Chapter Twelve


"Leslie!" Nick called walking through the halls of the Carter mansion.

"Leslie!" He came to a stop abruptly. Nick found himself frozen infront of his sister's door. Sounds of a painful struggle filled his ears. Nick threw the door open and became utterly speechless. Within those four walls his kid sister had been practicing bulimia. Leslie knelt over her trash can with her finger down her throat. More vomiting occured before Nick's very eyes.

She looked up, then quickly wiped her mouth. "Nick, it's not what it seems!"


She sat up. "Uh-huh. You see, I was sick to my stomach, but I couldn't throw up. So-- I uh-- decided to help myself along the way. So I'd feel better.That's all."

"Leslie, have you been doing this the pasted few days?"

"No! Of course not, Nick, I--" tears flooded her blue eyes.

Her brother shook his head. "I can't believe this! Do you know how serious this is?" He grabbed her by the shoulders. "Bulimia is deadly, Leslie!"

Leslie took a deep breath. "I know that, Nick! But I don't have it! I just do it when I need to."

"When you need to?" Nick snapped.

"Yeah. All girl popstars are so skinny. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera everyone but me! I have to do this, Nick."

Nick gazed into her bloodshot eyes. "You don't have to do this, Leslie. Why would you?"

"Easy. I'm fat. I have to be thin, if I want a career."

"You are not fat, Les! You are so beautiful, sis."

"But--" suddenly her vision blurred and her body went limp.

Nick held her up. "Leslie! Leslie, can you hear me?"

"Nick, I'm dizzy," she moaned.

"It'll be okay, honey. Just keep your head still."

Leslie began to cry uncontrolably. "Nick, I hurt!"



Nick wrapped Leslie's trembling arms around his neck. "Come on, sweetie. I'll take you to the emergency room." He lifted her weak body into his arms. "Come on, Leslie, everything'll be fine."


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