Chapter 3: Nick snaps!

The rest of the day whenever the phone rings Nick doesn't answer it. Jane and Brian have each left multiple messages. The guys are at the Carter home.

Brian attempts to call Nick again, still no answer. "I can't stand this. There has to be something we can do."

"I'm scared." says Angel. "What if he tries to hurt himself?"

"I know Rae's family was right that he needs time to himself but I agree with Angel." admits Bob.

"We'll go check on him." says Kev of Brian, AJ, Howie, and himself.


They ring the doorbell four times before Nick answers. "Where were you?" asks Howie.

"I just got back inside, I took the boat out."

"Are you okay?" asks AJ.

"I'm fine! I wish everyone would stop asking me that." he shouts.

"Nick you just lost Rachel four days ago. Don't act like everything's alright." says AJ.

"I guess I'm still trying to tell myself that she's still working and she'll be home soon. I know it's not true but it's a little comforting. Look if I need anything from anyone I'll call. Tell my family I'll call them I swear."

"We're worried about you Buddy." states Brian.

"You're our little brother. We want to take care of you." proclaims Kevin.

"I know guys. I really appreciate it." He looks at them and says, "Oh what the heck, group hug." The guys laugh and embrace him. "I'm okay really."

"We're going back to Florida in the morning. Should we come back by then?" asks Brian.

"No, let's just go ahead and say our goodbyes. I really just want everyone to leave me alone right now."


It's been a month since Rachel's death. Nick has remained aloof from his family and friends other than a few phone calls and his mother bringing him food on a few occasions. He wakes up and thinks about the dream he just had.

He's in the shower when Rachel comes in the bathroom. "Hey Sexy." she says.

"Good morning Beautiful." He sticks his head out the shower curtain and kisses her. "Care to join me?"

"I already had a shower but I'll wash your back for you." He hands her the washcloth and turns around. She washes his back and suddenly he grabs her and pulls her into the shower. "NICK!" She screams as the water soaks her.

"Let go!"

"You know how to make me so do it." He begins kissing her.

She nibbles on his ear and whispers, "I love you."

That was when he woke up. He has dreamed about her every night. He has also continued to sleep on her side of the bed.

He goes to the bathroom and splashes water on his face. He looks at himself in the mirror. He is scraggly looking. Bloodshot eyes and dark circles (even though he's slept he hasn't rested), he's thin because he hasn't eaten much, his hair is getting long and he's starting to get a beard.

"God Nick what would Rae think?" He showers and makes himself some pancakes. He goes and gets a haircut.

Next he goes to his family's home. "Nicky!" says a surprised Jane.

"Hi Mom." He hugs her. "Listen I came because... Could you all come to my place? I think it's time I start cleaning out Rachel's things. I thought maybe the girls could look through her clothes and pick out what they want. And maybe Aaron and me can catch up on our Nintendo."

"He'd like that, he's really missed you."


Back at Nick's the girls pick out some of Rae's clothes for themselves.


"I'll give the rest to charity." states Nick. "I'm going to finish cleaning the bedroom."

He goes to his room and locks the door. He enters the adjoining bathroom and looks at Rachel's makeup and toiletries and tosses them into a trash bag.

Tears run down his cheeks. He goes to the walk-in closet in the bedroom and look through her lingerie. He begins tossing things onto the bed when he eyes a picture of Rachel on the bedside table. He grabs it and yells, "HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME?" he throws it across the room. "I love you Rachel. Why did you leave me alone?" he cries. He picks up a desk chair and throws it through the French doors.

His family comes running everyone calling his name. "Nick open the door!" calls Bob.

Jane gives him a bobby pin from her hair to unlock the door. "Nick what's going on?!" she calls.

Nick sits on the floor and starts ripping Rachel's lingerie. "I can't let anybody else have these thing, you got them to please me. There will never be anyone else Rae, no one can replace you."

Finally the family gets inside. Jane goes and kneels in front of her son. He has stopped crying. He is tearing a nightgown and repeating in almost a
whisper, "It's not fair. It's not fair."


Without looking at her he says, "Mommy I killed her."

"What are you talking about?"

"I had the machine turned off. Who's to say she wouldn't have waken up?"

"Dr. Smith." Jane answers. She lifts Nick's chin. "You heard what she said Nick."

Tears fall from his eyes. "But maybe she was wrong."

Jane wipes his tears. "Your father and I will clean this mess up. Why don't you go for a walk on the beach with your siblings? It'll help you relax."

Nick spots a piece of broken glass. "I don't want to relax. I want to be with Rachel." He grabs the glass and holds it to his wrist.

"NICK NO!" Bob grabs him before he can harm himself.

"I NEED RACHEL!" yells Nick still holding the glass and trying to get away from his father.

"Nick please!" begs Jane crying and attempting to get the glass away from him.

He grabs it with both hands and screams when his hands are cut. He drops the glass and continues to cry in pain from both the cuts and losing Rachel.

"Leslie get some towels. BJ call an ambulance." says Jane.

As Bob rocks him Nick sobs, "I want Rachel."

Aaron burst into tears. "I want my brother!" he yells before running out of the room.

"Aaron!" Angel runs after him.

Nick keeps crying in silence staring into space by the time the ambulance gets there he's asleep.


Chapter 4