Chapter 2


"Ali!" he yelled looking for her, "Ali!" It was dark and he ran and tipped over something. He rubbed his head looking for what he tripped over. He saw Ali rubbing her head too.

"Nick," she smiled," You came after me," she said astonished. The next thing Nick and Ali knew she was up in Danny's arms with a knife to her neck.

"Ali, you've been bad, its punishment time," he said in that psychotic tone.

Ali stood up straight quivering.

"Danny, fight me. Don't mess with her," Nick said standing up.

"No, Nick go home," Ali said wide eyed, "I wanna be with Danny," she pouted.

"But Ali," he started.

"Go Nick," Ali said sternly.

"You heard her Nick, she wants you to leave," Danny said kissing Ali's cheek.

"Danny, drop the knife, I wanna hold you," Ali whimpered. Nick looked at Ali in disgust.

"Bitch," Nick muttered.

"No," she shook her head. Slowly Danny dropped the knife to the ground. He pulled Ali to him and kissed her forcefully. Ali lifted her knee and kneed him in the crotch. Danny fell to the ground in pain.

"C'mon," Nick yelled and grabbed Ali's hand. They ran back to his house.

"Nick, I'm gunna go. Leigh Ann is going back tonight and I forgot," Brian said oblivious to what had just happened and left.

"Why were you on the ground?" Nick asked her.

"I'm not sure," Ali replied rubbing her head.

"You okay? You look pale," he commented.

"I'm fine," she shrugged. They sat down on the couch kinda apart from each other.

They turned on the TV and started watching a movie. Nick unnoticeably scooted over. Ali held her knees to her chest resting her head on them. It was a thriller movie so she was a little jumpy. An intense part was happening and Ali was shaking she was so scared.

"Al," Nick whispered. She snapped her head up at him.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah fine," she fake smiled. There was a loud bang in the TV and Ali grabbed onto Nick.

"It was just the TV Al," he said putting his arm around her. Ali tensed up a little but eased down when Nick tickled her. She felt so safe in his arms now.

"Nick, I'm going to bed," she whispered to him and yawned.

"Okay," he smiled. Ali layed her head on his chest, "Am I a good bed?" he laughed.

"Actually, I'm just too weak to get up," she admitted.

"Then we'll both just stay here to the night," he grinned.

"Fine with me," she said falling asleep. She closed her eyes and peacefully fell asleep on his chest. Nick smiled down at her. The was the girl he hated yet she looked so cared so fragile.

"I"m suppose to hate you, but I don't want you to leave," Nick thought to himself.

He picked her up and carried her to his bed. He started to pull away when Ali awoke.

"Could you stay please?" Its comforting," she said half asleep.

"Yeah," he said gently getting in bed with her. They fell asleep together.


The next morning Nick woke up and saw Ali next to him. She was holding onto him tight. He moved her hair our of her face. Without even thinking Nick brushed his lips against hers. Ali opened her eyes slowly. Nick pulled away acting like he'd done nothing.

Ali laughed a little to himself. She knew he had kissed her.

"What?" Nick asked ask she grinned up at him.

"Nothing," she chuckled.

"What?" he asked getting defensive.

"I know what you did," she smiled knowingly.

"I didn't do anything. What're you talking about?" he asked shocked.

"I know what you did," she sat staring him in the eyes. The phone then rang. Ali took a deep breath in and grabbed Nick's arm. She was scared it was him.

"Don't worry," Nick told her even though he knew it wouldn't help, "Hello?"

"Nick, its Bri, Joseph just scheduled us a video shoot for today, you think you could be there in 10 minutes? he asked.

"Sure," he replied and hung up, " I have a video shoot. I gotta be there in 10 minutes," he said getting out of bed.

"I guess that's my que to leave," Ali said getting up too.

"I don't want you going home. You're coming with me," he demanded.

"You're not my father," Ali snapped back at him.

"Ali, he could still be there," Nick said getting angry.

"So I"ll get beat then," Ali said smugly. She grabbed her old clothes that Nick washed and when in the bathroom. She changed quickly.

"Fine, go," Nick said angry with her. He remembered why he always hated her.

"Fine!" Ali yelled throwing Nick's clothes at him. She went outside and started walking back to her house.

Nick threw some clothes on and started to drive to the studio. His plan was to just drive by Ali, but she wasn't walking. She was laying on the ground. Suddenly Nick felt guilty. He stopped the car and ran over to her.

"Ali?" he asked gently. She opened her eyes slowly, "Why're you out here?"

"Huh? I dunno, I was just walking home and," she trailed off.

"Come on. You're going with me," he said helping her up.

"Fine," Ali sighed. She didn't really want to go. It sounded boring to her, but why get killed instead of bored? she figured. She got in the front seat and Nick in the drivers seat.

"Where is she? Where is she?" Joseph yelled repeatedly.

"Who?" Brian asked.

"Marie, she's suppose to do a scene with AJ," he said panicked.

"Ali, you can sit in my chair here. Just stay there, watch, and have fun," he smiled going off to get wardrobe hair and makeup done.

"Hey Ali, you okay?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she smiled.

"You cuts look better," he observed.

"I guess," she shrugged.

"Who is this?" Joseph asked surprised.

"I'm Ali," she replied quiet.

"Well you dear are perfect for the scene with AJ," he announced, "Will you take the job?"

"I guess," she said thinking it would be more fun then sitting.

"Okay, you don't need anything done, you're suppose to be beat up," he told her. He led her to the scene.

"Hey, I'm AJ. And just so you know, we have a little kissing scene," he said ahead of time.

"Oh, wow, I'm Ali to let you know. I'm the neighbor of Nick's that he's suppose to hate," she told him.

"How could he hate you?" he asked looking her over.

"Okay! People! Lets get this done! Ali walk through the door upset, AJ comfort her then kiss, okay?" the director yelled.

"What's Ali doing?" Nick asked Brian.

"Joseph wants her to do the scene with AJ. He said she's perfect for it," Brian replied.

"Oh," Nick replied a little jealous. Jealous? That AJ got to kiss the girl he hated? Nah, it couldn't have been. He watched as Ali and AJ kissed. It started out soft, but got way too intense for Nick. He got up and went outside.

"He's in love," Brian laughed to himself.

"Where'd Nick go?" she asked when she was done with the scene.

"Outside," Brian pointed. Ali nodded and went out. She saw Nick with his head on his knees sitting down by the wall.

"Nick?" Ali questioned.

"Hey," he said trying to cover his sadness.

"What's wrong with you?" Ali asked sitting down by him.

"Oh, nothing, it was hot in there," he lied.

"Why do we hate each other?" she asked bluntly.

"I"m not sure," Nick shook his head.

"I don't think you hate me," Ali smiled.

"And why is that?" he asked smiling a little back.

"You wouldn't have helped me, or come after me, or given me clothes, or slept in the same bed as me or," she was cut off.

"I get the point," he grinned.

"And you wouldn't have kissed me," she said finally letting him know that she knew that.

"Oh, um, yeah," he stuttered embarrassed.

"Nick, your scene is up," Joseph came out.

"I better go," he said standing up," he said wanting to leave that conversation.

"I better come watch," Ali smiled standing up. They went back in and Ali sat in Nick's chair again.

"So, you going home tonight or what?" Brian asked.

"I think I'll get a hotel...Bri...could you lay me down, I feel," Ali said as she fainted.

Chapter 3