


Nick and Sarah browsed around the European shopping mall one summer afternoon. Nick wore dark shades and a baseball cap pulled over his face, as not to get recognised.

"What else do you need to buy, baby?" Sarah asked Nick, holing onto his hand.

"I want to buy a shirt," he told her. "How about you, sweetie?".

Sarah shrugged. "I don't know. I would like to look at the jewellery," she hinted.

Nick chuckled. "You and your jewellery!" he laughed. "OK babe, we'll have a look. But I only got you that silver necklace last week,".

Sarah smiled at him. "You're such a sweetie, treating me like a princess!".

Nick bought his shirt and they stood by the window of a jewellery store. Sarah gazed longingly a a pair of pearl and diamond earrings. "Nick aren't they wonderful," she breathed.

Nick didn't see what was so special- it was only a pair of earrings. "Um, they're nice honey, but pricey. Come on, I got you a lot of jewellery recently,".

Sarah couldn't leave them in the shop window. She really wanted them. "Nicky baby," she said, clinging on tight to his hand. "Diamond is my birthstone! It would mean a lot to me..." She looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.

Nick shook his head. "I said no, Sarah," he said firmly.

Sarah wasn't used to not getting her own way. "Nick, just this one pair, I won't ask for anything else!".

Nick shook his head again and led her away. "I can't keep buying you jewellery. I may have money, but that's not the point,".

"You'd buy me them if you loved me!" she said, slapping him playfully around the face, not realising her own strength.

Nick was annoyed at her. She kept on and on. "Can't we just forget about it baby?" he reasoned, rubbing his cheek. It had hurt a little.

Sarah looked at the floor and muttered to herself. He's selfish, she thought. Maybe I should chuck him... no not yet. I've got this far, I can't lose him now...

She looked up at him suddenly and smiled. "Sorry baby, I didn't mean to argue. Yeah, forget all about it,".

Nick grinned. "Cool. Now let's go find someplace to eat, I'm so hungry!". I don't know what came over her then, Nick thought, puzzled. She always used to be so sweet, but she's been strange recently. He looked at Sarah, who smiled sweetie as they strolled through the mall. No, she's OK now. I'm over reacting. She's probably tired and snappy today, that's all...


That night the two sat on the balcony of the hotel, looking out at the city below them.
"Good show tonight," Sarah commented. "I love watching you perform but I'll be glad when the tour is over,".

Nick nodded. "Yeah, I love perform but I'll also be glad when the tour ends. So, when does Jive need you back for recording?".

Sarah's eyes lit up when he mentioned her career. "Oh, August. They said we'll record an album then they'll try fix me up to perform at some events,".

Nick put his arms around her waist. "I'll be so proud of you honey, seeing your album on the shelves in the store. I know how much you love singing. You're so enthusiastic, even though you're voice isn't perfect...".

"What, saying I haven't got a very good voice?" Sarah said, glaring at Nick.

Nick laughed. "I didn't mean that! It's just not perfect. But it's good, definitely above average,".

That was not what Sarah wanted to hear. "Nick! You're my boyfriend yet you make fun of my voice!" she yelled, giving him another slap like she had earlier. "I've never made fun of you! I've never said about your weight, being overweight or anything!".

Nick stood up, his hands on his hips. "Calling me fat?!" he said, upset. "I am not fat!".

"No no!" Sarah protested. But my point is, you were saying I can't sing,".

"Forget I said it," Nick said quietly, looking down at the ground. He hated arguing with Sarah.

The pair of them went inside and went to bed without saying a word.

"Nick," Sarah eventually said quietly.


"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry for being such a bitch today. I'm just so stressed, with the pressure from the fans and being away from home. I don't mean to take it out on you,".

Nick was fooled by her fake apology. "Don't worry, sweetie. I understand. Let's go to sleep,".

"I love you," Sarah whispered into his ear. She kind of meant it, as she was quite fond of Nick. But love wasn't the real reason she was with him.

"I love you too," Nick replied, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Sweet dreams baby,".


