Chapter 2: The Funeral

Two days later is the funeral. "Hey Nick."

"Hey Jake."

"I got Rachel's things from Suzanne's house."

"Okay, thanks."

"I thought you might want this now for Rachel." Jake hands Nick Rae's locket.

"I gave it to her on our first date." says Nick with a faint smile on his face. "I'd been wondering were it was."

"I'm going to go talk to her folks."

"Okay." Nick goes up to the casket. He opens the locket and looks at the picture. "Why can't it still be this way?" He closes the locket and places it around Rachel's neck. "You should have this with you." He kisses his wife. He wipes away a few of his tears from her face.

Brian walks up. "She looks beautiful Frack, like she's just sleeping."

"I wish she was just sleeping." says Nick weakly.

"That's a really nice dress you've got her in." Brian says feeling so sad for his friend.

"She wore it when we had our private wedding ceremony." Nick confesses still looking at Rachel. He brings his hand to his mouth. "Bri?"

"Yeah Man."

"I think I'm gonna be sick."

Brian helps him to the restroom. "Nick are you sure you're up to giving the eulogy and the other thing we talked about?"

"I have to do it for her." he answers while splashing water on his face.

"Okay. It's almost time, we better get back in there."


Nick takes a few deep breaths before going up to the podium. "Rachel was the most wonderful person in the world. There's not a lot I can tell you that you don't already know. She was really sweet but when she got mad, which wasn't often, but when she did look out. She couldn't stand people being cruel to one another but she knew the world was full of mean people that's why she wanted to protect everyone. She wasn't jealous or posessive, I really loved that. She let me be free. She always made sure that I was there for my family, and she absolutely loved her family. Everyone who ever met her loved her. She was my lover and friend and caregiver. I love her. I'm in love with ever little thing about her. Her heart and soul and body and spirit, everything." He wipes aways a few tears that have fallen from his eyes and sighs. "Right now the guys and I are going to sing her favorite song. It's a song I really need right now."

The guys join him on a small stage and they sing "Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely."

Nick sings the chorus with such passion, "Show me the meaning of being lonely. Is this the feeling I need to walk with? Tell me why I can't be there where you are. There's something missing in my heart." Toward the end of the song he cries out "Being lonely." with such intensity. His knees buckle. Kevin and Brian take hold of his arms to keep him from falling.


At the cemetery everything is fine until the casket is being lowered. Nick
is watching his wife getting farther and farther away from him, suddenly everything goes black.

He comes to in the back of his parents' car hearing his mother's voice calling, "Nick wake up. Are you okay?"

"Mom? What happened?"

"You passed out."

He sits up. "I'm fine now. I guess the heat got to me."

It is a hot day but Jane knows that's not why he fainted. "Nick let us help you."

"Mom I'm fine. I just want to be alone." he hisses.

"Jane may I speak with you?" asks Lydia.

They go over to Claude and Dawn. "Maybe everyone should leave Nick alone. He needs to figure out how to deal with this."

"Lydia's right. We're leaving tomorrow. We'll stay at his place tonight but you just need to be patient with him." states Claude.

"I just hate seeing him like this." says Jane.

"A part of each of us is missing but Rachel would want us to move on. It'll just take some time for all of us." says Dawn.


"Hi Nick."


She hugs him. "I am so sorry about Rachel."

"Thank you. I never thought I'd see you again. So how are you?"

"Great. I'm still on medication. I have a boyfriend now. I got him legitimately, no stalking involved."

Nick laughs. "That's great. I actually have to thank you for stalking me, that's how I met Rae."

"You're welcome, I guess."

"Nick are you ready to go? Oh hello Megan." says Bob.

"Hi. Well I've got to go. Bye Nick and again I'm sorry."

"Thanks for coming. Bye."

"That reminds me Steve called this morning. He said he's sorry. He wanted to come but couldn't. You ready to go?"

Nick looks back at the site where Rachel is buried. "Yeah, let's get out of here."


That night Rae's family tries and stays out of Nick's way. The next morning they're getting ready to go to the airport. "Lydia I think Rachel would want you to have this." Nick hands her a baby's blanket. "She found it in Spain. It was supposed to be for when we had a baby but that can't happen now."

"Dawn this was going to be your Christmas present this year. It's from Greece." He gives her a porcelian doll. "She said you collect them."

"And Claude Italian cologne."

"Thank you Nick." says Claude hugging him.

The women also hug him. "You know you're still our son." says Dawn.

"And little brother." adds Lydia.

The Collins family is crying. "If you ever need anything call us anytime." says Claude.

"We love you." proclaims Dawn.

"I love you too."

"Bye Nick." says Lydia.


Once they are out the door Nick slides down the wall to the floor and sobs.


Chapter 3