Chapter Seven


When Nick and Aaron returned home they found: BJ once again heavily involved in an online chat, their parents watching 'Eight Is Enough' reruns and Leslie dozing in the rocking chair.

"Hey!" Nick greeted them.

"Hi, Nick," BJ replied as she continued to type.

Nick grabbed the phone. "Aaron and I are ordering pizza for 'Brothers Night'. Anybody want some?"

"I'd like some hamburger," BJ answered.

"That sounds good," her mother agreed.

Aaron wrinkled his nose. "Hamburger? Gross! I want cheese!"

"I'm with Aaron," Nick laughed.

Mr. Carter tapped his middle daughter on the shoulder. "How 'bout you, Leslie?"

"I'm not really hungry, Daddy," Leslie sighed.

He kissed her forehead. "All right, sweetheart, I won't force you to eat." He faced his son. "Nick, order 1 large cheese and 1 large hamburger."

"Sure, Dad." After he called in the order he and Aaron decided on what movies to rent.

"I've never seen E.T or the new Star Wars movies," Aaron told his brother.

"Really?" He grabbed his wallet. "You've been deprieved. We'll watch them tonight, Airboy."

When the family finished their meal, the boys settled in Nick's room to watch E.T. They heard a knock on the door. "Come in," Nick said.

Leslie entered quietly. "Hi."

"You okay?" her big brother asked sitting up.

She spoke nervously. "Well, I'm sorry to bother you, but Mom and Dad went for a walk, and BJ went out with Jaime and--"

Nick's amount of concern increased as she stepped into the light to reveal a flushed and sweaty face. "What happened?"

"I tried to eat," she paused, "But I got sick again. I didn't mean to bother you--"

"It's no bother," Nick interjected scooting over. "Come lay down. There's plenty of room."

She laid down beside him.

"You're shivering," he stated wrapping her in his blanket. "Do you want me to call a doctor?"

"No, Nick, I'll be fine. I just got scared, that's all."

"Well, don't be scared," Aaron said sweetly. "Nick and I can take care of you."

"Thanks, Aaron."

Aaron hopped off the bed. "I'll go get you some water."

Nick put his hand to Leslie's brow,. "That's weird. No fever. Most flu cases have fever."

"Yeah, weird," his sister agreed hestaintly.

Nick continued to watch the movie, allowing Leslie to rest against him, letting his body heat warm her. Just like any good big brother would. His attention was distracted from the screen, as he heard the teen quietly crying.

He brushed her tears away. "What is it, Les?"

She took a deep breath. "Nothing. I just don't feel very good."

Nick gently smoothed her hair as he thought to himself. "Perhaps, my first instincts were right. Maybe something is terribly wrong with my kid sister. Something that, unlike the stomach flu, will not pass in a few days."


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