

I gripped the handles of the seat as the plane went down. I hated flying, The worst parts were landing and taking off. I had called Bailey about twenty minutes ago and told her my gate. She promised to meet me there as soon as I got off. I felt the tires beneath us hit the ground.

Finally we stopped and people began to file out. I walked through the hall and out into the large room. There was Bailey, her stomach a little larger than when I last saw her, but still beautiful. "Bailey!" I called.

She turned her head making her hair bounce to one side. She seen me and smiled widely. She began to jog towards me; I dropped my duffel and scooped her into my arms.

"Miss me?" I asked.

"Terribly." She kissed me and I felt like I could have had her right there in the middle of the airport. She took my hand and guided me through the airport to her car. It was a nice silver 300m Chrysler. We put my bags in the back and she climbed into the driver seat.

"Where to first?" I asked taking her hand.

"Your choice, my parents or the apartment?"

I looked at her confused. "Apartment? I thought you were only seventeen."

She smiled and turned on the car. "I turned eighteen two days after we met."

I nodded, "Do your parents know I am coming?" I wasn't sure if we should have just dropped in.

"Yeah, they know your coming over for dinner. They don't know about the baby yet."

I pulled something out of my pocket as she was talking. A gray velvet box. A ring I had bought the day before I was coming up. I took a guess on her ring size at a five, it was a small silver band that shaped into two dolphins holding an ocean green stone.

"So apartment?" she asked stopping at a red light.

"Yeah, I think I should look presentable." I said making it noticeable to what I was wearing. Dark pull away pants, Nike shoes, a white T-shirt that had a barbecue stain near the collar and some paint stains on the stomach and bottom rim. And a light khaki fisherman hat.

She smiled "I guess your right, I don't want my parents to think I'm dating... I mean am friends with a beach bum." She blushed as she caught her self.

"Bailey pull over." I thought now was my best time.

She pulled over with a frightened but confused look on her face. I turned to face her and pulled the box out from behind me. "I know this isn't the most romantic time, and I know I don't look the greatest right now, but..." I opened the box to reveal the ring. "Will you marry me?"

I guessed I left Bailey speechless. "Nick, I... We hardly know each other, our marriage probably wouldn't last."

I put my finger to her lips and quieted her. "I know we hardly know each other, but this feels so right. I know it will work."

"Name your source" she asked. I tapped at my heart. Tears were beginning to show, I wiped one away and took out the ring.

"Getting to know each other is one of the greatest adventures." I whispered as I slid the ring on to her finger.

She began to cry and fell into my arms. "I take this as a yes." I laughed.

She sat and nodded. "Yes Nick. Yes." I leaned down and kissed her. I never felt so happy in my life.


