Chapter 7: Christmas without Rae

It is now December and Nick has to face his first Christmas without his wife. The rest of the Backstreet Boys have come to California to do a special concert. Nick is sitting on his sofa looking through a photo album.

Brian sits beside him. "Hey Frack. What you looking at?"

"Some pictures of Rae and me. Look at this one, it was our first Christmas as a married couple. Her family came in and both families went with us to the mountains for the snow, Rachel loved snow." They are looking at a picture and Nick and Rachel having a snowball fight.

Brian laughs. "Who won?"

Nick laughs too. "I think it was a tie. Last year everyone came here and Rachel did all the cooking. She wouldn't let anyone else do anything. I did finally talk her into letting me mash the potatoes." His voice breaks.

"Frick how am I gonna do this?" he asks.

Brian puts his arm around him. "With your friends and family, we're here for you Man."

"I know. It's just hard."


After the concert the Boys hold a meet and greet with their fans. A little girl about five years old comes up to Nick. "Hi Sweetie. What's your name?"

"Raquel." she answers.

"Raquel. That's pretty." he says. He thinks to himself, *"It sounds like Rachel."*

He signs Raquel's picture and pulls her onto his lap to have their picture taken together. "Thank you." says Raquel smiling.

"You're welcome Sweetie." He notices her looking behind him. He turns to see what she's staring at. He doesn't see anything. "What are you looking at?"

"You don't see her? She's so pretty."

"Who? What are you talking about?"

"It's an angel. I think your guardian angel because she's watching you."

Nick smiles. "Wait here, I'll be right back." He heads for the dressing room to get a picture of Rachel.

Rae watches him and says to herself. "I wish he could see me."

Nick goes back to Raquel with the picture. "Is this what the angel looks like?"

"Yeah that's her. She's right behind you. Why can't you see her?"

"I don't know but I wish I could. You are right about her being my guardian angel. She was even when she was alive."


It's Christmas Eve. The doorbell rings. Nick opens the door to a woman. "Can I help you?"

"Nick Carter?"


"I'm Suzanne Miller, the woman your wife was guarding when she was shot."

"Please come in."

"Thank you." She steps inside.

"May I take your coat?"


"Have a seat." They sit on the sofa. "I've wanted to talk with you. I just didn't..."

"Know how to go about it." she says. "I didn't know how to approach you either, or even if I should. I feel so guilty about what happened."

"Don't, it wasn't anybody's fault except for the killer's."

"I know that, it's just hard."

"I know. I felt like maybe I should have stopped her but taking care of people was more than Rae's job it's who she was. And you're alive so her job was done and her death wasn't in vain."

"Thank you. I was Christmas shopping and I found this. I want you to have it." She hands him a gift.

"What is it?"

"Open it."

It's an angel statuette. Nick smiles. "It's beautiful."

"I think it kind of looks like Rachel."

"Yeah it does kind of."

"I only spent a short time with her but I can tell you that she loved you more than anything. The mere mention of your name made her light up."

"Well at the mention of her name I got and still get the most amazing feeling. I can recall every single thing we ever did together. I feel every kiss and touch, hear every word. I love that woman more than life itself."

"I can see that."

"I have something I'd like to ask you." says Nick.

"What is it?"

"When she... Was she sca... I just want to know what happened that night."

"Okay. We were watching TV. All of a sudden the lights went out. We were stunned. There was a noise upstairs and Rachel told me to call the police and she headed for the steps. The phone was dead. She took my hand and we went upstairs. The guy jumped out at us. Rachel pushed me aside and started fighting with him. His back was to me so I didn't see the gun but I heard it go off. Rachel just looked shocked. She managed to turn him around and she pushed him through the window. She..." she stops and looks at Nick.

"Please go on."

"She fall to the floor. I ran to her, she remembered her cell-phone and told me to get it. I did, and I got some towels. I called 911 and did everything they said. I don't think she was in any pain. She was actually smiling. I asked her what she was thinking about and she said, 'My Nicky'." Nick starts sobbing. Suzanne hugs him. "Shh."

He pulls away. "She was thinking about me?"


"You're sure she wasn't scared or in pain?"

"It didn't appear that way."

"That's good."

"I think this talk helped us both."

Nick smiles. "Yeah."

"Well I'd better be going."

"Yeah, I gotta get ready to go to my family's house." He gets her coat for her. "Thanks for the gift."

"You're welcome. Well goodbye."

"Goodbye." Once Suzanne's out the door Nick looks at the statuette and smiles. "I love you Rachel." He holds it to his heart then places it on the mantle.


It's now Christmas day. "Nick I used Rachel's recipe and made some fudge." says BJ. "Is that okay? I think I did it right."

"Yeah it's fine. Listen everybody you don't have to walk on eggshells around me. I'm not going to have another nervous breakdown."

"But you are still grieving. We just don't want to cause you any more pain." states Jane.

"Mom I know you all would never intentionally hurt me."


Nick sits out on the front porch swing. "You're here aren't you Sweetheart?"

Just then Rachel flips a wind chime. There is no breeze so he knows it's her. He smiles. Aaron comes out and tells him, "Nick dinner's ready."

"I'll be there in a second." He walks over to the wind chime. "Merry Christmas Baby." he whispers. Rachel blows him a kiss. He feels it brush against his face. "I love you."

Chapter 8