Chapter 4


"Let me made sure its not him," Danny said getting the phone. It was Brian.

"Hello?" Ali answered.

"Al, its Bri, we gotta get you outta there. We got your stuff already," he explained.

"So they're irregular fractions?" Ali asked trying to fake Danny out.

"Huh? Al, sneak out tonight around 11:30, we'll be outside in a black corvette. Please come. Nick's throwing a fit," he begged.

"Okay, Bri, its summer, I'll pay for tutoring when school starts. I'll see you later," she replied.

"Good, good luck. Bye," he said and hung up.

"Bye," Ali said hanging up, "The important phone call was about math," Ali laughed. They watched TV the rest of the day. The Hendersons went out for the night. It was 11:29 and Ali was nervous.

"Can I borrow some of your mom's clothes?" Ali asked knowing their room was near the front door.

"Yeah, go ahead," Danny said yawning. Ali got up and snuck out with hardly any noise.

"She's right there! I see her!!" Nick yelled in the car.

"Hurry," AJ said worried. Ali ran and got in the car.

"Are you okay?" Nick asked hugging her tighter than ever.

"Fine," she replied, "I love you," she whispered in his ear.

"I love you too," he whispered back. Ali kissed him so softly.

"Thank you guys so much," Ali said to all of them. There were two unfamiliar faces, "Who're you guys?" she asked bluntly.


"Kevin," they introduced themselves.

"I'm Ali," she replied.

"The girl Nick used to hate," Brian commented. Ali was in Nick's lap because there wasn't enough room.

"We bought a small house by Brian's that you can live in. We rented a car for you so you can get to places you need to be. And don't worry about the money. We had to do this for you," Nick explained to her.

"Thank you," Ali cried small tears.

"Don't cry," he whispered.

"Its just that, my family is gone and I accused your," Nick cut her off.

"I understand," he said stoking her hair, "We have a doctor that goes on tour with us that's going to take care of that cut for you."

"Thank you so much," she whispered. He held her tightly scared that if he's let go she'd be hurt again," Nick, stay with me. He's going to come after you. I don't want him to hurt you. And I don't want to be alone," she said seriously looking into his eyes.

"Okay," he said simply. He gently kissed her and she replied to it.

"Okay loverbirds, we're here," Brian said parking. AJ opened the door for Ali to get out. They went inside and got settled.

"Is it safe to leave you two alone?" Howie asked jokingly.

"We'll be fine," Nick smiled with Ali clinging to him.

"Okay, but you get pregnant," Howie started.

"Howie, you're such an ass, just go," Nick laughed closing the door.

"I'm gunna go to bed. I'm really tired," Ali said yawning.

"Yeah, Tim's going to come in the morning to check your cuts. I think I better get to bed too," he told her.

"Come with me?" she asked.

"Of course," he said and picked her up. He carried her to her room full of boxes. The guys had put her stuff in there.

"We need to go grocery shopping," Ali told Nick.

"We'll go together," he smiled, "Now go to sleep. You need your rest," he said closing her eyes. He kissed her gently and she replied to it passionately.

"G'night," she whispered. She soon fell asleep. Nick caressed her face then pulled her into his arms and also fell asleep.

The next morning Ali woke up first. She played with his hair a little until he rolled over ontop of her.

"Wonder what he's dreaming about," Ali laughed to herself.

"Sex," he moaned.

"Oh really?" Ali laughed and pushed him off her.

"Nah, just trying to make you mad," he smiled.

"I'm gunna get a shower," Ali said getting up. Nick agreed he also needed a shower and headed for the one on the other side of the house. They both got ready for the day.

Tim came over about a half hour later.

"Hi Ali, I'm Tim. You mind if I take a look at the cut?" he asked.

"No," Ali said and raised her shirt to show the cut on her stomach.

"Its bruised around the edges of the cut. You just need a topical to help with the infection and let the bruise heal on its own. I wanna keep an eye on these cuts, watch for infection, so I'll take care of them. I need to apply this to all of the cuts," he explained and held up a little bottle of medicine.

"Okay," Ali smiled uneasily. It was easier for Tim to do so with Ali's shirt off so she went in the bathroom and put short shorts on for her legs and wrapped a towel around her upper body. Tim instructed for her to lay down on the bed. Nick watched carefully.

Tim put a little of the topical on her back. It stung a lot and Ali tensed up. Nick knelt down and looked into her eyes.

"Its all for the best," he told her, "Its okay. I'm here."

"Okay," Ali whispered in pain.

"I won't ever let him do this to you again," he assured her. Ali winced in pain. He caressed her cheek and kissed her gently.

"Ali, I have to admit. I wouldn't be able to stand all this pain. You're the bravest girl I know," Time told her as he finished, "I'm all done."

"Thank you," Ali said wrapping the towel around her. She went back in the bathroom and changed back into her regular clothes. Tim had placed bandages on the cuts so it was okay to cover them with materials. After a while Tim left.

"Grocery time," Ali said happily as she pulled her purse our of a box and
checked her wallet for money, "Oh, nevermind," she said disappointed.

"Ali, you already know I'm paying," Nick said sitting by her.

"I"m going to pay you back one day," she said felling like she was helpless.

"Fine," Nick smiled, "Come on. Lets go."

"Okay," Ali said standing up. They got in Ali's rental car and Nick drove. They split the list and split up in the store.

Ali was looking at the fruit section. She went to grab an orange, but somebody else held it down.

"Oh, sorry, I'll just get a different one," Ali said not looking at the person. She went for another one, but they stopped her again," What is this?" Ali asked looking at the person.

"How're my moms clothes?" Danny asked grabbing her wrist.

"No, Danny, just leave me alone, please," she begged.

"You didn't listen to me. Nick's lying. Come back with me and I can show you he's lying," Danny told her.

"No, Danny, go get another girl. I'm not yours," Ali replied. She tried to pull away but Danny grabbed her in for a rough kiss.

Nick was turning into another isle when he was Ali kissing Danny. To him it looked like she wanted him. Ali pulled away and ran off. She hadn't seen Nick spying on her.

"Nick!" she called when she saw him from the opposite side of the isle.

"Al? What's wrong?" he asked noticing she was scared and crying.

"He's here, we have to leave," she said crying into his shoulder. Danny appeared at the opposite side of the isle. He saw how Ali was holding onto Nick. She used to hole onto him like that when they were together.

"I"m going to get her back," he muttered and started down the isle. Nick patted Ali's back and kissed her cheek. He looked up and saw Danny. "C'mon, we gotta go," Nick said leading her out of the store fast. Nick called Brian when they got home to come over. He only lived down the street so it wasn't that bad of an inconvenience.

"Ali, you can't leave this house. He was on the news and there's search out for you," Brian explained.

"What fun this summer's going to be. I mean, my family's dead, my love turned psycho," Nick cut her off.

"Would you rather be dead?" he shouted at her.

"Right now, with everything I'm feeling yes," Ali yelled back. She got up and went to her room, slamming the door of course.

"Make sure she doesn't sneak out," Brian said fatherly.

"She won't. She knows what's good for her. She'll stay," Nick replied frustrated.

"Just don't let her leave its not safe out there," Brian told him," I gotta go, big date tonight with Leigh Anne," he grinned. Nick showed him out.

With what food they had Nick fixed dinner for him and Ali.

"Ali," Nick called knocking on the door, "Dinner's ready."

Ali didn't open the door or reply. It wasn't locked, but Nick didn't want to barge in.

"Al, please?" he begged. She still didn't reply, "Fine, I'll save some for you then," he said giving up. Ali layed on her bed crying the rest of the night. She heard Nick go to bed so she was going to sneak and get a snack. She was cutting a sandwich in half when Nick caught her.

Chapter 5