Chapter 8: Someone New

Part I


It is now a year after Rachel's death. The BSB have done a U.S. tour and recorded an album that Nick dedicated to Rachel. He has decided to go visit her family. He surprises them. "Nick!" Dawn answers the door. She hugs him.

"Oh it's great to see you. Come in."

"It's great to see you too. I hope you don't mind me just showing up like this."

"Of course not." states Claude hugging him. "We've been wishing you would come."

"I talked to Lydia a few months ago but I've been too busy with the tour to get back in touch. Has she had her baby yet?"

"Yes she has." says Lydia entering the room with her husband and child.

She kisses him on the cheek. "How have you been?"

"Pretty good. It's tough but I've managed."

"This is my husband Rob. Rob this is Nick."

Rob shakes Nick's hand. "Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. Both BSB news and stuff from the family."

"Well it's nice to meet you too. I love my job but I like being a normal person also."

Lydia hands him the baby who is wrapped in the blanket he gave Lydia.

"And this little lady is your niece, Rachel Claudette."

Nick looks at Lydia surprised and smiles. "That was Rachel's name." He looks back at the baby and rubs his finger over her hand. She takes hold of it.

"Hi little Rachel. She's beautiful."

"Hi Precious." Rae whispers to the baby who smiles at her.

"What are you looking at?" Lydia asks the baby.

Nick smiles. "She sees her Aunt Rachel."

That night Dawn brings a box into the living room. "What's this?" asks Nick.

"Rachel's Backstreet Boys magazines and scrapbook. She wasn't as fanatical as some people but she loved getting information and pictures. When you were with that Candy girl she prayed that you'd see the light and stop letting her mistreat you. She wanted you to be happy. She could have accepted it if you had been with someone who made you happy but she knew you were miserable. She didn't care about your fame and fortune, she wanted to know who Nickolas Gene Carter was. She said celebrities were just ordinary with extraoridinary lives."

"She said she thought she was in love with me before she met me. Did you think that?"

"Yes. I didn't know it was possible. How can you fall in love with someone you've never met? But she did it. I remember the day she found out she would be guarding you."


"Rachel phone, it's Jake." calls Dawn.

Rachel comes to the phone. "Hey Jake. What's up? Another stalker, okay. Who will I be guarding? WHAT?! Are you kidding?! Yeah okay, I'll be ready when you get here." She hangs up the phone and squeals with delight. Tears fall down her cheeks.

"Rachel what's going on?" Dawn asks her pale daughter.

"Mommy it's Nick Carter." she cries.

"What's Nick Carter?"

Rae wipes away her tears and takes a deep breath. "He's being stalked. Brian Littrell and Kevin Richardson talked to Jake this morning about getting him a bodyguard. Jake wants to give me the job. I can't believe it."

"Rachel I know how you feel about this young man but don't get you hopes up."

"I won't. I don't even know if we would stand a chance at a relationship."

"You never know what might happen."

"I know that what's meant to happen will. All we can do is just wait and see."


"I guess it was meant to be." says Nick smiling.

"I don't think anything was more meant to be than you and Rachel."

"I miss her so much." he says with tears in his voice.

"So do I. I don't think we'll ever get over losing her but life goes on. It has to."

"Yeah. You're right."

"Nick when I said that Rachel would be alright if you were with someone who made you happy I think that's true now."

"What are you saying?"

"Have you thought about trying to meet someone new?"

"Rachel was the greatest I don't see how I could find anyone that could compare."

"Don't compare. If you find someone just accept her for who she is. Rachel only wants you to be happy."

"I can't imagine going out and looking for someone. It's like Rae said what's meant to happen will. She just came into my life. I didn't ask for her, she was just there when I needed her. If I'm meant to have someone else maybe she'll just show up like Rae did."

Rachel has been watching them and listening to their conversation. "He needs someone now like he needed me then. But who? Who can I get for him?"

A few days later Nick returns to California. He goes to visit Rachel's grave. "Hey Baby. I just got back from visiting your folks but I think that you already knew that. Baby Rachel saw you, I wish I could. I think your mom's right that it would be okay with you if I found someone new but I don't know if I can do that. I don't know if it would be fair to the other person. I love you so much, you're always going to be in my heart."

"Nick you had relationships before we got together that were special to you. What you have to think about now is the present not the past." She looks up at the sky. "Oh please let me be able to get through to him." She looks back at her husband. "My precious Nicky I love you, I want to make you happy again."


Part II