Chapter 9


Ali was sent on a flight that same day to Florida to get started. It was hard saying bye to Justin already, but it was for business and he was going to visit soon anyway.

On the way to the studio Ali could've sworn she saw Nick driving, but wasn't sure. They went to an office to get signed. After signing many contracts she was done.

"Welcome to Jive Records," Mark hugged her.

"Mark, you have a visitor," they heard over the intercom.

"I'm gunna go freshin up. I look like crap," Ali said getting up. Mark nodded and Ali went in the bathroom. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Mark called.

"Mark, listen, Joseph's gone and I need you to get this song out there. Me and Nick wrote it. We were hoping one of those female singers could do it with us," Brian explained.

"Really? I have one in the bathroom that just signed," he told him. Ali then came out bending at the waist with her hair over her head and brushing it. he looked like cousin it from Adams family.

"Mark the first thing I need is a hairstylist," she said still brushing her hair.

"Ali," Mark started.

"Ali?!" Brian asked shocked. He then recognized the slender body. Ali recognized the voice. She flipped her head back to look at him.

"Brian?" she asked staring at him.

"What're you doing her?" he asked, "wait, Mark, is she the singer that you want to sing mine and Nick's song?"

"Yeah, and its even better now because you guys know each other," he said happily, "Is that okay?" he asked.

"Well, I don't know, I mean me and Nick sing it and I guess I'll just have to talk it over with him," he said unsure. The phone rang and Mark answered it.

"I saw your interview the other night," Ali told him, "Congrats on you success," she smiled sweetly.

"I saw you this morning. So, Justin's your boyfriend?" he asked slyly.

"Yeah," Ali sighed.

"That doesn't sound too enthusiastic," he commented.

"Well, he didn't seem happy for me. He almost made me miss my plane," she told him, "He didn't seem happy for me. He almost made me miss my plane," she told him, "He doesn't want me to live in a hotel. He wants me to stay with Chris," she said sadly.

"Al, you're gunna stay in a hotel? Noway, you're staying with me and Nick. We got room," he told her.

"Nah, I'd be an inconvenience," she shrugged.

"Not if you cook," he said hopeful.

"Okay, but only if Nick is cool with it," she gave in.

"Trust me he is," Brian laughed.

Mark finally hung up on his phone conversation.

"So, Ali, can we call it a day?" Mark yawned.

"Yeah, when should I come in to start?" she asked.

"Day after tomorrow. Now Brian, let me see the song, I'll look it over and get it edited," Mark suggested.

"Okay, well, I guess that's it," he shrugged, "C'mon Al."

"Okay." They got in Brian's BMW and started home.

"Did you miss Nick?" Brian asked bluntly.

"I'm not sure you know what happened when I left, but um, this is going to be awkward," she told him.

"Nick said it was a clean break," Brian said confused.

"Yeah right!" she laughed, "I wouldn't leave so he yelled he didn't love me and wanted me out of there. And he really meant it too. So I said I always hated him and that he left me with nothing except depression and I left. That's why I never called or visited. So if he says I can't stay with you guys, I completely understand," Ali explained. Brian was confused as they pulled in the driveway.

Ali got out and went to grab her stuff, but Brian had already gotten it. Brian opened the door and went in.

"Bri, you'll never guess who I thought I saw driving with Mark today," Nick yelled.

"Who?" Brian yelled back. Nick was in he family room watching a movie and Brian and Ali were in the kitchen. They couldn't see one another.

"Ali!" Nick yelled back.

"I knew it was him," Ali muttered.

"C'mon," Brian motioned for Ali to follow him, "We have a new roommate," Brian said as they were behind the couch he was sitting on.

"Who?" Nick asked with his eyes glued to the TV.

"Hi Nick," Ali said nervously. He stood up and turned to see who that come from.

"Ali?" he asked looking her over.

"Yeah, its me," she said looking at the ground.

"I'll show you your room," Brian said picking up her bag. He walked down a hall and Ali followed. They went upstairs and down another hall.

"I think I'm already lost," Ali laughed, "Listen, talk to Nick and if he truly doesn't want me here, tell me."

"I'm not going to kick you out. Nick'll deal," he smiled.

"Thanks," Ali grinned, "You realize I'm going to be her like a year right?"

"I hoped it was longer. We missed ya kiddo," he playfully punched her.

"I better call Justy," she said getting her cell phone out.

"Use our phone, we're getting another line anyway," he suggested.

"Its long distance," she disapproved.

"That's why you'll be paying for it, but the cell phone would be more," he laughed. Ali shrugged and took the phone that was already in her room.

"Just...its me," she said hearing his voice.

"Ali!" he said excited, "Hey!"

"You'll never guess where I am," she smiled into the phone.

"In a hotel room?" he asked confused.

"Nope, Brian and Nick's house. They said I could live with them!" she said happily.

"Great," he replied hiding his disappointment. They talked all night until there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" she called, "Jus, I gotta go, I'm running up the bill I gotta pay," she laughed.

"Okay, I'm coming in three days, so behave and I miss you," he replied.

"Miss you too," she agreed, Bye."

"Bye," he clicked off.

"Yeah?" Ali asked turning around to see Nick in her room, "Hey..." she said nervous. He had a trey in his hands.

"I brought you dinner," he offered holding up the trey, "Its a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."

"Oh, thanks," Ali said taking the trey and putting it on the nightstand.

"I heard about you and Justin, congrats," he fake smiled.

"Thanks," Ali sighed. There was a moment of silence, "Nick, this is stupid. can we start over? Like, completely?" she asked.

"I was thinking the same thing. I'm really sorry about how we ended things and I really want us to be friends again," he reasoned.

"Me too," she smiled.

"I've missed you," he admitted.

"Same here, its good to see you again," she replied.

"So, why'd you come back?" he asked.

"I"m gunna be a singer!" she said proudly, "I was fixing my hair in Mark's office when Brian walked in. Mark wants me to sing with you and Brian. Would that be okay with you?" she asked.

"Fine with me, is it okay with Justin?" he asked.

"I didn't mention it, He's coming to visit soon anyway. I'll asked him then," she shrugged, "Besides, its not up to him."

"So did you see a therapist?" he asked.

"No," she looked away, "Only Chris knows about my past and I don't want Justin to know. He'd worry too much and smother me with attention....Did Danny ever come after me?"

"Um, well, like a minute after you left. Then like a year ago I read he killed himself, "Nick told her. Ali held her hand up to her mouth.

"I killed a man," she whispered.

"No, he was mentally sick. Don't blame yourself," he told her. Ali nodded, "Aren't you going to eat your dinner?" he asked.

"I'm um, not hungry," Ali said thinking the sandwich looked indigestible.

"Don't worry, I didn't make it. Bri did," Nick laughed.

"Figures," she laughed back.

"You know what?"


"You're name isn't fun, I'm going to call you Hopey," he smiled.


"Your middle name is Hope, ergo, Hopey!" he said proudly. Ali just nodded and rolled her eyes.

They talked all night long about everything> These two became best friends over night. They both had really missed each other greatly.

"Wow, its already eight," Nick said looking at his watch.

"Oh wow! We talked all night?" she asked surprised.

"YES!" they heard Brian yell from the family room. He then burst through the door, "I'M GETTING...." Brian yelled but stopped when he saw Ali and Nick together, "What's going on?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"We made wild animal love," Nick said simply.

"Did not!" Ali pushed him off her bed, "Anyway, what were you so happy about?"

"Leigh Anne came over this morning and we're getting married! I'm moving in with her today!" he said happily jumping on the bed next to Ali.

"'re moving out?" Nick asked kinda scared how he would behave if he were with Ali alone in a house.


Chapter 10