Chapter 6: Rachel's spirit

When they leave the doctor's office BJ asks Nick, "Do you want me to take you to the cemetery now?"

"No, take home, I have to go alone."

When they get to Nick's he gets out of BJ's car and goes to his own.

"Nick are you sure about this?" BJ calls to him.

"BJ I'll be fine." he assures her.


Nick stops by the flower shop and buys a dozen white roses. At the cemetery he places them on Rachel's grave. He runs his hand over the headstone that reads, "Rachel Collins Carter. Belove wife, daughter, and sister."

"Hey Darlin'. I am so sorry that I haven't been here but I just wasn't willing to let you go but I know I have to. I believe you're watching me."

Rachel's spirit sits down beside of him. He can't hear (or see) her but she talks to him anyway, "I am Sweetie. I've hated watching you suffer."

"When you...died it was like I did to. But I didn't I have to go on, I just don't know how. This isn't fair. I know we said as long as we both shall live and we lived up to that but it wasn't supposed to end this way. I know that I have a lot of people who love me but you were different. Baby I don't think I'll ever get over losing you but I promise I'll try and move on. I know you want me to be happy."

"Nick that's all I ever wanted. I only want what's best for you. I was in love with you before I met you. Once I got to know you, Nick, not the Backstreet Boy, I feel even deeper."

"When I saw you that first day I can't describe the feeling that came over me. Yeah I was amazed that you were going to be my bodyguard but it wasn't just that. I fell in love with you right then but it took some time for me to realize how strong it really was, how strong it really is. I love you so much."

"I love you too." She lightly brushes his hair with her hand.

He feels a warm sensation move through him and smiles. "Rae." he whispers.

She smiles. "Yes Sweetheart I'm right here."


He goes to see his family. "How are you feeling?" asks Jane.

"I'm okay. At the cemetery I felt Rachel's spirit touch me. I know it sounds crazy."

"No it doesn't Nick." says Leslie. "Everyone knows how much Rachel loved you."

"Loves." proclaims Rachel who is standing behind Nick.

"It wouldn't surprise me if she's somewhere in this room right now." states Angel.

Rachel laughs. "If you only knew."


Nick is tossing and turning on Rae's side of the bed that night. "Maybe you would be more comfortable on your side." she suggests (Keep in mind that he can't hear her but he does sense her presence).

Nick slides over and Rachel lays down beside of him. "Baby please don't be angry with me for feeling the way I do. I'm just so empty without you."

"Nick I would feel the same way." She runs her hand down his arm.

He feels the sensation and a tear falls from his eyes. "I wish I could hold you."

For now at least she knows that can't happen.


Chapter 7