"Please Kevin," Lela begged. "Not yet,".

Kevin looked at her. "And why not my pet?" he questioned.

"Just please one more night,". Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"One more night," he yelled harshly.

Back in Kevin's office, Kevin is alone. He has installed a camera so he could watch his little water lily and this Carter man. "How could he touch my poochy? She was to belong to me," he said to himself, and sat back in a great big orange chair, keeping an intent watch on them.

Back in the room...

"Please Lela, don't make this any harder than it already is," Nick begged. The two sat in the room alone together. Lela looked up at him. The doctor, doctor Kelly, just took his stitches, she ran her fingers over his fresh pink scar. Then looked deep into his blue eyes.

"I love you," she whispered. She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. He jerked back. She was surprised. But Nick made up for the action by cupping her head in his hands and kissing her passionately. He moved to her neck. He couldn't stand it any longer. Her smell alone just made him want her. He lifted her up and laid her on the bed. Slightly pulling up her green alter top, to reveal her thin tan stomach.

He kissed along it until he reached her belly button, the he moved back up to her sweet lips. His hands roamed each piece of her velvet soft skin. Until every button and every string and zipper was undone and every piece of their clothing was on the floor. He lied on top of her, just kissing her.

"This can't... be.... anything... Lela," he said in between kisses.

"What if I want it to be something?" she asked.

Nick groaned and kissed her. He pressed his body against hers.

"Is this what you had in mind," he breathed. In response his lips touched hers. Lela had never felt anything like this before. His warmth against her. They were made one person.

20 minutes later...

Lela laid closely wrapped in Nick's arms, her head resting on his bare chest.

"I love you," he whispered as he stroked down the middle of her back.

Lela smiled and pulled the blanket over her remaining visual parts. Nick laughed and kissed her nose. "Please don't leave me," she whispered.

"I'll never leave you. I'll always be with you in your heart," he said. He looked down at her angel like face. Her eyes were wet with tears. "Sh-h don't cry now,". He wiped away her tears and kissed her salty lips.

"Aw how sweet," Kevin stood in the door way rage burning in his eyes and soul. "I'm sorry my little parakeet, but I just can't wait a moment longer,".

Nick stood up with the sheet wrapped around his middle. "All right Kevin I'm ready,". Nick turned and kissed Lela's nose. He looked at her an kissed her one last time before turning back to Kevin.

"Okay now,". He closed his eyes and braced himself for the stab.

But a few minutes passed and nothing came. Slowly he opened one eye. Then quickly opened the other. Kevin was on the floor lying in a puddle of blood. A cop and Brian were standing behind him.

Strange, Nick didn't hear them come in or the gun shot or Kevin scream. "Are you all right!" Brian screamed.

"I am now," Nick smiled.

"Come on , the police and an ambulance is waiting outside,". Brian began to walk away.

"How did you know?" Nick asked.

"Your mom had the call traced. Kevin killed everyone... Michelle, Robin, a couple other people, you, Shawn, Lance and this girl are the only survivors," Brian looked down.

"Oh and uh you may want to pick that up before you come out," Brian smiled.

Nick looked down, his sheet was on the ground around his feet. And his southern half was totally exposed. He blushed and picked up his boxers instead. Lela let out a muffled laugh.

"You think this is funny?" Nick asked.

She shook her head no but let out another snort.

"Oh I'll show you funny,". He smiled wickedly. He left the room and a few minutes later came back with a large glass. He walked over to her and poured cold water all over her. He smiled and climbed into the wet bed wrapping his arms around her.

He kissed her, " Let's go home."