game," he said to the other three.

They played in the warm sunshine until they were interuppted by a couple of girls.

"I though some stupid fans would find us and ruin it," Sarah said quietly, rolling her eyes.

Brian went and gave them his autograph. One was eager to get Nick's so Brian called him over.

"Do you have to?" Sarah said, slinging an arm around Nick. "She looks like a nasty slut,".

Nick was annoyed by the comment but didn't show it. "I'm sure she's not," he said. "Anyways it will only take a second,". He quickly ran over and signed his autograph for the delighted fan.

Sarah scowled at him when he returned. "I wanted some quiet time, just us, but the fans ruined it, as usual,".

Nick sighed, not liking his girlfriend being sad. "I'm sorry babe, but you know my job isn't easy- it's hard to hide from the fans,.

Sarah glanced over her shoulder to see the two fans still hanging around watching. She stuck her tongue out at them then gave them a smug smile. Nick didn't see her do it.

The fans hurried away.


That night, Sarah and Nick were in their hotel room, getting ready to go to sleep.

"I'm tired," Nick yawned. "We've only been on the road a week but I'm already exhausted.

Sarah brushed her hair in front of the mirror. "Me too. After the tour let's go on a nice long vacation, just the two of us,".

"Sure babe," Nick replied. "But after the tour I wanna stay with my family for a while. I miss them, you know,".

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Um, sure,". She went over to Nick and slipped an arm around him. "Come on, let's go to bed,".

Nick wasn't ready yet, he stood brushing his teeth then picked up his Playstation controller to play a little before going to bed.

"Nick, you're not playing that this time of night!" Sarah protested. "Come on, let's get to sleep," she added, thinking bad thoughts. She grabbed his hair and pulled him into their bed.

"Aww baby, there was no need for that!" Nick said, rubbing his head. It had hurt a little.

Sarah giggled. "I didn't hurt you honey, did I?". She flicked off the lights and they snuggled up in bed.

The tired Nick got to sleep straight away but not Sarah. She lie awake, thinking.

I can't wait to get my first album out. I've dreamed of being a star for so long and now it's reality she thought. Nick is my ticket to fame, I better not lose him... yet.


