*Lucky Stars*


*Part 3*

Cindy felt the butterflies in her stomach as she sat in the limo next to her handsome date as they drove to the hotel where the prom was being held. After dropping into a classy beauty parlor to get pampered and buying a stunning dress, she was now on her way to the dance, which had already started. They would arrive too late for the meal but she wasn't bothered.
"Excited?" Nick asked her, smoothing his tuxedo down.
Cindy nodded. "I feel like a princess in this dress," she said, fixing the diamante tiara that sat on her perfectly couffed head.
"You look beautiful," Nick told her. "Way nicer than those other girls. They will envy you,".
"Thanks," Cindy replied, going red. "Nick, you never went to your school leaving prom did you? You left before then...".
He nodded sadly. "Yeah... you know going to your dance tonight will sort of make up for it. That's one reason I suggested you to go with me- because I never went to my leaving prom,".
"I'll make sure you enjoy yourself," Cindy told him. She looked out of the window nervously. She was really excited now!


"...Of the time I was at our school, I made so many friends. I'll never forget them..." Taryn said, making her speech at the prom in front of everybody. "...As head cheerleader I want to thank the other girls who I cheered with- you girls rock! Jenny- you make the perfect co-captain...". Taryn grinned as she made her speech, she thought of herself as the prettiest girl in the room. All eyes were on her as she stood and talked in full attention. It's a shame that loser Cindy Stewart isn't here to watch my moment of glory, she thought gleefully.
The cheerleaders gave her a huge round of applause and cheered as Taryn mentioned them. Jenny gave her a thumbs-up. Taryn smiled. She looked beside her at her hot date Mark. Every girl wished they had him as a date. "...And lastly I...". She stopped momentarily as the doors to the room swung open loudly. All heads turned to the people entering the room.
"Are we late?".
Taryn dropped the microphone in shock. This couldn't be happening!!! Cindy had entered the room, with that gorgeous Backstreet Boy that she liked! How could she steal my moment?!? Taryn looked on in amazement. Cindy looked the prettiest girl there, dressed in a long blue silk dress to die for and her hair in perfect ringlets. Taryn was instantly jealous.
Cindy and Nick walked into the room and took seats at the back of the room, smiling at each other. Girls around were gasping at what had happened.
Jenny let out a shriek and jumped towards Nick. But one of his guards that had also come into the room held her off.
"Um, well that's the end of my speech, have a nice evening," Taryn said quickly into the microphone, knowing that no-one was listening. Her night was ruined.


"Enjoying yourself?" Nick asked Cindy later that evening as they danced to What A Girl Wants by Christina Aguilera.
Cindy grinned. "Yup! I'm having a great night, you?".
Nick returned her smile. "It's way better than sitting alone in my hotel room. You're better company than my Playstation,".
Cindy laughed. "And you're better company than my CD player!".
The DJ faded the song out and put a slower track on.
"I love this song," Cindy said. The pair slow danced in each others arms. Cindy closed her eyes and drifted off into heaven. She then opened her eyes and saw girls around her glaring, jealous that she was in Nick's arms. She sighed a happy sigh.
After that, Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely came on. Nick rolled his eyes. "Uh, not us!" he said, embarrassed. People looked at him and grinned. Cindy laughed. "Let's skip this one is you're embarrassed,".
Cindy and Nick walked off the dance floor and sat at the side of the room at a table. Cindy picked up her coke that she had left there and took a sip. "So, you have your show in the city tomorrow..?".
Nick nodded. "Yeah- are you going?".
Cindy shook her head sadly. "Nope, I couldn't get tickets- stupid lottery system!".
Nick frowned. "I know, that system is dumb. But you know, I can get you tickets. How many do you want?".
Cindy's eyes lit up. "Aww Nick that's so sweet! Well two will do- for me and my best friend Sofia,".
Nick agreed. "That's fine, and you can have backstage passes too,".
Cindy's smile couldn't get much bigger. "Oh Nick how can I thank you?!".
He shrugged. "You don't have to. After all, you did let me come to this dance with you, so I should be thanking you!".
Cindy blushed. "Awww!".
They were interuppted by Sofia and her date. "Looking cozy," she said, raising an eyebrow.
Cindy blushed. "We're not doing anything but talking!" she protested with a giggle.
Nick laughed. "Yep, that's true... but hey don't you want to dance again?'.
Cindy agreed so the four of them went back onto the dance floor. As they walked on, Taryn approached Nick.
"Hey gorgeous, want a dance? I'm the head cheerleader, you know..." she said with her plastered-on smile.
Nick shook his head. "No, I have a date," he said polity.
Taryn was fuming. "Just one?" she asked in a flirty voice, fluttering her eyelashes.
"I said no already," Nick answered, turning his back. He winked at Cindy. "I won't give that girl any of my time after what she's done to you!".
Cindy thanked him. "You're the best," she told him, wrapping her arms around him to dance. She wanted to enjoy the night while it lasted- she expected that she wouldn't see Nick again after the concert.
"Prom queen and king about to be announced!" the blond girl Samantha said excitedly as she ploughed her way through the dance floor, knocking into Cindy on purpose. "It'll be either me, Jenny or Taryn!".
Cindy rolled her eyes. "The prom king and queen has to be the dumbest thing ever!" she said to Nick, tossing her curls over one shoulder. "I came to the dance to have a nice time, not to compete in that stupid popularity contest. Knowing me, I'll come last!".
Nick looked into her eyes. "No, I would place you first,". He smiled at her. Sure I've only known her since this afternoon. But she is a sweet and beautiful babe!
Cindy was flattered. She had dreamt of Nick saying such things to her before but she never thought it would ever happen.
The music stopped so announcements could take place. "I don't wanna hear this," Cindy whispered. "It's stupid. Let's go somewhere else,".
Nick took her hand and they slipped out of the room. Out on the hotel corridors they wandered along chatting until they found a coffee room. Only a couple of guests were in there; it was almost empty.
"So where's your girlfriend tonight?" Cindy asked, curious. She knew she didn't stand a chance with Nick because he was taken.
Nick looked down sadly. "We've had difficulties... we keep splitting up and getting back together but this time I think the split is for good...".
Cindy noticed how sad he was about it and put an arm around him. "Don't worry, you'll find someone else," she told him, ruffling his spiky blond hair.
"Hmm, I've felt better tonight- it's taken my mind off things,".
"Great, but I'm sorry about the girls that keep pestering you...".
"...It's OK, they aren't too bad,".
"So how do you like this town? Not as cool as Tampa, I know...". the pair stayed and chatted for a long time, forgetting that the party was going on in the other room.
"There you are!" Sofia said, entering the room with a smile. "Good news- the guys were impressed with how pretty you look tonight that they voted you prom queen! Taryn and her friends are fuming!".
"I don't care," Cindy said, but she was secretly pleased that the girls that always put her down were jealous of her. What a turn around!
Nick congratulated her. "We better go back to the dance now so you can show your face!".
"OK," Cindy said as they went back to the dance.
Her and Nick danced the rest of the night away. The last song of the night was I Wanna Love You Forever. Nick and Cindy danced slowly together in each others arms.
Nick looked at his watch as the song was ending. "It's almost midnight- the limo's going to turn into a pumpkin, Cinderella!" he joked.
Cindy laughed, she did feel like Cinderella from the fairy tale; Nick being the handsome prince. "If I run off and leave my shoe behind, will you come looking for me asking to marry me?" Cindy joked, laughing.
Nick raised an eyebrow. "Hmm, that's an idea!" he laughed.
People were leaving the dance now, most of them going on to another party.
"I'm not going to Samantha's party!" Cindy said as she watched her lead a crowd of people out.
Nick shook his head. "I wouldn't waste your time going either,". He took Cindy's hand. "Come on, let's go back to the limo, you look tired, I'll take you home,".
They were driven to Cindy's house. Nick walked her to the door.
"Come in and have a coffee," Cindy suggested.
Nick accepted and they sat in Cindy's living room.
"We'll have to be quiet, my family are asleep upstairs," Cindy said with a yawn. They quietly chatted for a while as they drank their coffee.
"So, you've got your concert tomorrow night," Cindy said.
Nick nodded. "Yeah, you're coming right? I'll get the tickets and passes dropped over to your house tomorrow," he smiled at her. "I'll look forwards to seeing you again,".
Cindy's heart fluttered. She grinned back. "Me too. So did you enjoy yourself this evening? I know it was hardly as glamorous as the parties you normally go to, a school leaving prom, but...".
"No, I liked it!" Nick said. "As I said earlier, I never went to my school leaving prom so it made up for that... and I had the most beautiful girl there as a date..." He flashed Cindy his famous smile. "Do I get a kiss?".
Cindy didn't hesitate to lean forwards and give Nick his kiss. The kiss was better than any she'd had before. She'd always dreamt of kissing nick but never thought it would actually happen!
"Wow, you're a great kisser!" she exclaimed after they finally finished making out.
"Want another?" Nick asked.
Of course she did!
After their second make-out, Cindy walked Nick to the door. "So I'll see you tomorrow at the show," she said to him.
"Yes babe, see you then!".
Cindy waved as Nick drove off. He had made her day! That morning she would never have guessed that she would be going on a date with her favorite singer!
As she made her way upstairs to go to bed, she saw a magazine lying on a step. She picked it up and flicked to her horoscope.
"Tomorrow..." she said to herself as she read her horoscope for the following day. "Today will be the start of a new romance with a person you met yesterday. Go for it- he likes you too!".
Her horoscope had already come true that day so why wouldn't tomorrows come true too?
Cindy smiled. She had to thank her lucky stars.
Tomorrow can't come soon enough, she thought to herself, gazing out of the window at the starry skies.

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