Chapter Thirteen


Leslie was attended to the moment they entered the ER. Nick sat alone in the waiting room. Fear consumed him. He left his trance as he realized he was surrounded by family members.

Everyone spoke at once. "Where's Leslie? What happened? How is she?"

The physician joined them. "You're the company of Leslie Carter I presume?"

"Yes," her mother responded.

"How is she?" Mr. Carter asked.

"She's doing surprising well, considering Leslie has suffered some dehydration, of course. However, she'll be able to return home in a few hours."

"Thanks Heavens," Mrs. Carter sighed.

"Please have a seat. I'd like to dicuss therapy and treatment options with you."

"Therapy?" she repeated.

"I'm so sorry, ma' am. I thought you knew."

"Knew what?"

The gentleman spoke slowly. "Your daughter has bulimia."


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