

Brian and I stood in front of the mirrors in our dressing room. Brian had just finishing telling me about a new act he added in. It was a duet. There was a knock on the door and Doug our stage manager poked his head inside.

"Hey guys your do on stage in about two minutes." He smiled and left the room. Bailey was already to be here, but she was late and she couldn't give me a kiss good luck. I walked out side by the curtain and waited for the music to come on.

"Now here is one of our Backstreet Boys with a special surprise announcement. Brian Littrel. " A voice said above the speaker.

"What?" That wasn't how it was planned. Brian winked and smiled at me, I looked at the others and noticed them with mischievous grins.

"Everyone. I wanted to do something special for my brother's and my friend's birthday. I couldn't think of a thing. He is going to be 21 years old, and really now, taking them out for drinks gets kind of old. But I still have a few months, so why am I doing this now right? Well because I thought I'd surprise him. So I want you all to welcome his wife, Bailey Samson Carter."

I began to choke on my gum as he said my wife's name. AJ laughed and hit me hard on my back; my gum flew out of my mouth and reminded me of the first dinner I took Bailey to. Bailey stepped out onto the stage; her hair perfect and she looked casual. But still as pretty as ever. Brian turned to face me.

"Nick Carter... Hey buddy happy birthday. Now I know you knew Bailey could sing, but you didn't know how well. I think I'll tell you, She and I planned to have you and her sing a duet. This duet is going to be from the Dirty Dancing sound track. I think you know what it is Mr. Carter." Brian smirked.

"Now take of that vest and get out here." I laughed and slid the hard cover vest off over my head. Slowly I walked out onto the stage, girls began to scream and hold up signs.

I read some of them before I got all the way to Bailey. NICK I LOVE YOU! MARRY ME INSTEAD! Or NAME THE BABY AFTER ME: KATRINA MARIE!

I smiled, then turned to look at Bailey. I took her hands and kissed her lovingly and long. "Happy birthday honey," She whispered as we parted.

Our song started, when Bailey's turn to sing came I was amazed at how she could belt it. She hit every note. I never was so proud in my life. We walked off stage hand in hand. I climbed back into the vest and kissed her as I jogged onstage.

A while later, everyone was in the bus, we were driving to our next concert. We were inside the TV room watching an old movie called Secret Admirer. It was ending, Michael, played by C. Thomas Howell, stood on about 12 feet crates.

"Do you love me?!" He screamed to Tony. Tony was his best friend and he realized how in love with her he was. She was going to school on boat so she was leaving.

"Yes!" she screamed back. Michael dove into the water and began to swim towards Tony's boat. Tony leaped into the water and met Michael half way. They kissed. And it was the end of the movie.

Kevin flicked on the lights. "Hey man turn them off!" AJ yelled, his voice quivering.

I laughed as I seen him wiping tears from his eyes. I tried to move but felt Bailey's sleeping form holding me down. "Hey guys I think I'll just sleep here tonight." I chuckled.

The others nodded and left the room, making sure to turn off the lights and close the door. I wasn't tired; I just lay next to Bailey thinking. I thought of how in love we were and how in love we would stay. I smiled. Slowly my eyes drooped and I began to fall asleep. A few months later.

The tour had ended maybe three or four months ago. Bailey and I were enjoying our peace and quiet with our newly born twins. I sat next to her cooing at our oldest son, Ashley Brian Carter. In my arms, peacefully resting was our second son, Nickolas Aaron Carter, I kissed his nose and watched in amusement as his eyes fluttered open.

"Thank you." I whispered looking into Bailey's blue eyes. She smiled. Knowing exactly what I had meant. I had thanked her for changing my life in the best way possible. In the most loving way anyone could ever have done.

This was my new life, and it was perfect.


