Chapter 5: Nick faces reality

A few days later Nick's stitches are removed. He's still with his family, and he hasn't regained his memory. Aaron is playing Nintendo. "Hey little brother. Can I join you?"

"How are your hands?"

"They're a little sore. Maybe since I've been out of commission for a while you can beat me."

Aaron hands him the other control. "Have you remembered anything since we were at the mall?"

"Nope and it's really getting on my nerves. That and not being able to talk to Rachel."

"Nick, Rachel..." He's about to tell Nick the truth but catches himself.

"Rachel what?"

"She loves you. You know she'd be here if she could." He thinks to himself, *"That's true, she would be."*

"I know. I love her too."

Jane comes in with groceries. "Can you boys help me?"

They each take a bag from her. "What's for dinner Mom?" asks Aaron.


Nick has a flashback to being with Aaron in the car and saying, "After I take you home I have to go to the grocery store. I'm going to make Rae spaghetti tonight."

"Nick?" Jane's voice brings him back to the present. "Are you alright?"

"I just remembered something."

"What was it?" asks Aaron.

"I remember telling you I was going to make spaghetti for Rachel."

"Anything else?" asks Jane.

Nick tries to think. "No. Nothing."

Jane hugs him, "Honey it'll all come back and we'll be here for you when it does."


After dinner Nick walks along the beach. He starts thinking about the beach ceremony. When he pictures Rachel in her beautiful dress he feels like he's been punched in the stomach. He doubles over. Bob and Jane come running out.

"Nick what's wrong?" asks Bob.

"I just envisioned Rachel when we had our private wedding. All of a sudden I felt as if somebody hit me. I don't know what brought it on. I'm going home. I think that'll help me remember."

"Nick..." says Jane.

"Mom it's as if you don't want me to remember."

"That's not true."

"We're just worried about you." declares Bob.

"I'll be fine as soon as I remember."


The next day Nick goes home. He takes his things to his room. Jane has replaced the broken picture frame, and the French doors have been repaired.

Nick notices that Rachel's make-up and things are gone from the bathroom but thinks she just took them with her. He goes to the closet and sees that some of her lingerie is gone. "What the...why would Rae take that stuff with her? What is going on?" He calls Jake.


"Hey Jake. It's Nick."

"Nick hey. Do you have your memory back?"

"No, but I have figured out that you're lying to me about Rachel. I want to know where my wife is and I want to know now."

Jake is quiet for a long while finally he says, "Nick you have to remember on your own."

"Has something happened to Rachel? What can't I remember? Please tell me!"

"Nick I have to go."

"JAKE DON'T HAN..." He hears the phone click. "Hang up." He places the receiver back on the hook and falls back onto the bed. "Rachel why won't anybody tell me where you are?"

He immediately begins to hear "Show Me the Meaning," "Tell me why can't I be there where you are." All the things he couldn't remember come flooding back.


A couple hours later BJ comes by. Nick doesn't answer the door so she uses her key. She finds him laying on his bed sobbing. She sits beside of him.


"BJ she's gone." he mumbles against the pillow.

BJ can't understand him. "What?"

He raises up. "Rachel's dead. That's what I couldn't remember."

She puts her arms around him. "Are you okay?"

"I...I guess so. I remember breaking down and trying to kill myself. I'm glad I didn't succeed, that's the last thing Rae would want me to do."

"We love you Nick. Rachel knows she left you in good hands."

He laughs. "Yeah, you all have been great. Thanks for putting up with me."

"No problem. You would do the same for one of us."

"Yeah I would."

"I think you need to go see Dr. Mitchell."

"That would probably be a good idea. I'll call him."

The receptionist puts him through. "Hello Nick. How are you?"

"Dr. Mitchell I remember everything. Can I come see you?"

"Sure. I'm free for the rest of the day, you can come whenever you like."

"I can be there in about forty-five minutes."

"That's fine. See you then."

"Thanks, goodbye." He gets cleaned up and BJ drives him to the doctor's office.


"What exactly do you remember?" asks Dr. Mitchell.

"I made dinner for Rachel. Afterwards she told me about the assignment Jake asked her to do. I didn't really want her to do it but I finally agreed. We went to bed and...we made love." Tears fall down his cheeks. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." assures Dr. Mitchell. He hands Nick a Kleenex. "Just take your time."

Nick sighs and continues on, "I told her I wanted us to have a baby when the tour and bodyguard job were over. She was so happy to hear me say that. I think she wanted a baby right away but was waiting on me to slow down so I could be there for everything. The next day was spent mostly just packing, then the next day she took me to the airport. We said our goodbyes and I headed for the gate. All of a sudden she ran back up to me and gave me a kiss. She said 'One last kiss.' I can hear her voice. When I think about it it's as if she knew something was going to happen."

"Maybe she did."

"I think I did too. A few nights later I dreamed a shark attacked her and I couldn't help her. I was in the cab on my way home when Jake called and said she'd been shot. I got to the hospital as they were taking her into the ER. She signed 'I love you.' I told her I love her. She was taken to surgery, and she ended up on a ventilator with brain damage. He family and I decided she wouldn't want to be left on the machine so I signed the papers. When she was taken off I hold her and sang to her. Even after she was gone I stayed with her. You know how I couldn't remember the ceremony on the beach?"


"I think it's because the dress that Rachel wore is the dress I had her buried in."

"I think you're right. Do you recall your nervous breakdown?"


"Do you remember telling your mother you killed Rachel?"


"Do you really feel that way?"

Nick thinks. "No. I just want her back so much I was trying to believe that she would have waken up and been all better."

"Do you blame her for leaving you?"

"I think maybe I did but I know she had no control over it."

"Have you visited her grave?"


"Perhaps you should. It'll help give you some closure. What do you think Rachel would want for you?"

"She wants me to move on and learn to live again without her."

"Maybe with someone else." suggests Dr. Mitchell.

Nick is stunned. "Doc she's been gone less than two months."

"I don't mean anytime soon, but eventually do you think you may marry again?"

"No one will replace Rae."

"Of course not, no one can be replaced."

"I don't think I could ever love again."


Chapter 6