
a whole new beginning

"It's perfect." says a smiling Nick to the jeweler.

"Excellent choice." replies the man. "I'm sure your girlfriend will love it."

For several weeks Nick has known that he wants to take his relationship with Dylana to the next level. He looks at the heart-shaped diamond ring and thinks, "I want to spend the rest of my life with Lani." He briefly reflects on his life with Rachel and how he lost her. "God please let Lani and I have forever together."

Dylana is working on some new designs when her phone rings. "Hello."

"Hey Beautiful!" replies Nick.

"Hey Sweetie. What's up?"

"Get here ASAP and bring your bathing suit."

"Ooh what's the occasion?"

"You'll see when you get here."

"Okay, I'll be there in umm about an hour."

"That's fine. See you then. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye."

Dylana rings Nick's doorbell but gets no answer. "He must be out back." she says to herself. She walks around back and sees him at the boat. She runs and jumps on his back and wraps herself around him.

"Hey. Why don't you give me a heart attack next time?"

She lets go of him, turns him toward her and stretches up to kiss him. "I'm sorry but you didn't answer the door so I thought you'd be back here. Now tell me what you're up to."

"No." He lifts her up and sits her over in the boat then climbs in himself. "Let's go."

"Go where?"

"You'll see."

He takes the boat out and after a several moments stops it, turns to Dylana and smiles. "You remember?"

"Remember what?" she asks with a confused look on her face.

"Our first date." he answers. "We came out on the boat. Remember I let you steer a little?"

"Yeah I remember. I almost hit a dolphin and you stopped the boat to keep that from happening. I still don't know why we're here now though."

Nick pulls her close to him and encircles her in his arms. "That was the beginning of our relationship." he says in a loving, whispery voice. "Now it's time to begin the next level of our relationship." He lets go of her and steps over to the tackle box and takes something from it. Dylana sees it's a black velvet ring box and tears fill her eyes for she knows what's coming. Nick steps back over to her, gets down on his right knee and opens the box. Tears fall down Dylana's face. "Oh no please don't cry, you're gonna make me cry." Nick tells her. He shallows hard to get the lump out of his throat. "Lani, you have changed my life. I've said this time and time again but I never thought I could be happy again then you came along and made everything all better. I love you and I don't ever want to be apart from you. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

"Yes. I would be very honored to be your wife and have you as my husband."

Tears begin to fall from Nick's eyes as he places the ring on Dylana's finger. He stands and wraps his arms around her. They kiss passionately.


*Two weeks later*


Dylana is sitting on her sofa drawing when Nick comes in the room. "What are you doing?" he asks.

She quickly presses her sketchbook to her chest. "Nothing." she insists.

"Yeah right. What is that?" He grabs at the sketchbook.

She jerks it away. "It's nothing you can see."

"Why not?"

She lets out a sigh. "I'm working on my wedding dress."

Nick smiles. "Oooooooh. Can't I have just a little peek?"

"No you can't." she persists with a big grin.

"Well I'm sure it'll be beautiful." he states. He leans over and nibbles her ear then adds, "Just like you are." He sees tears in Dylana's eyes. "Baby what's wrong?"

"I wish that what you just said was really true." she replies in a low voice.

"What do you mean?"

"I wish my face was beautiful."

"Lani you know that your face isn't what's important to me."

"I know that but it's important to me." she sobs. She takes a deep breath. "That sounded really bad didn't it? What I mean is... It's not *important* I just want a new face."

Nick pulls her into a hug. "Sweetie I'll help you anyway I can." He takes her face in his hands and looks deep into her eyes. "Just tell me that you know I love you no matter what though."

"Oh Nicky of course I know that. I know it's not important to you like I said I know it's not the most important thing. I would just like a new face, to not have to look in the mirror and see these scars."

Nick just holds her close and kisses the top of her head wishing for some way to help her.


*The next day*


"That was a great interview guys." proclaims Melanie Travis. She laughs. "It's funny; Backstreet Boys to cosmetic surgeon."

"What do you mean?" asks Kev with a laugh.

"I have to go do an interview with Dr. Daniel Conrad, he's a world-renowned cosmetic surgeon. Well I better be going, talk to you guys later."

"Whoa wait." pleads Nick. "Can I go with you?"

Melanie is confused. "Why do you need a cosmetic surgeon Cutie?"

Nick laughs. "It's not for me it's for my fiancee. She was in a car accident a few years ago and she's badly scarred. She wants a new face before we get married and I promised her I'd help her anyway I could."

"I think that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I don't think Dr. Conrad will mind, let's go."


*At the restaurant*


"Hello Dr. Conrad." says Melanie.

"Hello." he replies shaking her hand.

"This is Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys he would like to talk with you."

"I know who he is." says Dr. Conrad smiling at Nick. He shakes his hand. "My daughter is a fan and now so is my granddaughter. I can't see why you need to talk with me though."

"It's about my fiancee. Like I told Melanie she was in a car accident a few years ago and she's scarred. She wants a new face before we get married."

"Okay I'll be glad to help. So what do I do first talk to you or do the interview with Miss Travis?"

Melanie looks at her watch. "Well I have to be back at the office in an hour so..." She looks at Nick. "Nick would you mind if I interview Dr. Conrad first?"

"No. It's no problem. I'll go call Lani and grab a bite to eat then I'll come back."

"That's fine." says Dr. Conrad.

"I'll come get you when we're through." says Melanie.

"Okay. See you in a bit." Nick walks to another part of the restaurant and pulls out his cell-phone to call Dylana."

"Hello." she answers.

"Hey Baby. Listen I'm gonna be late."

"Aww. Why?" she pouts.

"Well... let's just say I'm working on a present for you."

"A present?"

"Yeah. Just remember I told you I'd do anything I could to help you."

"Help me what?"

"I can't say anymore until I get it all worked out. I'll be there later okay?"

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye"


A few moments later Nick feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns to see Melanie. "He's all yours now." she says smiling.

Nick laughs. "Okay, thanks."

"You're welcome. I hope everything works out for your fiancee."

"Yeah me too. Well I better be going and giving Dr. Conrad her story."

"Okay, bye."


He goes to Dr. Conrad's table. "Hello again."

"Hello. Have a seat." says Dr. Conrad gesturing to the seat across from him. After Nick sits down he requests, "Now please do tell me about your fiancee."

"Well Lani she's very beautiful at heart. To me her face isn't an issue, but I can understand why she wants a new one. I have seen some people treat her horribly just because she looks different and it's very hard for me to see her hurting."

Dr. Conrad smiles. "You love her very much."

Nick smiles back. "You have no idea."

"Has she had any surgery at all?"

"Yes, she's had a couple."

"Can you describe the scarring she still has to me?"

"Um... the right side of her face is completely scarred; nothing looks natural. And the left side.... there are like three really big scars but not horrible like the right side. Do you think you can help her?"

"Based on that description I don't see why not. I have fixed a lot worse. Why don't you bring her into my office Friday at noon."

"I'm sure that won't be a problem. Thanks so much Dr. Conrad."

"Don't thank me yet, wait until we get the job done."

Dylana opens the door. "Hey Honey." Nick replies by picking her up and kissing her fervently. She pulls away. "Whoa thank you but what was that for?" she asks breathlessly.

"It's about that present I told you I was working on." he answers sitting her back down.

"What is this present?"

He pulls her over to the couch, sits down and pulls her onto his lap. "Well Friday at noon you have an appointment to see Dr. Daniel Conrad."

"Who?" she asks confused.

"He's a great cosmetic surgeon. The lady that was interviewing us had a meeting with him right after so I went and talked to him about you. He thinks, no he's positive he can help."

"I love you so much." is all she can think of to say to him.

"I love you too. I want you to be happy and I know this will make you happy." This time Dylana's reply is a sweet kiss.


*Thursday early afternoon.*


Nick and Dylana are on his boat. He's steering with his naked back to Dylana who is looking disgusted at his latest tattoo. "Why?" she asks flatly.

Nick turns his head toward her. "Why what?"

"Another tattoo. I can't believe you purposely mark up your beautiful body when here I am with these horrible markings by accident wanting them gone."

He stops the boat and walks over to her. He smiles slyly as he takes her into his arms. "I can't explain it I just think tats are cool. I could get a 'Lani' tat." he suggests.


He laughs. "Okay. Hey it's just a part of me you gotta deal with it. There are worse things I could do."

"True." She pouts for a moment thinking. "Well I hope you don't get anymore but I'm not going to ask that you don't. Just don't expect me to like em. After the first three they got gross."

He laughs again. "Okay you don't have to like em. I can't say I'll get anymore but I can't say I won't either." He's silent for a moment then changes the subject. "So are you nervous about tomorrow?"

She sighs. "Yeah. I've been through this before though so I really shouldn't be nervous."

"It's gonna be different this time. You're gonna come out perfect... well that's to say *looking* perfect."

"Oh Carter what am I gonna do with you?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do with me?"

She gets an idea. "Listen why don't you take me back home now and come back tonight? Say around 8:00?"

"Uh ok. What's going on?"

"You'll see." she says smiling.


*That night*


"Hey Precious." says Nick entering the house.

"Hey Gorgeous." Dylana replies.

Nick sees a fire in the fireplace and a blanket and pillows spread on the floor. "So what's going on?" he asks.

"I just had to make everything special." she answers walking slowly toward him. He looks at her inquisitively. She pulls him close, stretches up and begins to kiss him heatedly. His natural response is to return the kiss and wrap his arms around her. She begins pushing him back toward the blanket then slips her hands under his shirt and up over his stomach and chest. "Make love to me." she pleads against his lips.

He pulls away stunned. "No!" he says uncompromisingly.

Dylana is shocked and hurt by his reaction. "Okay." she whispers with tears coming to her eyes. She turns away from him.

"Lani listen to me." Nick beseeches his love in a sweet voice. He slides his arms around her again and slowly pulls her back toward him. "I love you." he whispers in her ear.

"Then why won't you make love to me." she asks crying.

"Because I want it to be special."

She turns to face him. "I don't understand. That's what I was trying to do."

"Lani you don't get it. I'm not trying to bring up my past or turn you into Rachel so don't think that okay."


"You know she wasn't my first though I wish she had been, everything before her was a horrible mistake." He sighs. "You also know that she was a virgin until our wedding night."

"Yeah." Dylana replies nodding as she remembers Nick told her everything about his life with Rachel.

"Well I realize that if we had had sex before then our wedding night and married life in general would not have been as special. That's why I want to wait until you and I are married so everything can be perfect."

She smiles at him adoringly. "You are incredible." She hugs him. "I'm sorry if I seemed pushy."

"You didn't. It was a nice idea." He looks at the fireplace and the bed on the floor. "We can still make good use of you're little arrangement here."

"How?" she asks looking up at him.

He lies down on the blanket and pulls her down. She lies on top of him with her head on his chest. She sighs as he gently rubs her back. "Hey you know what?"


"We are making love." he suggests with a smile. "Just simply being here together and loving each other is love making in itself."

"And it feels wonderful." she professes.


*In Dr. Conrad's office*


"Lani stop, you're making me nervous." Nick says placing a hand on his fiancee's bouncing knee.

"Sorry Honey. Like I said I shouldn't be nervous sense I've been through this before."

"Hello." says Dr. Conrad entering the office.

"Hello." reply Nick and Dylana concurrently.

"Nick nice to see you again. And you must be Lani."

"Dylana." she replies. "Only Nick calls me Lani."

"Alright then Dylana is it." He studies her face for a moment. "Nick's description was very accurate. I can definitely fix this. I have a file on another patient so you can see some idea of what I can do for you. I'm sorry if I sound conceited I'm really not."

"I don't think you are, you're just very confident in your work as I'm sure you should be." states Dylana.

Dr. Conrad smiles. "Well here is the before picture of a young man who was also injured in a car accident, I must warn you it's very brutal."

Dylana gasps at the horrific picture, she herself didn't look as bad after her accident as this man. Nick begins to turn green.

"Now this is him after three surgeries." says Dr. Conrad handing them another picture.

"Oh my gosh he's gorgeous!" declares Dylana. "Oh sorry Honey." she says to Nick.

"No it's okay." claims Nick. "Doc he looks like a Greek God and you did this."

"Well I can't take *all* the credit, he was an attractive person before the accident."

"You said this is after three surgeries, Lani won't have to go through that will she?"

"No. Because she's already had some work done; and good work I might add, she will only need one operation from me."

"So how does it work? I mean how do you determine how to fix a person's face?" Nick queries.

"I do what I can based on the person's skin type and bone structure."

"Dylana, Nick is asking some very good questions but do you have anything to ask sense you are the one having the procedure?"

She's still staring in awe at the before and after photos of the man. "Uh... no. I think Nick covered everything."

Nick smiles. "Except for one thing."

"What's that?" asks Dylana.

"When can you get this done so we can start planning our wedding?"

Dylana laughs and looks to Dr. Conrad for the answer. "Is a week from today good for you?" he asks her.

"Yeah it is."


*One week later*


"How are you feeling Sweetheart?" Anna asks her daughter.

"Nervous." Dylana replies.

"I'm sure everything will be just great." comforts Tammy.

"Hello Miss Oliver." says a nurse. "I'm going to give you some medication to relax you before you're taken to the OR."


Nick takes her hand. "Lani everything's going to be okay."

"I don't why I'm so freaked out. I've looked forward to this for so long but... I just have this weird feeling."

"I'm sure being nervous and freaked out before having something like this done is natural."

"Yeah I guess you're right." She let's out a heavy sigh. In not too long the medication kicks in and some orderlies and the nurse come in to take her to the OR.

"Are you ready Miss Oliver?" asks the nurse.

"You better believe it." she replies sleepily.

Everyone hugs her and reassures her they'll be waiting. "We'll all be here when you wake up Baby Girl." states Mason.

"Okay Daddy." she says smiling. "Nicky?"

"Yeah Sweetness."

She takes of her engagement ring and hands it to him. "Keep this for me, they won't let me have it in the OR."

Nick takes the ring and kisses it. "I'll keep it safe for you." he promises. He then leans down and kisses her lips. When he raises back up she's asleep and the orderlies and nurse wheel her off to the OR.

The surgery takes a few hours so to pass the time Nick draws in his sketchbook. He's not trying to draw anything in particular it's just as if he's being guided to draw. He takes a look at his finished picture and is stunned by what he's drawn. "Rae?" he asks quietly to no one at all. It's a perfect picture of Rachel's face but he has no idea why he drew it. He sighs and flips the sketchbook closed just as Dr. Conrad comes out.

"How is she? asks Mason.

"Everything went smoothly. She's being taken to recovery now. It'll be a couple hours still before she wakes up, someone will come get you when she does.

Everyone goes and grabs something to eat. Tammy spies Nick staring at his sketchbook. "Who is that?" she asks.

"My wife Rachel. I just drew it while we were in the waiting room but I have no idea why though." He stares at the picture a moment longer wondering what made him draw it. He closes the sketchbook again. "We better get back upstairs, Lani should be waking up soon."

Dylana comes to and sees her loved ones all around her. She tries to smile but can't for the bandages. She is able to talk a bit though. "Hi." she says in a soft voice.

"Hey." everyone says.

"How did it go?" she asks.

Nick smiles, takes her hand in his and kisses it. "Everything went just fine." Little does he know what's about to be revealed when the bandages are removed.


