

I stood anxiously with Bailey at her parent's front door. We had just ringed the doorbell. Suddenly it opened and an old woman was standing in front of us.

I seen Bailey's expression change. "Grandma?" She asked.

The old woman took Bailey's face in her hands and kissed her. Then she turned to me. "What a nice young gentleman."

I nodded curtly at her hush but sweet voice.

I took the woman's hand and kissed it. "It's nice to meet you ma'am, I'm Nick Carter."

The woman smiled brightly. "So polite too. I think this is your best one yet Bailey dear." The woman invited us in.

I was amazed at how many people there were. Bailey pulled me aside, "I didn't know the whole family would be her Nick, I swear."

I kissed her, "It's okay, we better tell them all at once instead of letting them find out one by one."

Bailey nodded and smiled at me. "Now?" she asked. I looked around, everyone seemed in a cheerful mood, they were all talking to each other and having fun, and I turned back to Bailey.

"Now" I assured her.

She kissed my cheek, and called out. "Excuse me! Everyone can I have your attention." As everyone began to stare at us, I felt her hand start to shake and grow tighter. "I have an announcement." She took a deep breath.

"Well spit it out child, I'm not growing any younger." an old man teased.

"Yes Grandpa, I'm getting there." she smiled. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet my fiancee and..."

Bailey didn't get to finish her sentence before people began to disagree or come up to us to congratulate.

"And the father of our baby!" she screamed over the commotion.

Suddenly it was deathly quiet. I could feel every eye on me. Like they were blaming me.

Thank god for Bailey's sweet grandmother. "That's wonderful child!" she said kissing us on our cheeks. "What a fine gentleman you have chosen. Tell us Mr. Carter what do you do?" she asked.

I was about to answer but a young girl did it for me. "Grandma, he is famous! He is one of the Backstreet Boys!" The young girl looked no older than thirteen.

"Yes that is what I do. I'm a singer, but I am also going to college and double majoring for psychology and business management."

Still no one spoke but the old woman. "Well your very busy aren't you?" she asked.

I smiled and answered politely. "Not at the moment. I am in a couple college classes but that's it for now. I have a three month period off."

The grandmother nodded approvingly. "Well, you seem like a nice enough young gentleman for our Bailey to be marrying. Doesn't he Greg?" The woman faced an old man, the man who had teased Bailey earlier. "Doesn't he Greg." she repeated in a firmer tone.

"Yes... yes, Mary he does."

Finally people were starting to loosen up, they came up to us and kissed Bailey and shook my hand. I was glad I was being accepted. Unlike Clarissa's family, who thought I was just a singer and a bad one at that.

We left Bailey's house an hour later. I sat in the driver seat for a few minutes before pulling out of the driveway. "I'm glad everything went well." I said.

Bailey nodded, I looked over at her and seen that she was slowly falling asleep. I pulled out and drove us home.

About a half an hour later I pulled into the front of the apartment. I looked over at Bailey and found her fast asleep. I got out and opened her door. I slung her purse around my neck, and lifted her into my arms. As we reached the door and I unlocked it, I woke her up. "Bailey," I whispered.

She fluttered her eyes open. "I'm going to carry you over the threshold." I laughed as she smiled and closed her eyes again. I took her upstairs and laid her in her bed. She looked so peaceful. I smiled and turned off the light. I began to leave the room.

"Nick" she called softly.

I turned around and walked back to the bed. She slid over some. "Lay with me." she whispered.

I lay down next to her on my side. I kissed her nose and rubbed her belly. She smiled and kissed me back.

"I love you" she whispered.

My heart jumped. "I love you more."

She laughed and closed her eyes again. Minutes later we were both asleep.


