Chapter 5


"So, you decided to come out," he said quietly behind her. Ali went on with her business pretending Nick wasn't there. She went in the family room and turned the TV on.

"I saw you kiss him today," Nick admitted sitting on the couch by her.

"Yes Nick, I kissed him. That's why I came crying to you right?" she asked sarcastically.

"You speak," he said amazed. Ali finished off the sandwich and headed for her room.

"Ali, I didn't do anything to you. Stop acting like a bitch," he yelled to her.

"If I'm a bitch why don't you just leave me to Danny. He'll finish me off for you," Ali replied about to go in her room, "No, I'm just going to do it myself, seeya next lifetime," she said closing her door.

"ALI NO!" Nick yelled running up to her. He barged in her room. She was laying on her bed face down.

"So you do care," Ali said muffled by the pillow.

"Don't you ever joke about that ever again!" Nick said sternly.

"Why? Would little Nick Carter feel guilty for once?" Ali asked sarcastically.

"No, I've tried it before," he yelled showing her the scars on his wrists. Ali didn't reply. She was blown away by what he'd said.

"I'm going to bed now," Ali choked out getting under the covers.

"Its weird, when you're right in front of me is when I miss you the most," he said as she turned away from him.

"Nick, I'm just having a hard time right now. I'm sorry for scaring you," she said facing him.

"Just don't do it again," Nick warned.

"Fine, c'mon, you know you're not sleeping alone tonight," Ali said pulling the covers down for him. He got in and pulled her to him.

"You can ask you know," he whispered to her.

"I don't want to have you explain, people say they hate repeating it," Ali admitted.

"I don't mind," he replied.

"Well?" Ali asked.

"We were on tour in England and I don't know, I felt like something bad was going to happen and I didn't want to be around for it. Me and Brian had also just had a major fight and I just wanted to die," he explained, "AJ found me in the bus bathroom. I was hospitalized for 3 days," he said gently.

"Nicky, I'm so sorry," Ali said caressing his face.

"Its okay, I'm over it now," he shrugged. Ali took one of his hands and kissed the scar. She placed his hand on her heart.

"I love you," she whispered and locked her hand with his.

"I love you too," he smiled. They kissed softly. Nick pulled Ali closer to him. He kissed her sweetly and started to slide his hand up her shirt.

"Nick," Ali started.

"Hmm?" he asked kissing around the bandage on her stomach.

"Please stop," Ali said making him look at her. She pleaded with her eyes.

"Okay," he sighed laying by her side.

"Its just, I'm not ready," she told him.

"Its fine," he said not really caring that she told him no.

"I promise we will...when and if you put a ring on my finger we will," she kissed the tip of his nose.

"That'll be a long time from now...but I respect it," he smiled and kissed her. He yawned.

"Go to sleep," Ali whispered.

"You first," he grinned. Ali closed his eyes for him.

"Goodnight," she said quietly and kissed his cheek. He didn't reply. He was already asleep, " I love you," Ali said closing her eyes and fell asleep.


The next morning Ali heard the phone ring.

"Nick," she shook him, "Nick the phone."

"Answer it," he mumbled half asleep. If he were fully awake he would never have made her answer it. Ali with a shaky hand picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she asked scared.

"Damnit Ali! I'm never going to give up just come back to me!" Danny said sternly. Ali got up and left the room.

"Danny, please, I'm happy. Let me be," Ali pleaded.

'He almost took advantage of you last night. I almost had to break in to make him stop," he said worried.

"Where are you?" Ali asked ever more scared.

"Close enough to know that you're wearing a pink tanktop and pale blue boxers," he replied. Ali looked at her outfit. He was right.

"What can I do to make you leave me alone?" she asked.

"Send Nick outside and I'll leave you alone," he told her.

"Danny listen, me and Nick are happy together. Give me more options," she begged.

"Either you come with me or Nick comes. If you don't obey then I'll kill Nick. I'm right here Al, I can do it and right infront of your eyes. Now how would that make you feel?" he asked.

"Let me say goodbye and I'll be right out," she said and hung up.

She grabbed a pad of paper. She scribbled down a note and left it by the nightstand.

"Goodbye," she cried and kissed Nick's lips softly. She ran her hand through his hair and kissed him one more time, "I love you," she said peacefully closing the door. Ali took a deep breath and went outside. Danny quickly shooed Ali into his car.

She sat in the front seat and watched the house go by in the window. She held her knees to her chest.

"Ali, you're going to be happy with me," he said rubbing her knee, "Just give it time. We'll make it work."

"Where're we going?" she asked softly.

"My house," he replied.

"This isn't the way," she disagreed.

"I got a new place so we would have privacy and Nick wouldn't come looking for you," he replied.

"Oh," Ali said simply.




Nick woke up sleepily and expected to see Ali next to him. He was confused to fine that he was the only one in the bed.

"Ali?" Nick called. He noticed the note by the bed, "Dear Nick," he read aloud, "Danny followed us home. He called this morning an said he'd leave you alone if I went with him. I was afraid for your safety so I left with him. I'll tell you where I am when possible. Don't lose hope. I'll be there soon enough. I love you so much. -Ali." he finished, "No, ALI!" he called. She wasn't anywhere, "She's gone," he said dropping the note to the floor.




"Why do you need me so bad?" Ali asked.

"Because I love you and I want to be with you," he told her.

"But what if I'm not happy?" she asked.

"Then I'll buy you something," he shrugged.

"You can't buy my love," Ali told him, "I'm not for sale."

"Well, no matter what you're going to be with me," he said not really caring.

"Fine," Ali said as tears stung her eyes. They started to fall but Ali just rested her head on her knees.

For the next week, Ali was forced to be tied up in a chair. Danny told her it was discipline. He forced her to take showers with him. He never tried to abuse her, except for the shower thing. He was trying to get her to love him again, wasn't he?

Nick was going out of his mind. He bought another house in another are of Florida for Ali to stay. He sold the other house and the guys decorated the new one.

"I'm going out for a while, you be good," Danny said and kissed her forcefully. He left soon after. Ali hopped over to the phone and knocked it off the hook. She carefully dialed Nick's cell phone with her big toe.

"Hello?" he asked sounding tired. Ali fell on the floor so she could reach the receiver, "Hello?" he asked more annoyed.

"Nick," Ali said struggling to get to the receiver.

"Who's this?" he asked because he couldn't hear the voice very well.

"Its Ali," she started, "Danny left. I'm at 7803 Partridge St." she explained.

"Okay, I'm on my way right now. I can't believe its you! What happened?" he asked.

"I've been tied up all week and couldn't reach a phone cuz he was always here. He just left and I finally got to call you. It'll take a while to get here so hurry," Ali pleaded.

"I'm trying," he replied, "We got a new house for you. The old one's already been sold. Everyone's been so worried about you. I'm so sorry this happened," he started.

"Its okay, just get over here!" Ali told him. They talked the whole time that Nick was on his way.

"ALI!" he yelled when he broke down the door.

"Nick!" Ali called to him as best as she could. He ran to her call.

"Hey cutie," he smiled when he saw her on the floor.

"Nick," Ali cried tears of joy. He untied her quickly and carried her to his car.

Chapter 6