Chapter Four

Hannah had gone to bed about an hour ago. Nick and Brian sat in almost complete darkness in the living room. "I don't know what I am going to do when we go back on tour," Nick sighed and leaned back one a pillow.

"Do what you did with Gabby, Take her with you, After what you told me about her father, he wouldn't care," Brian suggested.

"I wish I could, but, that would be hard considering she has college that's here, her friends are here, everything's here, not in Spain, or Australia or New York,". Nick was exhausted.

"Well I give up for the night, why don't you head on up to bed," Nick suggested.

Brian agreed and walked up the stairs. When Nick heard the door close, he snuggled down into the couch, and closed his eyes.

Zoe had been lying awake for almost an hour and a half, She sighed. And decided to go down stairs and get some water. Quietly she opened her door, and made her way out into the darkness. Quietly she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. What was she doing? She didn't even want water. She walked over into the living room and found Nick sleeping peacefully on the couch. She smiled, this was her perfect chance to be with him, alone, and tell him how she felt. But first she'd need to make him believe she needed him close to her. She put on a scared expression, and kneeled next to him. Carefully she shook his shoulder. "Nick," she whispered.

Nick opened his eyes. "What's wrong," he asked sitting up.

"I'm scared, I thought I seen Kelly in my window. Would you mind sleeping in my room tonight?" she asked.

Nick looked at her; she looked like a little child begging for her stuffed animal. Nick nodded and stood up. She smiled and took his hand leading him to her room. First he checked around the room, Then he finally noticed what she was wearing, a silk pink tank top, with silky white pants. He swallowed, "Well let's get some sleep," he said, he watched her climb in bed, and then he climbed on the couch that sat at the opposite corner of the room.

"Nick, That couch is really uncomfortable, why don't you just sleep here?". She fluttered her eyes and smiled when he climbed into the bed with her. "Nick, I have to tell you something,". She climbed out from the covers and sat closer next to him; she took his hand into her hands. "From the first time I saw you, I fell in love. I just want to be with you always, I love you,". She chewed on her lip.

Nick knew he wanted to be with her, but he couldn't stand to be hurt again, and he didn't want to hurt her, but he had to, to save himself the pain. "That's not love you feel, its infatuation, and that's stupid to tell me that, when I don't love you back. I'm just doing this out of pity,". He stood up, He was shaking, Tears wanted to pour. Zoe began to cry. "You don't mean that," she pleaded. She stood up and stood next to him. "Nick, please say that you don't mean that,". She touched his face and pulled his gaze back to hers.

He couldn't hold back. " I mean every word of it," he said. He took her hand and threw it back to her side.

"No you can't, look at you, your- your crying, look you're shaking," she tried to hold back her sobs, but they just kept coming.

"I mean it, you were just a toy, You mean nothing to me," he said stretching each word hoping he himself would believe the things he said.

Get out," she whispered.

Nick couldn't continue. He had to apologize, tell her everything. Zoe I-m sorry, you're right I didn't mean that," He touched her shoulder.

"Get out," she said again.

He tried to pull her closer, " Nick get - get off of me, let me go!" She struggled. "Nick!" she screamed, then slapped him as hard as she could.

Nick looked at the floor. And left the room. By her screaming it had brought Hannah and Brian from their room. Hannah rushed into Zoe's room and tried to comfort her. Brian followed Nick outside and into his car.

They drove around for a few minutes before either of them talked. Brian broke the silence. "Man what happened, I thought you loved her," he asked.

"I do, but I was scared she'd say no to coming on tour with me, I didn't want to get hurt. SoI hurt her, before she could hurt me,". Nick had tears coming down his face.

"You have to talk to her Nick, she loves you,".

Nick stopped the car, and looked at Brian's sincere face. He turned the car back around. When he got home he opened his door. "Hannah, Where is Zoe?" he asked.

"She left,".

Nick groaned. "Where did she go?" he asked urgently.


Nick rushed back down the stairs almost knocking Brian off his feet. He jumped into his car and drove to Zoe's house. It was only a few minutes from his and Zoe was walking. He pulled into the driveway, just as Zoe was walking up to the door. He stumbled out of the car. "Zoe! " he yelled.

Zoe turned around.

"Wait please, let me just say one thing,". Zoe waited.

" Zoe," he whispered. "I am so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you, and I was scared,". He touched her hand, she didn't pull away.

"A moment of honesty, I'm impressed," she said.

Nick gave her a lopsided smile; "Well I'm in love,". He leaned down and kissed her, without breaking the kiss, he lifted her up into his arms.

Nick took one hand off of her only long enough to open the door of a really big white mansion. He didn't care where she landed, as long as it was soft, and long enough for them both to lie on.

He searched for another door and smiled when he found one. Quickly he opened it to reveal a large futon, and a computer. He laid her down on it, both of them gasping for air.

" Zoe. Will... will you please..? Come on tour with me," he said in between kisses.

"Yes Nick. Yes,". She kissed him again. Five minutes later. They were lost into each other.

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