There was a startling knock at the door. Nick and Shawn jumped. Kevin walked in smiling and wiping something off his knife. "I persuaded Robin,". He gave Nick an evil grin. "Let's go, one phone call," Kevin rushed.

Nick dialed his number. A knife pointed at his throat he closed his eyes. "Hello!" Nick's sister BJ answered.

"BJ get mom fast," he asked.

"Nick... where are you is everything okay?" BJ asked, sensing the urgency in his voice.

"BJ, just do as I say damnit!" he practically yelled.

"Hello," his mother asked, he could tell she was crying.

"Mom, I just wanted to say I love you and I'm sorry, and I miss you. Tell everyone I'll miss them too,". He began sobbing.

"Baby where are you! Are you alright!" she screamed.

Kevin pulled the phone out of Nick's hands and handed to Shawn. Shawn took a deep breath.

"Mrs. Carter... I mean mother, this is Shawn. Before Nick and I give our lives, tell me something,". Shawn had an edge in his voice and Nick could tell he was going to cry.

"Shawn... honey, what the hell is going on, where are you!" she screamed.

"I love you mom," Shawn whispered. He was about to ask his question, but the phone was furiously pulled from his hands.

"Mrs. Carter, hello. Your sons are brave and bold. And they will be honored in their death." Kevin said wickedly.

"What! What are you doing to my sons!".

Those were the last words the frightened mother screamed. Kevin pulled the plug.

"It's time to die," Kevin sung in a psychotic way.