Chapter 7


"Ali, I'm sorry, I just," he started. Ali walked over and kissed him passionately.

"Go sit down," she instructed. He smiled and followed her directions. Ali came back out.

"Okay, I've been following your tour in Europe and I noticed ALL of you are getting a little heavy," she smiled, "Therefore, you guys are having salad," Ali smiled again and put it down.

"C'mon guys lets go, I don't eat salad," AJ said getting up.

"Sit," Ali said pointing her finger at him, "Now all of you eat, I'll be back," she demanded. When she passed by Nick she ran her hand through his hair.

"So, you two okay now?" Brian asked.

"Not sure," Nick shrugged.

"She's gotta have real food in here somewhere," AJ said getting up and going into the kitchen.




Ali forfilled her wish. She kissed him one last time and not it was time to finish her life. She picked up the knife and looked at herself in the mirror. She placed the knife on her wrist and slowly cut her skin. She did the same for the other hand. The blood spilled out and Ali fainted. She fell on the floor, blood covering her.

"What was that?" Howie asked hearing a thump come from upstairs.

"Ali probably dropped something," Brian replied.

"I"ll go help her. She's too tiny to be carrying heavy stuff," Nick said leaving.

"I can't believe they survived 5 months without each other," AJ laughed.

"I think they're both too stubborn to stay together," Kevin commented.




"Ali," Nick called. He heard no reply, "Al?" he called opening the door to her room. He saw a blur of red, "No," he whispered. He went in quickly and saw Ali laying in her own blood. He checked to she if she was still alive. There was a pulse, but it was faint, "Ali," he shook her. She slowly woke up.

"Nick, you shouldn't see this," she said worried.

"you said you wouldn't do this!" he told her upset.

"I had to, I'm lonely," she replied.

"You're going to be fine, we'll call Tim and he'll fix you up," he offered. Ali started to see a bright light.

"Ali, you're not suppose to be here. Stay with Nick. He's your true love," Ali heard her mom's voice.

"ALI!" Nick yelled noticing she was looking a different direction.

"I'm here, my mom said I'm suppose to stay with you. Nick I'm scared, the pain is unbearable," she whispered.

"I"ll be right back," Nick told her. Ali ran her shaky bloody hand through his hair.

"Don't be too long, I'm scared to be alone," she said in a shaky voice.

Nick nodded and kissed her lightly.

"GUYS!" Nick yelled running down the stairs, "Call Tim, get him over here now. Ali slit her wrists!" he yelled running back upstairs.

"Nick, I'm sorry," Ali cried. Nick pulled her into his lap. He was getting blood all over himself, but he didn't care.

"Al, I need you, you have to be okay," he said almost in tears. Ali placed both hands on his cheeks.

"My mom said I'm staying," she said gently.

'Okay Al," he said unbelieving. He hugged her tight and stoked her hair, "we gotta clean you up."

"Just let me sleep for a minute, I"m tired," Ali said closing her eyes.

"No, stay awake," Nick demanded.

"Goodnight," she yawned laying her head on his shoulder.

"AL!" he yelled shaking her at an arms length away, "Look at me, focus on me, do not go to sleep," he said sternly.

"Nick?" Tim yelled running in the room.

"Bathroom," he called. Tim came in. "Ali," he said slapping her face. She was about to faint again, "Al, stay awake!" he demanded, "Nick keep her awake and I"ll bandage the cuts." Nick nodded. It was hard, but he did manage to keep her awake. Tim got the cuts covered.

"Al, c'mon, you need to get cleaned up," Tim told her, "Stand up." Ali layed down, "No get up!" he yelled.

"Ali please, get up, you need a shower," Nick said scared.

"Is she okay?" Brian asked coming in the room.

"Help us clean her up," Nick called. Brian went in quickly.

"Who wouldn't she mind seeing her naked?" Tim asked seriously. Ali was woosy.

"Nick," Brian replied immediately.

"Yeah, but don't tell Kevin, he's all about the whole stay away from girls thing for me," he replied.

"Fine, we'll say I did it," Time replied. Brian and Tim waited in the bedroom patiently.

"Al, this is gunna be awkward, but I gotta do it," Nick said gently pulling her clothes off, "Oh my Lord," he said admiring Ali's body.

"Nick, stop trying to horny and hurry up in there," Brian yelled hearing him comment.

"He catches me with everything," he gently told Ali. He washed all her blood away quickly and wrapped a bathroom towel around her. He went outside the bathroom, "Clothes," he explained to Brian and Tim. He grabbed a big sweatshirt and flannel pants. He went back in and dressed Ali. He carried her out.

"i think its okay if she sleeps now," Tim reasoned, "That's all that will help." Nick nodded and layed her in bed. Her hair was still bloodstained.

"Thank you," Nick said to Tim, "She can't go to the hospital. Danny would find her."

"I understand, I'll be back in the morning to checkup on her," Tim said leaving.

"You gunna be okay?" Brian asked shaking Nick a little. He was staring at Ali,

"Nick," he asked.

"She almost died tonight," Nick burst out and started to cry.

"But you helped her. She's been through this before, she'll be fine," Brian assured him.

"But why? Why would she do this after we got home?" he asked.

"I had to kiss you one more time," Ali mumbled and rolled over.

"Look at me Al, I'm crying. Your protector is crying in front of you. Shouldn't that tell you that people need you? You had no reason to do this. None!" he yelled at her.

Brian put a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Now you know how we felt," he said gently. Nick looked at him surprised. He didn't know what to say so he sat down at the foot of the bed.

"I was just worried," he said patting Ali's leg.

"I think you two need to be alone," Brian said leaving.

"Ali, seeing you tonight helpless and lifeless scared me to death and it made me realized that I need you more than anything. I love you Ali, and I want you to be okay," he explained, "Today was the worst day of my life." Ali sat up. She got in his lap.

"Seeing me naked for the first time happened on the worst day of your life?" Ali whispered. Nick laughed a little and kissed Ali's cheek.

"I love you," he grinned.

"I love you too," she replied. He layed her down in bed, "Night Al," he said closing her eyes for her. he also got in bed and pulled Ali close to him. Ali was fully awake and didn't want to go to bed yet. The now happy couple messed around for a while...not going too far, but messing around.


The next morning Ali saw Nick next to her. She faintly remembered what happened that night. She kissed his cheek and got up. She pulled on a tank top instead and went outside. She sat down by the lake and just stared out into the unclear water. It somewhat resembled her. Her future was so unclear and shady. What was she to become? Who was she in life?

Nick woke up slowly. He smiled to himself remembering that night, but then realized Ali wasn't next to him.

"Ali?" he called throughout the house. He looked outside and saw her out there. She looked peaceful so he let her be. He fixed breakfast. Nick walked outside and sat down beside Ali.

"Morning," Ali looked over at Nick.

"I fixed breakfast," he told her.

"I'm a lot like this lake," she replied.

"How?" he asked putting his arm around her.

"My life is unclear and so spread out. I don't know what's inside of my or who I am. If rocks get thrown at me, I look the same, but I'm not," she explained. "Ya know?" she asked turning her head in his direction. He nodded knowingly.

"I mean I'm here, and I love you more than anything, but I find myself hating my lifestyle. Always being abused, hiding, trying to kill myself. I'm just a really unstable person. And I want all of it to stop. Like I want to be able to go and pig out at a girls night or get so drunk I pass out, or even just having a passion to do something that seems impossible. I'm sorry, that was rude of me to keep talking, we can go eat now," Ali said standing up.

Nick had never heard Ali speak with such emotion in her voice and he had no idea what she was going through.

"Okay," he said standing up. They walked inside and ate the breakfast Nick made.

"Thank you, this was wonderful," Ali said clearing the dishes. The phone then rang.

"Hello?....No, jeez, Can't he just.....Yeah, you called him?....Yeah I"ll get her ready right away......No I gotta stay.....Chris'll look after her right?.....okay yeah, we'll seeya soon," Nick said into the phone.

"What's going on?" Ali asked.

"Howie spotted Danny around here. You gotta leave. There's a guy in New York that Howie went to high school with who you'll live with," he started explaining. He got a duffel bag out and packed some of Ali's stuff.

"Are you coming too?" she asked.

"No, my life is here," he started.

"So is mine," Ali said looking in his eyes. Nick knew she meant him, "I'm not going," she said sitting down, "Let me die, but don't make me leave." Howie honked outside.

"Go," he told her.

"No," she replied about to cry.

"Ali," Nick started. he had to keep her safe and this was the only way to do it, "I don't love you. Fine somebody in New York!" he yelled.

"You're lying," Ali cried.

"I want you OUT of MY house and now! Our relationship will never work," he yelled more. Howie honked again.

"I hate you," Ali said grabbing her bag. She grabbed her teddy bear that she always held when upset, "I always have and always will. You've left me with nothing but depression," she yelled back and stormed out of there. She got in Howie's car and they drove off.

Minutes later Danny appeared at the door with a gun. He broke the door down.

Chapter 8