

Brian was sitting in the doctor's office waiting to find out what was wrong with him. He had been noticing weight and appetite loss, tiredness, and loss of sleep.

"Brian, I have gotten your test results back." Dr. York said. "You probably won't like what I am going to say Brian, you have leukemia."

"What? Whahawhy?" Brian asked, stunned.

"I really don't know."

"You should know, you're a doctor! Well, what can I do about it? I can get better in about say a week?"

"I don't think you understand. Brian, leukemia is a kind of cancer. It can't be treated. But you have to have chemotherapy for 6 weeks. Although, since this has been going on for a while, I don't think you will live. You know you will have to stay in the hospital during chemotherapy. I understand that you are in a band and you are going on tour. I say this is a problem."

"Big problem. Can I call my bandmates? I want to tell them in person. Can they come here?"

"Sure." Dr. York said handing Brian some tissues.

Brian went to a phone and called the recording studio. They were recording their next album. Nick answered the phone, "Hello?" asked Nick.

"Nick, I need you and the rest of the guys to come down to the hospital. It is very urgent." Brian said.

"Brian, where in the world are you? We have been waiting here for you a long time! Why do you want us down there? I can't tell there is something wrong by the way your voice sounds. What is wrong with you?"

"Just come down here! I'll tell you when you get here."


At the hospital, Nick raced to the front desk. "I need to know where Brian Littrell is." Nick said to the receptionist.

The receptionist checked her records. "Mr. Littrell is in room 217B," said the receptionist.

Nick raced to the elevator, followed closely by the others. "Man, why won't this elevator hurry?" Nick said.

"Nicky, calm down! He's going to be alright!" A.J. said.

When they got off the elevator, Nick raced to Brian's room, but he passed it off. "Nick!" A.J. yelled as he pointed to Brian's room. Nick came back and went in Brian's room.

Brian was sitting up in his bed. "Oh my God. Brian, why are you in here? Is there something wrong with you?" Nick asked.

"Nick, guys, I I I I have leukemia." Brian replied.

"No! People die from that! You can't have that! I don't want you to die." Nick cried.

"Nick, don't cry. It isn't that bad. I have to have chemotherapy for 6 weeks and then we see what happens." Brian said.

"Kevin, didn't your dad die from cancer?" Howie asked.

"SoYeah, but it doesn't mean Brian will. Just keep that in your head and don't worry about it." Kevin said.

"Brian, I'll come up here everyday and visit you. I mean, if it's okay with you. We can do things like play games and crack jokes and other fun stuff. We can make it fun." Nick said.

"Nick, I have to be transferred back to Lexington. That's where I'm supposed to go. Man, Leighanne going to have a fit!" Brian said.

"Well, there goes my plans. I can't go visit you because I have nowhere to stay. We can't go on tour. Fans are going to be giving us e-mail to fill up mailboxes."

"Nick, you can stay at my place. I'm going to go up there and live for a while until Brian gets out." Kevin said.

"Okay, but I don't want to intrude." Nick said.

"Nick, you're my friend. I don't care."

"If you insist."

"Kev, you don't need to do that." Brian said.

"Brian, I know what you're going through. Nick is your best friend, and he wants to be there for you." Kevin said.

"I remember coming to hospitals to visit fans with leukemia. I never thought I'd be here in a hospital visiting a band mate with leukemia. It's scary knowing that you can die." Howie said.

"Really, it's weird once you think about it. Having a friend with leukemia. It's hard for both friends and family. Brian, think of how upset your fiancée is going to be. Even worse, your mom. They are going to freak!" Nick said.

"You got that right. I'll call my mom when I get to Kentucky. I need to call Leighanne right now. Bone, can you hand me the phone?" Brian said.

"Sure." A.J. said.

"Wish me luck." Brian said. "Leighanne?"

"What baby?" asked Leighanne.

"I have horrible news. I have leukemia."

"Oh, baby, I'm sorry. How long do you have to have chemotherapy?"

"Six weeks. The worst thing is that the doctors don't know if I'm even going to live. Leighanne, I'm scared. You should see how skinny I am. I lost forty pounds!"

"Man, that is scary."

"I have to go back to Kentucky and stay because there is a special doctor up there for me. I'll call you tomorrow. Okay?"


"Okay, bye baby."



