Part II


Later Nick goes to an outdoor cafe for lunch. Of course he doesn't see or hear Rachel who is sitting across from him. She is talking to herself, "I don't understand I got through so much easier before. Now he knows I'm hear but he doesn't *sense* me the way he did before." She looks at Nick's blue eyes, they don't shine like they should like they used to. She longs to see that look again, she knows there's only one way she will. "I'll find you whoever you are." she says thinking of the girl she has to find for Nick.

She decides to walk around. She sees a young woman standing waiting on her food with long auburn hair hanging in her face. Rachel manages to see that the woman is badly scarred. She sees the sad, alone yet hopeful look in her eyes. "That's the same look I had before Nick came into my life. It's you! You're the one!"

The woman feels a strange sensation as if someone is talking to her. "What the...? That was weird." she says as she picks up her order.

"Look at the freak talking to herself." laughs a guy standing with two other guys.

"Nick! Nick help!" yells Rachel.

"Rachel? No it can't be." he says.

The guys knock the woman's food out of her hands and start pushing her around and calling her names. "Ugly."



"Nick help! Hurry!" yells Rachel.

"I don't understand what's happening here." He gets up from the table and heads toward Rachel's voice. He sees three guys harassing a young woman.
"Hey leave her alone!" he yells.

"Yes!" Rachel exclaims.

The guys shove the woman toward Nick and run off. He holds her as she weeps.

"Shh. It's okay, they're gone now."

She continues to cry then finally pulls away from him. Without looking up she says, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He raises her chin. She tries to pull away but he looks down at her and brushes her hair out out her face. He sees her scars. She looks into his eyes, he doesn't have a disgusted look on his face like most get when they see her. "Jerks."

"What?" she asks.

"Those guys picking on you because you look different. It's what's on the inside that counts. People like that it doesn't matter what their exterior looks like they're really ugly."

She thinks to herself, *"I've only known him for five minutes, I don't even know his name and I think I'm falling in love with him."* "I'm Dylana by the way." she says holding out her hand.

He shakes it. "I'm Nick."

"Nice to meet you Nick." She thinks, *"He looks so familiar."*

"It's nice to meet you too Dylana." He sees the cheeseburger and vanilla shake on the ground. "How about I buy you some more food?"

"You don't have to do that."

"I know I don't. Just let me do it."

"Okay." Nick places the order. Dylana notices the rings on his left hand and feels sick to her stomach. Tears come to her eyes but she manages to blink them away. They go back to Nick's table. "I see you're married." she says.

Nick looks at his hand. "Widowed actually."

"Oh I'm sorry." She feels better but yet sad because she sees that he is.

Nick laughs. "I don't understand why men are called widowers but are still widowed."

Dylana laughs too. "I don't know. Mind if I ask what happened?"

"No. Would you mind telling me what happened to you?"


Nick sighs. "My wife was a bodyguard."

Dylana's eyes grow wide. "Wow."

Nick laughs. "Yeah. She would've hurt those guys bad for messing with you. Anyway there was this murder witness who was being harassed by the killer. The cops hadn't found the guy so the woman had to have a guard. He broke into the woman's house. He shot my wife."

Dylana gasps. "What happened to the guy?"

"Rachel killed him before she collapsed. She was on a ventilator and she wasn't ever going to wake up. I had the machine turned off. It's been just over a year. A month after she died I had a nervous breakdown and tried to cut my wrists. Luckily my dad grabbed me before I could. Then I ended up with amnesia and didn't remember that she had died."

"You went through a lot. I sometimes wanted to die but I never tried to kill myself. It's been a couple of years since I was in a car accident. This is the result." she says gesturing to her face.

"What about reconstructive surgery?"

"I've had a few but there was so much damage. I think that one day I'll finally get a completely new face. At least I hope."

"Well remember what I said about what's on the inside is what counts. I just met you and I think you're very pretty."

Dylana blushes. Just then a teenage girl comes up to Nick. "Excuse me. Aren't you Nick Carter?"

"Yes I am." he says wishing people wouldn't bother him.

"May I have your autograph?" asks the girl.

"Sure. What do you want me to sign?"

The girl laughs. "A napkin I guess. I have a pin but nothing to write on." She hands him a pin and he signs a napkin.

*"Who is he?"* Dylana wonders. *"Nick Carter. Oh yeah."* When the girl walks away she asks Nick, "You're a Backstreet Boy aren't you?"

"Yeah. That's my job but when I'm not working I'm just plain ol' Nick. I really wish people could see that."

"I can. People are people no matter what." She looks at her watch. "Nick I have to go. Thanks for rescuing me and for the food."

"You're welcome. Wait I don't know your last name."


"Well Miss Oliver why don't you give me your phone number so I can call you sometime?"



Part III