Chapter 6- Please Accept This Offering


That morning, Nick was ordered to wash and change into black pants and a black shirt. 'It's not like I'm going to a funeral,' Nick told himself amusedly. Then he was brought on board the hyperjet that was to transport him to the "Floating City." Just before he boarded, the President went through the usual etiquette gibberish.

'Why does he dislike me?' Nick once again questioned himself, but the thought disappeared once he boarded the hyperjet. He had other problems waiting for him in Cartasia. He did take some time to think about his family, the other Boys . . . and Crystal. He thought it might have been her that was waving at him from his window the night he was kidnapped. It seemed like ages ago. He closed his eyes and the tears began trickling down his cheeks. He missed her so much. Even though they argued a lot, their interactions were genuine towards each other. He liked her straightforward attitude. She made him feel real. 'If only she were more friendly. . . maybe . . .'

With that thought, he drifted to sleep. It might take hours before he would reach the palace. He must muster up all his energy. For some reason, he felt that tonight would not be a warm meeting between him and the Cartasians. His mind drifted back to the President's last words before he boarded the hyperjet, "Oh yeah, Queen Dejais has one passion-torturing. Men who annoy the hell out of her. She has a reputation for mercilessly maiming her suitors."

"Why?" Nick asked stupidly.

"Too dull to deserve to live I guess," the President answered carelessly.

At the Palace

Queen Dejais didn't sleep all night, but she didn't need it. She was always energetic. Today would be a fun one, she decided. Many suitors had come to seek her hand in marriage. 'Not without some competition,' she thought wickedly. Yesterday, she had commanded that they prove their worth by having sword duels, aerial racing, and other exciting competitions during her birthday party. She wanted them to be mentally prepared to give her a good time.

She had invited the suitors as well as the ambassadors that had already arrived to the Great Hall for the opening feast tonight. Her birthday would last 3 whole days. She wanted it to be big. She savored the excitement. She needed more FUN in her life, and this would be a perfect opportunity for her to understand more about all the countries she had colonized as well-their attitudes and plans towards her as the new Queen of Cartasia. She had only been Queen for 5 years. Thus she needed a better grasp of her situation.

On the Hyperjet

Finally, the jet arrived on the fields of the Floating City. The U.S. ambassadors stepped out of the jet, followed by Nick, alert and wary. 2 female Cartasian guards came out to greet them and check for weapons. They let the ambassadors pass, but stopped Nick in his tracks.

"WHAT is THIS?" they asked emphatically.

'Real great,' Nick thought, feeling insulted.

"IT'S an offering to her majesty," the ambassadors explained. "IT'S a gift for her majesty's birthday. We humbly wish that you allow us to bring the gift before her majesty so that she could decide whether she accepts or rejects this offering."

'It? This offering?' Nick could have sworn that they never considered him to human.

"Please pass," the guards said.

"Great start," Nick muttered under his breath, and the 2 ambassadors shot him icy stares.


Chapter Seven