Chapter 2 -A Plot Worthy of a Smirk


"Mr. President, do you honestly think that this plan has an inkling of a chance to succeed?" the cabinet asked doubtfully. "It seems, how do I put it, well, naïve." The cabinet had assembled to discuss another of the U.S. president's attempt at plotting an independence.

The president smirked. "I think that our priorities lie in our future. We need time to reestablish our weaponry. We need to divert the Cartasian's attention so that we can rebuild our troops. And how? Well, we'll just need to provide them with something attractive to keep their minds off of us."

The cabinet still looked doubtful. This wasn't the first time the president messed up. "But our men are skilled in the science of war and fighting. They are not to be used as sexual fantasies," they countered.

"Nonsense. It is time for action, not words. What are principles when they don't even help you. We can't fight a war with principles and pride. We must do it with wit and cunning. Men, there must be sacrifice. I will not sit around and wait for you to haggle all day with useless issues." The president had a deft tongue, although his mind didn't work quite as well.

The president continued, "All right, if everyone agrees with me, then the next question is WHO do we choose to offer to the queen of Cartasia. WHICH of our boys, men, will we choose to accomplish this incredibly heroic feat?" Inside, though, the president had already decided upon the CHOSEN ONE and he will make sure that no other will take his place.

Hey, Brad PiNo Leo.Um How about Jackie Cha..Wait no Cruise.Keanu..Justin TimChris Tucker..No way.shut up.never.Goodness NO..chael Jackson.

"Order. Order." The president called out. "Actually, I already have one in mind and I am certain that HE will bring us success. The cabinet listened attentively. "Nick Carter."

Tyrone Porter, a member of the cabinet and personal friend of the Carters, could not believe his ears. "But Mr. President, he's only a 17-year-old boy. He doesn't have the experience or the heart," Tyrone defended Nick. He had seen the boy grow up, and he was not one to let his favorite youth be taken advantage of by a bunch of political failures. "Why him? He cannot and should not be put in this position."

At this, the president became slightly amused. "He may be a kid, but he sure shows time and time again that he doesn't act like one. How many 17-year-old kids do you see realize their dreams and goals so early in life? How many have captivated the hearts of billions of women on Earth? And how are Nick Carter and the Queen not compatible? She's about to turn 20. I think they make a good pair." The president smiled in satisfaction. He was not going to give in.

"Any other questions or concerns?" the president asked when the room became silent. They are a bunch of idiots. They are no match for my superb verbal skills. The president dismissed the cabinet. When they were gone, he smiled. Don't blame me, Nick. You wanted it that way. I wouldn't have done this to you if you hadn't . . . The president sighed. He was thinking too much and being too calculating, but he couldn't help it.

Well now, this plan is so well crafted, the president congratulated himself. What was that phrase again? Oh yeah, shooting 2 birds with one stone. That's a perfect description. One, he gets to save his country and become a hero. And two, he gets rid of, let's just say, a thorn in his life, Nick Carter.

Meanwhile, Tyrone was in panic. He realized that the outlook for Nick wasn't too great at this moment. He had to warn the family. He must warn Nick before it is too late. Please hold on Nick, he thought desperately. I must protect him. Nick shouldn't be in politics anyways. His soul belongs to music. He's too genuine to be in politics. Flashbacks of Nick as a child flashed through his mind. He remembered how Nick used to crawl into his arms and leaned his head against the crux of Tyrone's armpits to snuggle into. Tyrone never had any children with his wife, and Nick was, to him, the son he never had.

Tyrone never made it even to his house when a group of men forced him off the road into a ditch. His car bursted into flames and his body was never to be found. That night, the police found his wife's body, tattered and stabbed at least a hundred times.

Sorry Tyrone, the president thought. Nick is mine.


Chapter Three