AJ sat reading the local newspaper in the Tampa airport. "Howie, what are you doing with that dang camera?"
Howie polished the lense. "Don't you remember? We're taping the next 24 hours of our lives and MTV will show the highlights."
AJ stood up. "In that case, I'm goin' to the bathroom to utter every damn swear word I know."
"If I don't the entire nation will see me go mentally insane."
Brian looked up from his crossword. "What is D. doin' with that recorder?"
"Trying to figure out how to work it," Nick answered.
"In that case, we could be here awhile, " Brian snickered.
Nick laughed. "Dude, that was harsh. You'd never say somethin' like that. You been hangin' out with AJ lately?"
Moments later a young lady tapped him on the shoulder. Nick kept his eyes on his comic as he politely responded, "Would you like an autograph?"
"Uh--- no, thank you. But I was wondering if you could give me the time?"
Nick became speechless. Infront of him stood a girl of 17 with long wavy red hair that traveled to her waist, dark eyes and pale skin. He gasped. "Uh--- sure. It's um.... 7:00."
"Thank you," she said politely as she lifted her luggage and seated herself a few feet away from his gaze.
"She's a very pretty girl," Brian commented.
"Pretty? Rok, she is beautiful."
"Not when you're 25 and engaged."
Nick smiled. "Well, she sure is when you're 20, on the rebound and addicted to big brown eyes."
Brian took a second glance at the girl in question. "Oh, she does have brown eyes."
"Darkest of all brown eyes."
"Nick, you might want to wipe up your drool from the floor, " his friend suggested.
Nick shot him an evil look. "Excuse me, Brian, but I do believe I have just met the girl of my dreams."
Brian put away his crossword. "Highly doubtful, Nick, it's time to catch the plane."
Kevin entered in digust. "This sucks ass!"
"Kevin, we're filming," Howie reminded him.
"Okay, Howie," Kevin growled, "This sucks MAJOR BUTT!"
"What is it, Kev?" his cousin asked.
Kevin slumped into his chair. "The plane is on a two hour delay! I won't see Kristin for another 6 hours now. As if a four flight wasn't bad enough."
"I won't see Leighanne for another 3,600 minutes!"
"Too much math for me," AJ remarked.
"Well, Brian, it's looks
like I do have time to go talk to that redhead!" Nick smirked.