Chapter Eleven


Nick sat with Aaron after dinner that evening. "Aaron, why do you wanna' be like me?"

"Cause you're my big brother, and you're cool."

"Why else?"

"I don't know. I just do. I first started this so I could be closer to you."

"You should only perform because you want to. And you don't have to be like me. Be you, Aaron."

"I know," the 12-year-old stated. "And Mom said I could have 2 weeks off to rest. And she's gonna' make more time in my scheudle for me to be a normal kid. Which'll help."

"I'm sure it will," Nick agreed.

Aaron slid on his jacket. "Are you coming to BJ's fashion show tonight?"

"No, I'm staying home with Leslie, but you go on and have fun."

"I will." Aaron gave him a high-five. "I'm gald you're back, bro."

"Me, too."

BJ entered timidly. "Nick," she studdered.

"Yeah?" he asked staring at the floor.

"I came to say I'm sorry," she explained fidgeting.

"That's not necessary."

"Yes, it is," she interjected. "I shouldn't have said that."

"Yes, you should've. It was true, and I needed it hear it."

She smiled. "Angel told me how concerned you've been about all of us. It means a lot, Nick. More than you know."

"Just trying to make up for all the times I have not been here."

BJ shrugged. "It's not your fault. No one blames you."

"You sure did earlier," Nick laughed.

She blushed. "Everyone does stupid stuff."

"I'm sorry I won't be there tonight."

"It's all right. Leslie really needs you now."

Nick smiled. "Well, I do have some good news."


"Justin Timberlake called me today. He came across your picture on the net, and both NSYNC and their director would like you to be in their new video. Playing Justin's girlfriend."


"You bet. Trust me it had nothing to do with me. You honestly think I like talking to Timberlake?"

"I believe you!" BJ exclaimed hugging him.


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