Three weeks had passed and things were back to normal with Heather and Ben. They'd put the break-up behind them and were concentrating on the arrival of their first child. They were sitting in the kitchen that morning, going over their shopping list of baby things.
"Right, we've got the cot, a pram, a pushchair, a highchair..." Heather went over her list.
"Have you bought any nappies yet?" Ben asked, racking his brains to think of other baby things they hadn't got yet. He was really looking forwards to the birth, but one thing he wasn't exactly excited about was changing nappies.
"I'm getting some next time I go to Tescos," Heather told him. "Ooooh, talc! That's another thing to add to the list,".
Christian and Naomi entered the room and sat at the dinner table. "Who's making breakfast?" Christian asked. "I'm starving!".
"We've already had ours," Ben told him. "There's some bacon in the fridge if you want that,".
Naomi stood up and went to make the breakfast. Heather sat over the list still, reading out items.
"We'd better make the most of the quiet," Christian said to Naomi. "In a couple of months we're gonna have a screaming brat keeping us awake!".
"I know," Naomi replied. "But I don't really mind, I love babies!".
"We should have kids one day," Christian said with a smile. "But not for a while,".
Naomi grinned at the thought of her and Christian having a family. She was still trying to get her head around the fact she was married to him! "Thought any more about our honeymoon?" she asked.
Christian nodded. "I think we should go to Norway, you'll love it there. Plus you can meet my family,".
"Cool, Norway it is then," Naomi agreed.
"I had a phone call from Lucy last night," Heather announced, putting her list down on the table. "She says as it's Nick's birthday next week as well as Chris and Paul's, so the three of them could have a joint party,".
"OK, that sounds good," Christian agreed. "What day and where?".
"I think we should have it here," Ben said. "I'll call Paul later and see if he likes the idea,".
That weekend, everyone came to Heather, Ben, Naomi and Christian's house for the party. Everyone was having a good time, except... Helen and Paul.
"This is the first time I've seen him since Christmas," Helen said to Linda as they sat on the carpet in the conservatory. "What if he tries to talk to me?".
Before Linda had the chance to say anything, Paul, entered the conservatory. He saw Helen and his eyes lit up. He was missing her more than ever and couldn't forget about her, no matter how hard he tried.
Helen stood up quickly and dashed out of the room. Paul sighed sadly.
"I keep telling her I'm sorry but she won't take me back!" Paul cried, frustrated.
"Give her time," Linda told him. "I know she misses you too. It's still too soon for her to trust you again,".
"How long does she need?" Paul yelled. "Fifty years?!".
At that moment, Shane came by and took Linda's hand. "You made it!" she smiled.
Shane nodded. "Yep! I flew into Heathrow from Ireland an hour ago and rushed over here. I couldn't wait to see you again!".
"Come on, we've got lots of catching up to do," Linda hinted, opening the back door. "There's a sauna out in the gym,".
"OK, take me there," Shane laughed as they crept out to the old converted barn in the back garden, which had been made into a fitness room complete with a sauna and small indoor pool.
Back inside, Paul was trying to enjoy himself. After all, it was his birthday. He opened presents and thanked people for them, but he still wasn't happy.
"Paul," a female voice whispered in his ear.
He turned around to see Katy standing by his side. "Hi," he said quietly.
"I see you're not with anyone this evening..." she started.
"Look Katy, it's over," Paul cut her off. "I want to be friends, but... that's all,".
Katy was disappointed. "OK then..." she said before disappearing again.
In the kitchen, Christian was getting everyone to play games. "Spin the bottle is getting old, how about... strip poker?".
"I'm up for it!" Nick laughed, reaching for another can of beer.
"And me," Lucy agreed. So did Tasha, Marat, Naomi, Ben, Mark, Sarah, Russell and Sam.
Ben found some cards and they sat around the table. The girls were playing well, but Ben, Christian and Nick were all on losing streaks.
"Off! Off! Off!" the girls chanted as Ben took off his shirt with flushing cheeks. He had already taken his watch, shoes, socks and belt off, there was only his trousers and pants left.
"Oh no," Christian moaned as he then had to take something off. He took his ring off, hoping he wouldn't have to go any further. "Who's idea was it to play this?".
"Yours!" Naomi laughed.
Heather walked in eating a banana sandwich- she was getting strange food cravings now. "What's going on?" she asked, seeing how Ben was down to just his jeans.
"We're playing strip poker, wanna join in?" Nick informed her.
"No thanks!" she replied. "I'll just watch,".
Helen was sitting outside in the dark garden sipping at a Bacardi Breezer. She didn't feel like dancing or talking to people.
"Hi Helen, are you OK?".
Helen saw Duncan walking towards her. "Hi Dunc, I didn't expect to see you here," she said, letting him sit next to her.
"Heather invited me," he said. "After we split up we remained friends,".
They got chatting and before long, Duncan had his arm around Helen's waist.
"I miss kissing and stuff like that," Helen said sadly as they saw Sarah and Mark over the other side of the garden having a private snog. Over behind a tree, Sophie was having a kiss with her boyfriend Smith.
"So do I," Duncan replied. He looked at her and she smiled. They leant towards each other and kissed.
Finally, they pulled away... to see someone standing and watching. Paul.
Paul was frozen, he couldn't move. He had taken a step outside to catch some fresh air and had caught Helen and Duncan. It was the last thing he had expected.
Helen looked at Paul, not able to say a word. Before she could say anything, Paul turned and rushed back into the house.