Chapter Six


"Maybe she isn't attracted to me? And what do I if it's true?" Nick thought to himself.

Howie leant forward balancing his camera. "What you thinkin' about, Nick?"

Nick sighed. "Greta. I've only known her a few hours, but I really like her."

"There's nothing wrong with that," Howie stated.

"But what do I do if she has a boyfriend?"

Howie shrugged. "Nothing, I guess. I doubt any girl would turn down a requset from you. Single or not."

"I hope you're right," Nick smiled.

Howie stood. "If you'll excuse me, I have to tape the others."

"You mean annoy," Nick laughed as he stretched. He pulled back realizing he had knocked over Greta's purse. Carefully, he picked up all the items that had accidently fallen out. He paused as he lifted a photo in his hand.

He saw Greta beside a tall, redheaded man with pale skin and freckles. The redhead appeared to be 18 or so. "Greta must be very close to her brother," Nick said to himself.


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