Chapter Two


Nick politely signed numerous autographs as he made his way throught the airport. He gazed at the hundreds of people before him. Eventually, he noticed an attractive blonde whom he recognized. "BJ!" he called.

"Come on, Nick," she said waving him over.

"Where is everyone?" he asked as he hugged her.

BJ pulled out her car keys. "Dad's with Leslie at a signing, Mom and Aaron have a business meeting and Angel's at a friends riding horses."

"You all seem busy," Nick observed.

"Speaking of busy- as soon as I drop you off I have a modeling shoot. Hope you don't mind being alone," she said as she drove off.

"Not at all. I"ll enjoy the quiet."

When Nick reached the house, he quickly realized things had changed. As he walked towards the guest room he glanced into Leslie's room. Her toys had been replaced by makeup and magazines. And in Aaron's room cds and movies instead of his beloved Ninja Turtles. But when Nick viewed Angel's room he found comfort. Scattered among her bed were stuffed animals. And on her walls posters he had mailed her from various countries. Angel was the only one who had stayed the same. Even his sister BJ had changed her ways. Her once sloppy, unorganized area of the home looked more like an office than a bedroom. Nick opened the door to his room and laid down. "What happened to my family?" he said to himself. He sighed. "My family moved on without me."


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