


Brian shook his head sadly as he sat quietly in the backstage room watching Sarah. He had noticed for some time that she wasn't as nice as she seemed, and now he had witnessed her being downright nasty.

I can't believe she did that, he thought, remembering how just moments ago, while Nick wasn't in sight, she had approached a pair of fans with backstage passes and insulted them, bragged about her position with Nick and slapped one of them.

At that moment, Nick returned with a big smile on his face. He walked up to Sarah and put his hands on her waist. "How are ya baby?" he asked, kissing her neck.

Sarah returned the smile. "I'm fine. Just keeping in the background here, staying away from fans. You know how some of them are- they hate the girlfriends so they would only start on me,".

"They better not do anything to you!" Nick said sincerely. "I know some of them might want to upset you, but many of the fans are great and supposed our relationship,".

Brian didn't know what to do. Sarah had turned the situation round, suggesting to Nick that the fans might hurt her, when just moments ago she had gone and hurt fans herself! I'll have to talk with Frack later, he thought. Leighanne came and sat next to him.

"Look at Nick and Sarah, don't they look cute together?" she said, unaware of the reality.

Brian shook his head. "No," he said bluntly.

Leighanne looked at him in surprise. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Brian told her what he had seen. "She's a liar," he stated. "It's been going on for a while now. And I suspect she's only with him for money, or fame I guess. I hate to see her do this to Nick. He's my best friend,".

"So are you going to tell him?" Leigh asked. "It's best to be honest, but it could hurt him...".

"Yeah, I will," Brian answered unsurely. "Well.. maybe not yet. I might have her all wrong,".

Nick and Sarah went to their own private room to be alone. "There's too many fans around, I'm scared," Sarah whimpered.

"Don't be scared," Nick said, kissing her. "Anyways, there aren't many, only a bunch of fans got passes. They look like sweet enough girls,".

"But they gave me mean looks!" Sarah said, although that was another lie. Really, she had been the one giving evil looks.

Nick plugged in his Playstation and started a game. Sarah didn't want to play so she sat and watched him. getting bored soon, she wandered out of the room and back to where everybody else was.

She bumped into a couple of young girls, who wore passes put proudly around their necks.

"Hi you must be Sarah!" one of them said. "You are sooooo lucky to have Nick!".

"Yeah," Sarah said, rolling her eyes.

"My friend and I have a website about supporting you and the other girlfriends," the other girl informed Sarah. "Can we have a photo with you?".

Sarah shook her head. "No, I don't pose for photos with scanky hoes," she said, turning on her heal. "Maybe Leighanne will be wet enough to though,". She headed off in the opposite direction.

Brian had witnessed the encounter and was fuming. He went up to the girls and apologised to them on Sarah's behalf. "I'm sure Leigh will have a picture taken with you," he said kindly. He called her over and the four of them posed for a pic.

"She was mean, why does Nick like her?" one of the girls whispered to Brian.

He shrugged. "I don't know," he answered. "She used to be sweet but she's changed... but she doesn't act like that when Nick is around,".

The fans left and Brian and Leighanne exchanged looks.

"I saw that too," Leighanne said with a frown. "I believe you now. She used to be really nice but now... you have to say something to Nick,".

Brian nodded. "I'll tell him now,".


Nick heard a knock at the door. "Come in," he said, pausing the game he was on.

Brian came in the room and sat down. "Can we talk Nick?".

"Sure!" Nick said with a grin. "What about?".

"Sarah," Brian answered. "I don't know how to put this...".

"Is it about her and the fans?" Nick asked. "She told me that they are giving her threatening looks for no reason. Poor baby...".

"No, I'll put you right," Brian said, annoyed at how Nick had fallen for girl's lies. "It's Sarah that's being mean to the fans,".

Nick laughed. "Stop lyin'! You're kidding me,".

Brian shook his head sadly. "No, it's true,". He told Nick what he had witnessed.

"She wouldn't do something like that," Nick said bluntly. "You must be wrong,".

"I saw her with my own eyes!" Brian said. "So did Leigh,".

"No, she wouldn't do that," Nick said again. He was angry that his friend could accuse his Sarah of such a thing. "She loves me and she respects the fans. She would never so that,".

"Nick," Brian said, looking into Nick's eyes. "I don't want her to hurt you. I know you love her, but you should know what she's been doing behind your back,".

Nick was quiet for a moment. he though back to Sarah playfully slapping him, making him buy her jewellery... her behaviour had gotten worse recently... but he found it hard to believe what Brian was saying. "No," he repeated. "I don't believe you,".

Brian shrugged. "Well don't say I didn't warn you,". He got up to leave, disappointed that Nick didn't believe him.

Nick sat alone, reflecting on what Brian had told him. Brian wouldn't make something like that up, he thought But at the same time, Sarah wouldn't do something like that. He was confused.

His thoughts were interrupted by Sarah's return. "Nicky baby wuzup?" she asked, sitting next to him and stroking his hair.

He looked up. "Uh, nothing?" he managed to say.

"You look miserable, snap out of it!" Sarah said, hitting the side of his head playfully.

"Sorry," he said. "So what'd you do when you left the room earlier?".

"Just wandered backstage," she told him. "Some fans were pestering me, being mean. But I smiled at them and ignored their rudeness,".

Nick sat up and listened when she said that. "Uh, yeah..." he trailed off. That was completely the opposite of what Brian had said.

Nick looked into Sarah's pale blue eyes. They looked so big and innocent. "Brian must be wrong," he muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" Sarah asked.

"Nothing," Nick said. He pulled Sarah into his arms. "I'm sorry that the fans are acting like that honey, I'll sort them out for you," he said as they hugged, feeling guilty that he had doubted her earlier, unaware how she was fooling him.


