Chapter One


"I'll be happy to spend some quality time with my nieces and nephews, " Howie said as he packed.

"Likewise," Kevin stated zipping up his bag.

Brian checked off the items on his list. "Leighanne and I are staying with my mom."

"Mom and I are going to London," AJ said.

"I think it's great that we're taking a month off to be with our families," Howie commented.

Brian grinned. "I agree. You excited, Nick?"

"Yeah, I guess. It'll just feel weird. I haven't been with my family in a long time," Nick sighed.

"Maybe you just don't like the beaches in California as much as Florida,"Brian chuckled.

"Maybe," Nick laughed.

Howie glanced at his watch. "Come on, AJ. We both have flights to catch."

AJ grabbed his luggage. "Well, now you can annoy your parents, Nick. That's always fun."

Howie walked to the door. "Bye, guys. Have a great vacation."

AJ followed him out. "C-ya 'yall in a month. Don't do anything I would do."

The three returned to their packing. Kevin noted the time. "Brian, we better be off. It's a 3 hour drive back home."

Brian gathered his things. "I'm comin'." He faced Nick. "I hate leaving you alone at the hotel."

"It's okay. My cab'll be here in about 10 minutes. Then I'll be on my way home."

"Cheer up, man. You should be happy to be going home. Your family will be thrilled to see you," Brian told him.

Nick chuckled. "Guess, I'm just afraid to get on a plane by myself."

"Sleep on the plane, bud, " Kevin reminded him.

Brian hugged his best friend. "I'll see 'ya in a month. Try to have a good vacation."

"Bye, Nick, " Kevin said patting him on the back.

Nick waved, gathered his stuff and headed to the airport. A half hour later he found himself on a nonstop flight to LA. He fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat. Then recalled Kevin's advice. "Sleep on the plane."


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