


Sarah woke the next morning with a terrible headache. She sat up in bed and groaned.

Nick turned over and opened his eyes. "You OK baby?" he asked sleepily.

She nodded. "I guess. I just feel a little sick. Maybe I caught the bug that's going around,". More like too much to drink last night, she though, but not telling Nick. She thought back to her night out with her pals and seeing Bri and Leigh. They suspect me, she thought, getting worried.

Nick looked at his watched. "We gotta leave soon for the next city, so we better get up now. He rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to shower.

Sarah got out of bed and wandered to the wardrobe. She selected an outfit to wear for the day. In her time of dating Nick, he had gotten her many expensive items of clothing. Another good use for him! she thought with a sly smile.

"Hurry up in there!" she yelled, banging on the bathroom door impatiently.

"Won't be long!" Nick replied from the shower.

There was a knock at the hotel room door. Sarah wrapped a bathrobe around her and opened it cautiously.

It was Brian. "Hey is Nick up yet?" he asked, not looking Sarah in the eyes.

"No," she replied, starting to close the door on him.
Brian kicked it back open. "I know what you're really like now," he said to Sarah. "Nick will realize too, sooner or later,".

Sarah laughed. "I don't know what you're talking about!" she giggled. "Now go away and leave me in peace, I was about to get dressed,".

Brian turned and walked away, annoyed at her rudeness.

Sarah frowned, Brian could cause her trouble. She wondered what she could do about him...

Nick emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel, his hair wet and hanging in his eyes. "You can go in there now honey," he said with a smile.

"Looking sexy!" she said, giving him a kiss before heading into the bathroom.

Later that day, the guys had arrived at the next city. They didn't have a show until the next night so Sarah and Nick agreed to spend the night together for once.

"I don't feel like going out," Nick told her, packing away his things in the new hotel room.

"But there's a real cool club in town, please come!" she argued.

Nick sighed. "I don't feel to good, remember! I'd rather we stayed here and chilled out together, maybe watch a movie on TV..." he trailed off when he saw the disappointment on Sarah's face. "OK babe, maybe we could try the club...".

She hugged him. "Cool!".

"How about asking the other guys if they want to come too?" he said.

Sarah pouted. "Not Brian and Leighanne. They've been nasty towards me recently. Brian was even saying mean things about you as well,".

Nick believed her. "Has he now..? Like what?".

"I was out with my friends and he accused me of things. And he said we deserved each other because we are both so dumb and stupid,".

"I am not dumb," Nick said angrily. "How dare he say that!". He went over to Brian's room and banged on the door.

"Yeah Frack?" Brian asked, opening the door with a worried look on his face. He guessed that Sarah must have been up to something again.

"How could you!" Nick spat, pushing Brian inside the room and closing the door behind him. "You could at least say these things to my face!".

Brian raised his hands in protest. "What? What are you talking about?".

Nick laughed. "You know what I'm talking about!".

"I can guess this is another thing Sarah made up," Brian muttered. "Nick, I know she's your girlfriend and you love her and everything but...".

"But what?".

"She's turning nasty. Listen Frack, she's making all this up. She wants to turn you against me because I figured out what she's up to...".

Nick didn't believe him. "I don't know why you're so against poor Sarah but you better stop now or I'll...".

"Nick, one day you'll thank me for telling you about this. Believe me,".

Nick walked out. "You're the liar, not Sarah," he said as he walked out, slamming the door.

Sarah was outside the room and had heard everything. She smiled. It had worked. Nick wouldn't listen to Brian anymore. He was no longer a problem.

Nick put an arm around Sarah. "I warned him, don't worry. I think he'll keep his mouth shut from now on,".

"Aww Nick you're the best. Not many boyfriends would stick up for their girl like you do. What would I do without you?".


Nick and Sarah went for dinner alone in one of the hotel's restaurants. Sarah excused herself while waiting for their desserts to go to the bathroom. But that wasn't where she was really going...

Sarah snuck upstairs to her and Nick's room and slipped inside. in there, she began messing everything up. She pulled the furniture about and ripped wallpaper from the walls. She went to the bathroom and tipped all the contents out of all the bottles, all over the floor. She grabbed Nick's Nintendo and smashed it up, but quietly. She didn't want anyone to hear.

She slipped back outside, leaving the room like it had been hit by a tornado. Bri and Leigh's room was next door and the door was slightly open. Inside, she could see Bri and Leighanne alone on the balcony, kissing. She saw Brian's favorite cap lying on the floor so she picked it up and planted it in the middle of her and Nick's trashed room, under the broken Nintendo.

Smiling, she hurried back down to the restaurant. It had been easier than she thought. Framing Brian like that would make Nick hate him even more!

"Sorry I was so long, there was a huge queue in the ladies room....".

"It's OK!" Nick said with a cheerful smile. "Oh look, here come our desserts!".

The couple ate their desserts then had coffee. "Come, let's go back to our room," Nick said, taking Sarah's hand. They got into the elevator and rode up to the third floor.

Nick's mouth dropped open as he looked at the room. Sarah faked a shocked expression too.

"Oh my God!" Nick cried. He ran around seeing what damage had been done. "My Nintendo! The TV!". He picked up half a Nintendo, Under it was the hat.

"I should have known..." he muttered. "BRIAN!" he yelled.

Brian and Leighanne came running in. "What the..?" Brian said, looking at the mess.

"You did this!" Nick accused. He tossed the cap at his ex-friend. "I didn't think you'd go this low... get out,".

"Nick, I didn't do it. Leigh was with me all evening and she'll tell you...".

"He never stepped a foot in here until now," Leigh said.

"Out," Nick said, pointing to the door.

They left. Nick was on his way downstairs to inform the hotel manager of the damage when Leighanne ran into him.

"Brian didn't do it, I promise," she said.

Nick looked into her eyes. They looked truthful. "Well I don't know who else could have," he answered.

"It's true about Sarah, she really has turned nasty,".

Nick didn't want to believe it. "Yeah right,".

"Think about it Nick," Leighanne pleaded. "It makes sense. Now she has her contract she knows she's secured her career. She's slipping up. Remember when she hit you...".

"That was playful, not violent," Nick protested. "I know you're trying to stick up for Brian, but I believe Sarah,".

"Don't say we didn't warn you," Leigh said as Nick walked away.

Nick thought of the last words he had said. I believe Sarah. He felt unsure now. He had known Brian for years and he had never done anything like that before. It wasn't like Brian...

But it's not like Sarah to be that mean either, he though, guilty that for a moment he had doubted her. Brian is the liar, Sarah wouldn't do anything like that, she loves me.


