Chapter 3


"Ali?" Brian asked shaking her, "Ali, wake up."

"Huh?" she moaned.

"Come on, sit up," he said helping her.

'Okay," she whispered weak. He helped her get back in the chair.

"Are you okay?" he asked sincerely.

"I don't know. Nick said he found me passed out twice. And now this, I'm just kinda tired," she explained.

"You need to see a doctor," he told her.

"No, its okay. Danny could fine me then. I need to say away form him," Ali replied worried he'd make her.

"Ali, can we get you to do that scene once again," Joseph asked

"Ali, you need to take it easy," Brian told her.

"Brian, I'm fine. Yeah, I'll do it again," Ali said standing up slowly.

"Ali," Brian started.

"I'm fine," she said walking away. She went over to the set.

"You okay?" AJ asked, "You look pale."

"I'm fine," Ali said as a sharp pain stun her stomach, "Ow," she said quietly holding it.

"Lets go people," Joseph called. Ali took her place. When she went through the door she passed out again.

"Ali?" AJ asked, "Ali," he shook her. She wouldn't wake up this time.

Nick's scene was over so he went to see where Ali was.

"NICK! YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS SICK!" somebody yelled. He was confused but ran to where everyone was in a crowd.

"She needs a doctor," Brian said picking her up. He pushed his way through the people and found Nick.

"Ali," he whispered to himself when he saw her.

"Take her to the hospital," Brian instructed. Nick nodded and took her in his arms. He carried her to his car. They got to the hospital in record time.

"Um, nurse, she passed out and she needs a doctor," Nick said politely. A few nurses came back with a rolling bed and whisked her away.

"Could you please fill these out for her?" the nurse asked.

"I don't really know anything except her name," he admitted.

"Well, fill the papers out as best you can," she encouraged handing him the forms.

Nick tried for an hour to find out little things about her.

"Hey parents," he thought. He called his parents for the number.

"Son, we've been trying to call her," Bob started, "Her family went on a boat trip and never came back. They haven't been able to fine the bodies," he explained.

"No," Nick whispered.

"We checked it out and she's suppose to go live with the Hendersons," he explained more.

"Who're they?" Nick asked.

"Her boyfriend's family, Danny Henderson," he finished.

"But he's the one that did this," Nick argued, "Do they know about this yet?"

"We had to call them son. To make sure it was okay. They were going to send their son over to get her. But I gotta go. I'll talk to you later," his dad clicked off. Nick turned his attention to the waiting room TV.

"Hi, my name is Danny Henderson and my girlfriend Ali is missing. Her parents were on vacation and have passed away. She's suppose to live with me now, but I can't find her. Please help. Her name is Alison MacLaren. Thank you," Danny faked for the news.

"Liar!" Nick yelled at the TV.

"Mr. Carter," a nurse called, "Ms. MacLaren has an infected cut on her stomach. She's lost a lot of blood causing her to faint a lot. She slipped into a coma and she has a very irregular blood type. Chances are, these are her last few days alive. All we can do is test you and close friends for her blood type. Other than that, just pray," the nurse explained.

"Could I go see her?" he asked sadly.

"Sure," the nurse said leading him back to her room. She opened the door and Nick went in. He saw Ali laying there.

"Ali," he said taking her hand in both of his, "I know most of the time we don't get along, but this morning you were right. I like you a lot and I want you to be my girlfriend. But you have to wake up. You do. All your friends at school love you so much and they'd miss you a lot. So would I," he explained. Nick called all the guys over to be tested. None of them matched. Nick was on his way back to her room when he saw Danny about to go in.

"Where the hell are you going?" Nick yelled.

"To see my girlfriend," he replied.

"Stay away from her," Nick said getting in his face.

"She's suppose to live with me now and I can get a restraining order from you," Danny said sternly.

"But your the one who did this!" Nick yelled.

"OH, but I didn't. When she wakes up she's in my family and I"ll threaten until she says it was you," he explained.

"Bastard," Nick said right to his face.

"Yeah, but its a good life," he smiled evilly. Nick's eyes flashed with anger and he punched Danny harder than anything. Hospital security ran over and pulled Nick away.

"Thank you, I didn't want to get violent," Danny said innocently. He went in Ali's room and shut the door.

"Ali, its Danny. You have to wake up. Right now. We have to get you out of here and away from Nick. He's gunna hurt you. C'mon Al, wake up. For me? I'm really sorry I did this, but I was drunk. I shouldn't have done it but I did. Please wake up. I love you," he told her.

Inside Ali's mind were two guys saying they wanted her to wake up. it was an impossible miracle, but she listened.

"Baby! Your up!" Danny said pulling her into his arms.

"Don't hurt me," she said scared.

"Oh, Ali, I was drunk. And then Nick was beating you when you were passed out. He was hitting you so bad I pretended I was going to kill you so he'd go away. He's outside right now. Don't listen to a word he says. He's lying. His parents killed your family," he explained lying.

"What?" Ali asked shocked.

"They sent them on a boat trip they knew the couldn't make, but don't worry, you're going to live with me and my family. I'm going to talk to the doctor and I"ll let Nick in. Remember, everything he says is a lie," he said hugging her. He soon left and Nick came in.

"Ali," he smiled and hugged her.

"Hi," she said a little scared of him. She believed every work Danny had said.

"I'm so glad you're up," he said happily, "We'll get you out of here and away from Danny, I swear," he told her taking her hand in his.

"No," she napped pulling her hand away.

"What?" Nick asked confused.

"I"m don't going with you. Danny's going to let me live with him. He's talking to the doctor right now about taking me home," Ali explained.

"But, he did this to you. You can't go with him. Ali, listen to me. He's bull shitting you. He cut you up. You came to me and I helped you. He'll do it again," Nick explained back.

"No, he told me you're lying. He was drunk, that's why. Your parents killed my family," Ali cried.

"No, Ali, look me in the eye and tell me you really want to be with Danny. Look into my eyes," he demanded.

"He's the only family I have," she replied not looking at him.

"Kiss me," Nick said quietly.

"What?" Ali asked shocked.

"Kiss me," he said louder.

"No," she started, but Nick pulled her in for a rough kiss that soon became gentle and sweet.

"Please believe me Ali. I need you," Nick pleaded.

"He's going to take me away from you," Ali told him.

"Okay Nicky boy, times up. Me and Ali are outta here," Danny said coming back in the room. He helped Ali up and picked her up.

"Bye Ali," Nick called. She waved back to him with a tear in her eye.

"You won't ever have to see him again," Danny assured her. Ali felt a hole in her heart and it ached.

Danny got her home and showed her her room

"I went to get your stuff, but it was already gone. I think there was a robbery at your house," Danny explained.

"Its okay," Ali shrugged.

"Ali, delivery," Mrs. Henderson came in.

"Oh, let me check it," Danny said taking the bouquet of flowers.

"Al, I told you about the doctor thing. Expect an important phone call soon. -Brian," Danny read aloud.

"Sounds okay to me," Ali fake smiled.

"Who's Brian?" he asked.

"Oh, he was my math tutor, he always said I was sick of math and needed a doctor. How sweet that was of him," Ali lied. She knew what it was about.

"Yeah, it was," Danny said pulling Ali into his arms.

"Um, Danny that hurts, could you not?"

The phone rang.

"Ali phone call," Mrs. Henderson called.

Chapter 4