Chapter Two

Zoe slowly opened her eyes; a floral blanket was wrapped around her. She was wearing a dark blue Nike shirt and gray sweat pants. She wanted to scream, but her voice was no where to be found. She pushed the blanket off, and stumbled out of the bed. She began to wander the strange house, looking for something, anything to tell her where she was. She stood in a hallway, between two doors and one in front of her. She picked a door and opened it.

Nick Carter was lying in a bed. She sighed, she wished she could have someone that great. Zoe turned around and began to close the door. She heard Nick start to whimper. She tiptoed to the side of his bed. On a little nightstand she saw a picture, A pretty brown hair woman, him, and a baby. He looked happy.

His whimpers turned to cries. "Gabby!" he yelled. He began to kick, "Gabby I miss you, come back to me," he whispered. "Please Gabby," his voice cracked.

Zoe kneeled down; she brushed a piece of stray blonde hair away from his eyes. "Gabby," he whispered over and over again. Then he began to talk.

Zoe just kept her mouth shut and stayed kneeling next to him. She held his hand.

"Gabby, I'm sorry, I fell in love," He whispered. "Gabby, please, I'm in love again,".

Zoe felt like crying she had never seen someone so upset.

" Zoe," he whispered. Zoe was shocked. "Zoe, please I love you, stay with me," He mumbled something else under his breath. He let go of her hand and turned on his right side, making it so that his back was facing her.

Zoe still amazed stood up, she decided she wouldn't mention anything of those few minutes. Quietly she made her way down stairs and into the kitchen. She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down waiting for Nick.

When Nick heard the bedroom door closed, he opened his eyes, one at first, then the other. He sat up, "Wow, AJ was right, you can tell them everything, when you pretend to sleep. It's a lot easier," he laughed and got up. He clumsily made his was to the kitchen. "Morning," he yawned, and grabbed a cup of coffee and joined Zoe at the table. Zoe smiled.

"Hey I called your dad last night to tell him where you would be, he said okay, and told me to tell you, to stay here a couple of days, him and Michelle are going to Hawaii for 3 weeks," Nick sipped at his coffee.

"Do you mind?" she asked.

Nick smiled. "Not at all. It's nice to have company. I'll take you over to your house later to grab some things,". He smiled. "But while we finish our coffee, can I challenge you to a game of Playstation Frogger?".

She grinned widely. That was one of Zoe's favorite games. "You're on!" she smiled. This was the perfect time to get to know Nick.

They settled themselves on the carpet, and Nick began to set up the game. "So Nick, tell me about yourself? Girlfriends, you know stuff like that,". Nick stopped and looked at her with a sad expression. "I had a girlfriend, Gabriel, we were going to be married, but she died along with our one month old daughter Sarah in a car accident,".

Zoe's smile faded, "Oh I'm sorry," she bit her bottom lip as he handed her the controller.

"Thanks, so how about you?" he pressed start and took the first game.

"What's there to know? I'm a rich little girl, who's daddy spoils her, My mom died when I was two, I was never told I love you, and I was never kissed goodnight, I was never shown any type of affection," she said.

Nick tried to change the subject. "Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?" he asked, remembering the banquet he had to go to.

"Yeah sure,".

He turned off the game, "Great, we gotta go shopping," He pulled her up and practically threw her in the car. "I'm sorry, I have a banquet to go to tonight, and everyone expects me there. You don't mind being my date do you?" he asked nervously.

"Not at all, I'd love to,".

Nick smiled. "Great, but your going to have to know some things. Reporters use to ask Gabby all kinds of weird things,". Nick laughed and pulled into a little dress store.

"Okay like what?" she asked.

"Nope, not yet, first your dress,". The opened the door and almost immediately Nick spotted a dress. A light green baby doll dress. The kind that had long sleeves and was really tight at the top, but really loose at the bottom.

Quickly, Zoe tried it on. The bought it and picked up some high black shoes. "Thanks for the dress Nick," she smiled as they drove to her house to grab some things, then go back to his place to get ready.

Zoe slowly made her way down Nick's steps, Her hair was left down and at the tips of her hair there was a light curl. "Wow you look great," Nick said with a little awe in his voice.

She smiled bashfully, "So do you,". He wore black dress pants, black shoes, a white shirt, and a black jacket. Zoe liked the glasses he wore; they made him look sexy.

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