Chapter Five


Nick guided Greta to the plane. He frowned as he realized that she had been seated next to Brian. Greta's expression was quite similar as she sat down. Nick cleared his throat. "Uh-- Brian, could I possibly have your seat?"

Brian covered his cell phone. "Why would I want to do that?" He truned to the right to see the redhead of Nick's desire. He handed the blonde his ticket. "Here 'ya go."

"Thanks," Nick replied they he traded their seating arrangements.

"Brian is a nice guy," Greta commented.

Nick nodded. "Yup. A little obsessive about his dog, but a nice guy."

Greta gasped.

"What's wrong?"

Greta blushed. "This is my first time on a plane, and let's just say the thought of being airborn in the sky scares me."

Nick placed her hand in his. "I'll help you through it. I'm not fond of flying myself. Especially, at the beginning, and even now at times."

The captain came over the PA announcing take off. Greta took a deep breath and bowed her head. "Dear Lord, please don't let me die on this plane."

As the flight continued Greta's fear only increased. She looked Nick her face, pale her eyes bloodshot. "May I borrow your airsick bags? Just incase. I blew all mine out."

Nick chuckled as he passed them over. "Sure. Greta, you're not looking so good why don't you try to get some sleep. That'll make you feel better."

She leant her head back. "I think you're right."

Nick moved her hair away from her face. Howie noticed the gesture and began filming once again. "You only know this girl for one day and already you're head over heels."

Nick grinned. "Look at her D., how could I not be?"

AJ spoke up. "Nick, if she's so great haven't you thought about the fact that she could have a boyfriend?"

"AJ, she wouldn't have talked to me if she was taken."

Howie continued filming. "Sure she would. She's a nice girl who's alone her first time on a plane. Naturally, she'd talk to a nice Backstreet Boy that'd randomly showed up."

"Howie, isn't the cameraman suppose to stay quiet?" Nick growled.

AJ sipped his coffee. "Maybe you like her cause you're on the rebound besides, that chick did just dump you."

"Thanks, for telling the whole world."

Howie chuckled. "Don't worry, Nick, I doubt MTV will care once they find out about AJ's Dopey doll."


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