


Paul sat in his living room all alone. It was Christmas Eve and he was missing Helen like crazy.

The UK tour had just ended. Paul had phoned Helen every day, begging her to come back to him and join him on tour. He had apologised a hundred times. But Helen still wouldn't speak to him. She had hung up every time he had called.

On TV there was a Christmassy film with a happy couple playing in the snow together. "I wish that was me and Helen," he said aloud as the onscreen couple embraced each other under the mistletoe.

Paul couldn't stand it any longer. He didn't want to spend Christmas moping around all miserable. He had to win Helen back! It had been over a month since the split, maybe she had calmed down by now.

He jumped off the sofa and grabbed his warm suede jacket and gloves.

Paul drove to Helen's house with his fingers crossed for good luck. On the way he stopped at a petrol station to buy her some flowers and chocolates.

As he reached her family's house, Paul was shaking with nerves. He rang the bell and waited on the doorstep in the freezing cold.

Inside, Helen was curled up on the sofa with a blanket around her. She was quite far into the pregnancy now and wasn't feeling too good. She sipped at a coffee while watching a Christmas edition of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

She heard the knock at the door. "Answer that mum!" she called out. Out of curiosity, she peaked out of the window... and saw Paul.

"No, mum! Don't open it!". She quickly pulled the curtains back into place. "It's Paul,".

Paul stood at the doorstep waiting for the door to open. After ringing the doorbell again there was still no answer. Sighing, he walked to the car and sat in the drivers seat in silence.

"She's in there, I know she is," he said to himself. He got his mobile out and rang her house phone.

Helen's mum answered. "It's Paul, can I see Helen?" he asked.

"She doesn't want to see you," Helen's mum replied.

Helen sighed and stood up. "It's OK, I'll see him," she gave in, walking to the door.

Paul's heart skipped a beat as Helen opened the door. He had missed her so much. "Helen baby, I miss you," he said, giving her the bunch of roses and box of Milk Tray.

"I don't want these stupid presents! You can't buy me back Paul," Helen said, throwing them back into his arms. Although she still had feelings for Paul and wished they could get back together, she couldn't forget what he had done to her.

"Please!" Paul cried, tears spilling from his eyes. "I love you! I'll do anything to get you to come back to me!". He gave her a pleading look and started singing Everytime.

Helen was almost crying too. "Paul, it's over," she whispered, closing the door softly. She dashed upstairs to her room and burst into tears.

Feeling lower than ever, Paul made his way back to his car.

"Looks like I'll be spending Christmas alone," he said to himself sadly.




Naomi and Christian were having a much happier Christmas. Some of Christian's friends in America had invited them over for the festive period, so the couple found themselves in Las Vegas on Christmas day.

"Enjoying yourself?" Christian asked Naomi as they ate Christmas dinner in a cool restaurant right in the heart of the city.

"Yep, I'm having the time of my life," Naomi smiled. "Las Vegas is cool. It's a shame I'm not old enough to gamble in the casinos!".

"I loved the present you gave me this morning honey," Christian said, touching the gold chain which hung around his neck. "Now it's my turn to give you a present,".

Naomi took the small gold box from Christian and unwrapped it gently. She let of a shriek when she saw what it was. "It's beautiful, Chris!" she cried, giving him a big hug. It was a gold ring with a huge cluster of diamonds on it, with their names inscribed on the side.

"Come outside," Christian whispered to Naomi as he gave the waiter the money for the food. He led her out into the restaurant's garden. It was really warm and sunny outside, unlike back home in the UK where it was wet and windy.

Christian looked into Naomi's eyes. "I really love you," he said with a smile. "Will you marry me?".

Naomi's mouth dropped open. "I... I... Yes!!" she stuttered, totally shocked. She fell into Christian's arms and they hugged and kissed.

Christian grinned. "How about today then,".

"What do you mean?" she asked, puzzled.

"The wedding! Let's get married today!".

Naomi laughed. "Isn't it too short notice?" she asked. "We'd have to book it up months before hand,".

"Not here in Las Vegas!" Christian explained. "Over here you can just get married on the spot! Come, I know a place near here where we can get wed,".

Just an hour later, Naomi found herself standing in a room opposite Christian, wearing jeans and a T shirt, reciting the wedding vows.

Two witnesses they had pulled off the street were watching, smiling as the happy couple pledged their futures to each other. "You may now kiss the bride," the man conducting the service said. One of the witnesses held a piece of mistletoe over them as they had a long snog.

They then signed the wedding certificate and posed as one of the witnesses took photos of them with Christian's camera.

"Come on Mrs Ingebritsen!" Christian laughed as they strolled back to their hotel afterwards. "It's our wedding night, we've gotta celebrate!".




On Boxing day, Heather and Ben were at home, eating left over turkey. "I can't eat any more of this rubbish," Heather moaned, pushing her turkey sandwich aside with a groan. The pregnancy was making her very moody and irritable.

"I'll have it then," Ben said, picking the half eaten sandwich up and pushing it into his mouth.

They sat watching MTV, it was rundown of the best videos of the last few years.

"Yay, it's us!" Ben said excitedly as 'Take on Me' came on.

Heather watched the video and noticed that in it Ben kept eying up the girl.

"Do you fancy her or something?" Heather accused, glaring at him.

"Huh?" Ben exclaimed. "Who?".

"That tart in the video!" she spat angrily.

"No, of course not!" Ben laughed, putting an arm around Heather.

Heather shook him off her. "I bet you do,".

"She's fit, but I didn't know you back then," Ben admitted.

Heather elbowed him in the stomach, annoyed.

"Ouch! That hurt honey!" Ben hollered.

"Serves you right!" Heather snapped, turning her back on him.

"Look, what have I done?" Ben asked, getting worried. "So what if I thought she was pretty. It doesn't mean anything. You're the one I love,".

"I bet if she asked you out, you'd dump me for her," Heather accused, slapping him around the face.

"Don't be stupid!" Ben said, getting upset. He didn't know what he had done wrong.

"Now you're calling me stupid!" Heather shouted, jumping off the chair. She grabbed a vase of roses and threw it at the wall, causing it to smash to pieces. "I'm leaving! I don't wanna go out with someone who's planning on cheating on me when he gets the chance!".

"Heather! Please!" Ben called out as she ran out of the room. He chased after her, but she was too quick.

"Heather!" he yelled out of the door as she jumped into her car. "Come back!".

But it was too late. Heather had gone.




