Nick lay in his bed. It had been a week since both Nathan, and Julie's funerals. He hadn't left his room since then.

"Why? Why did I have to lie Frick, its not fair," he asked Brian, pretty much the only visitor he aloud to see him in the past week.

"Because well... I'm not sure Frack, only you yourself can answer that. And now I have to go to rehearsal. Sorry man. Try to come next week. Maybe it will make you feel better,". Brian stood up.

"Sure man, I'll be there," Nick lay back down and watched Brian leave.

An hour later...

A knock woke Nick up from a peaceful slumber. "Come in," he called sleepily. When had he fallen asleep?

The door opened and young pretty girl walked in. "Hi I'm Robin," she said smiling.

" Hi I'm...".

She stopped him before he could finish. "Nick, your mom told me when I was downstairs. She also told me about Julie and your brother,". Robin stood uncomfortably in the room.

"Oh, sit down," Nick said moving over on his bed.

"I am real sorry you lost them. And in the same week!". She blushed a little.

"Thanks, it was hard," Nick looked her over; she resembled Julie a lot. Could this be a sign from Nathan and Jules that he could move on? Should move on? "Did you just move in or something?" he asked.

"Yeah just next door. My mother thought it would be nice if I came over to see the new neighbors, she heard you all just went through a week of hell,". She smiled; she seemed to be loosening up.

"Oh," was all Nick could even think of saying. He couldn't say anymore or move afraid he would say or do something inappropriate.

"Do you want me to leave? Because if you like aren't ready for someone to talk to I'll just go," Robin said getting up.

"No! No... That's okay. You can stay," Nick said looking up.

"You know," she said sitting back down. "Sometimes the best way to cope is too just sit with a friend and say nothing. Nothing at all just sits in silence. And it's okay to cry," Robin's eyes were filled with softness.

"Thanks," was the only way he knew how to respond. He laid his head in her lap; she began to stroke his hair, and the way Julie did so many times before. With her other hand she held his. Nick felt the hot tears begin to roll downs his cheeks. His stomach turned to a chunk of ice, then heaved forward in a fit of sobs. Robin leaned over and laid over him, like she was shielding him..

Or protecting him from something. After about fifteen minutes of just letting it out. Nick stopped, and began to hiccup like a child. Robin smiled. "There, all better," she said.

"Thanks, I really needed that," Nick wiped his face.

"No problem... I remember my brother Jack, He was dying slowly, from a poison. My best friend James and I would sit on my front porch away from his crying and screaming. And we would just sit. Without saying anything. And one night Jack stopped screaming. I knew he was dead. But James didn't say anything; he just reached out and squeezed my hand. Then pulled me closer,". She squeezed his hand. "If you need me I'm right next door,". She let go and walked out the door.

"Thanks," he whispered.

Nick drifted into another one of his dreams. But this was different. He dreamt of Robin, she was wearing a similar dress like Julie's the day of Nathan's funeral. Her brown hair was waving in the breeze; she was facing the ocean. She looked like and angel. Slowly she turned around. Her hair became lighter, a dark blonde, and she was Julie. Julie smiled. "Nick I forgive you...". With that she vanished.

"Nickolas Gene Carter! Get your butt out of bed!" someone screamed. He opened his eyes to see his mother standing with her hands on her hips.

"Now young man, I don't want to have to tell you twice!".

Nick rolled his eyes, and looked at his clock. "Shit I'm late!" he screamed. Quickly he got up and ran past his mother.

"Nick watch your language!" Nick was dressed and outs the door, within ten minutes. Nick smiled as he and Robin walked down the road to the small school.